
Hydrates input DTOs from request input.

1.0.1 2020-11-01 04:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 05:49:41 UTC


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Input hydrator is a simple hydrator made for the sole purpose of hydrating data-transfer input objects.


$ composer require azjezz/input-hydrator


use AzJezz\Input;

final class Search implements Input\InputInterface
    public string $query;

 * @var Search $search
$search = (new Input\Hydrator())->hydrate(Search::class, $_GET);

print $search->query;

While hydrating objects, some exceptions might be thrown:

  • AzJezz\Input\Exception\TypeException: this exception should result in 500 HTTP status code, as it represents an issue within the input class itself. such as the usage of a non-supported type, or missing type for a specific property.

  • AzJezz\Input\Exception\BadInputException: this exception should result in a 400 HTTP status code, as it means that the supplied request data doesn't match the input DTO structure.

Currently, Input-Hydrator is limited to a small set of types:

  • scalar ( string, int, float, and bool )
  • null
  • any object that implements AzJezz\Input\InputInterface

Union types are supported for PHP >= 8.0, for example:

use AzJezz\Input;

final class Filter implements Input\InputInterface
    public ?int $maximumPrice;
    public ?int $minimumPrice;

final class Search implements Input\InputInterface
    public string $query;
    public null|Filter|string $filter = null;

 * $filter is optional, and is missing from the request, therefore it's gonna contain the default value.
 * @var Search $search
$search = (new Input\Hydrator())->hydrate(Search::class, [
  'query' => 'hello'

 * $search->filter is now an instance of `Filter`
 * @var Search $search
$search = (new Input\Hydrator())->hydrate(Search::class, [
  'query' => 'hello',
  'filter' => [
    'maximum_price' => 1000,
    'minimum_price' => 10, // the field is optional ( nullable ), so we can remove this line.

 * $search->filter is now a string
 * @var Search $search
$search = (new Input\Hydrator())->hydrate(Search::class, [
  'query' => 'hello',
   // this is okay as the `null|Filter|string` union contains `string`
  'filter' => 'maximum_price=1000&minimum_price=10',

print $search->query;


The MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information.