
Symfony 4 bundle for Atlas 3

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Watchers: 4

Forks: 3

Open Issues: 3


1.2.0 2018-08-14 12:37 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-11 04:40:40 UTC


This package makes the Atlas ORM and command-line tooling available as a bundle for Symfony 4 projects.

(Atlas is a data mapper for your persistence layer, not your domain layer.)

Installation and Configuration

  1. In your Symfony 4 project, enable contributor recipes:

    composer config extra.symfony.allow-contrib true
  2. Require the atlas/symfony package; this will activate a Symfony Flex recipe as part of the installation:

    composer require atlas/symfony ~1.0
  3. Edit these new .env variables to define your database connection:



If you are using PHPStorm, you may wish to copy the IDE meta file to your project to get full autocompletion on Atlas classes:

cp ./vendor/atlas/orm/resources/phpstorm.meta.php ./.phpstorm.meta.php

In the atlas.yaml config file, these settings are notable:

  • atlas.orm.atlas.log_queries: set this to true to enable the web profiler data collector for query logging.

  • atlas.orm.atlas.transaction_class: set this to one of the Atlas transaction strategy classes, such as Atlas\\Orm\\Transaction\\AutoTransact. For more information, see the transactions documentation.

  • The options section under any connection configuration can be used to set PDO attributes through the PDO constructor. For example:

    dsn: '%env(resolve:ATLAS_PDO_DSN)%'
    username: '%env(resolve:ATLAS_PDO_USERNAME)%'
    password: '%env(resolve:ATLAS_PDO_PASSWORD)%'
        !php/const PDO::EMULATE_PREPARES: false
        !php/const PDO::ATTR_CASE: !php/const PDO::CASE_NATURAL

Getting Started

Generating Mappers

Use the command-line tooling to create the skeleton files for all your database tables:

mkdir src/DataSource
php bin/console atlas:skeleton

The config/packages/atlas.yaml file specifies App\DataSource\ as the namespace, and src/DataSource/ as the directory. To change them, modify the atlas.cli.config.input values for directory and namespace as you see fit.

The database table names will be converted to singular for their relevant type names in PHP. If you want a different type names for certain tables, modify the atlas.cli.transform values in the atlas.yaml file to map a from table name to a type name.

As you make changes to the database, re-run the skeleton generator, and the relevant table files will be regenerated.

For more information, see

Using Atlas

Now that there are mappers for all the database tables, you can use the Symfony dependency injection system to autowire Atlas into your classes for you.

namespace App;

use Atlas\Orm\Atlas;
use App\DataSource\Thread\Thread
use App\DataSource\Thread\ThreadRecord;

class ApplicationService
    public function __construct(Atlas $atlas)
        $this->atlas = $atlas;

    public function fetchThreadById($thread_id) : ThreadRecord
        return $this->atlas->fetchRecord(Thread::class, $thread_id);

Full documentation for using Atlas is at
