
A Laravel Envoy deployment package for streamlined and consistent deployment processes across projects.

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dev-main 2024-07-14 18:31 UTC


Bankai offers a streamlined solution for achieving zero-downtime deployments in Laravel applications using Envoy. This comprehensive guide covers installation, configuration, and deployment processes, complete with examples and detailed explanations.


  • PHP 8.1 or higher
  • Laravel 9.x, 10.x, 11.x


Begin by integrating Bankai with your Laravel project via Composer:

composer require axazara/bankai --dev


After installation, initialize Bankai with the following command:

php artisan bankai:install

This will:

  • Publish bankai.php in your config directory.
  • Add Envoy.blade.php to your project's root.

Customize bankai.php according to your project's needs.

Example Configuration (bankai.php)

return [
    // General settings for the deployment
    'settings' => [
        'repository' => 'your-repository', // Specify the Git repository URL
        'slack_webhook' => '', // Slack webhook URL, leave empty to disable
        'slack_channel' => '#deployment', // Slack channel for notifications

    // Define environments such as staging, production
    'environments' => [
        'staging' => [
            'ssh_host' => 'your-host', // SSH host for the server
            'ssh_user' => 'your-user', // SSH user for deployment
            'url' => 'your-app-url-here', // Application URL
            'branch' => 'main', // Branch to deploy
            'path' => '', // Path to the deployment directory
            'php' => 'php', // PHP binary to use
            'migration' => false, // Set true to run migrations
            'seeder' => false, // Set true to run seeders
            'maintenance' => false, // Set true to enable maintenance mode
            'composer' => 'composer', // Composer binary to use
            'composer_options' => '', // Additional options for Composer
            'octane' => [
                'install' => false, // Set true if using Laravel Octane
                'reload' => false, // Set true to reload Octane servers
                'server' => 'swoole', // Octane server type (e.g., Swoole)
            'horizon' => [
                'terminate' => true, // Set true to terminate Horizon after deployment
            'queue' => [
                'restart' => false, // Set true to restart queue workers

PS: Currently, Bankai does not work with FrankenPHP for Laravel octane.

Example Configuration (Envoy.blade.php)


    define('LARAVEL_START', microtime(true));
    $app = require_once __DIR__.'/bootstrap/app.php';
    $kernel = $app->make(Illuminate\Contracts\Console\Kernel::class);

    try {
        $config = new AxaZara\Bankai\DeploymentConfig($env);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo $e->getMessage();




    cd "{{ $releasePath }}"

    cd "{{ $currentRelease }}"

Deployment Steps

Step 1: Prepare Deployment Directories

Setup your deployment environment:

vendor/bin/envoy run setup --env={Your Environment}

Creates three key directories:

  • Releases: Houses all deployments.
  • Shared: For shared resources like .env files.
  • Backup: Stores backups of releases.
  • Current: Symlink pointing to the current release.
  • Your application secret key is generated and stored in shared/.env

PS : This is a one-time setup, and generally, do from your local machine.

Step 2: Execute Deployment

Deploy with:

vendor/bin/envoy run deploy --env={Your Environment}

PS : This can be run from your local machine, or from your CI/CD pipeline. At Axa Zara, we automatically deploy our applications after each merge to the staging or release branch via Gitlab CI/CD.

Step 3: Post-Deployment Tasks

Add tasks in Envoy.blade.php for post-deployment actions: These tasks are executed after the deployment is complete.


    cd {{ $releasePath }}
    php artisan jwt:secret --force

Use the following variables in your tasks:

  • $releasePath is the path to the ongoing release directory.
  • $php is the path to the PHP binary.
  • $composer is the path to the Composer binary.

Step 4: Configure your Web Server

You can configure your web server to serve the application from the current/public directory. For exemple is your use Laravel Forge, your should set your website directory to current/public. current/public will always point to the latest release.


You can quickly revert to previous releases if needed:

vendor/bin/envoy run deploy:rollback --env={Your Environment}

Post-Rollback Tasks

After rollback, you can run tasks in Envoy.blade.php:

    cd {{ $currentRelease }}

You can use the following variables in your tasks:

  • $currentRelease is the path to the current release directory.
  • $php is the path to the PHP binary.
  • $composer is the path to the Composer binary.

Additional Commands

  • List releases: vendor/bin/envoy run releases --env=foo
  • List backups: vendor/bin/envoy run backups --env=foo

Zero-Downtime Deployment Mechanics

  1. New Release Preparation: Bankai creates a new release in the "Releases" directory.
  2. Symlink Switching: The symlink pointing to the current version is instantaneously switched to the new release.
  3. Shared Resources: Consistency across deployments is maintained via shared directories and files.
  4. Rollbacks: Quickly revert to previous releases if needed.
  5. Maintenance: Post-deployment, old releases can be cleaned up.

Sentry Integration

Bankai supports Sentry integration for release tracking. If enabled, Bankai will automatically create a new release in Sentry after each deployment. To enable Sentry integration, add the following to bloc bankai.php (config file):

 'sentry' => [
        'enabled'            => false,
        'organization'       => 'your-organization',
        'project'            => 'your-project',
        'token'              => 'your-token',
        'version'            => null // If null, the release will be the current release name, otherwise it will be the value of this key
  • sentry.enabled: Set to true to enable Sentry integration.
  • sentry.organization: Your Sentry organization.
  • sentry.project: Your Sentry project.
  • sentry.token: Your Sentry auth token. Learn more here.
  • sentry.version: Your Sentry release version. Defaults to the current release name.


Contributions are welcome.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within this package, please send an e-mail to Axa Zara Security via All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.


This project is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.