
Registers a Mapper for URL enhancements

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1.1.0 2021-10-21 10:25 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-21 21:07:07 UTC


TYPO3 v9 comes with great ways to enhance URLs, called "Enhancers" for additions / suffixes for a page URL, and "Aspects" (and their special category "Mappers"), to transform a specific value back and forth between the application and the URL.

This extension ships with a new Mapper called UniqueAlias. It works similar to what people know from the PersistedAliasMapper, however when using TYPO3 installations, our projects mostly want:

  • to have the key unique, even if two records have the same title
  • everything special-chared and lower-case


Use it via composer req b13/uniquealiasmapper or install the Extension uniquealiasmapper from the TYPO3 Extension Repository.

Once ready, you can configure the Mapper in your site configuration file.

Example with tt_address.company

Example which maps $_GET['addressid'] into a /address/burger-king-germany based on the company field of tt_address.

    type: Simple
    routePath: '/address/{partneralias}'
      partneralias: addressid
        type: UniqueAlias
        tableName: 'tt_address'
        aliasField: 'company'
        expires: '15d'
          fallbackCharacter: '-'

In the partial ListItem.html of tt_address the link could be generated this way: <f:link.page pageUid="{settings.singlePid}" additionalParams="{addressid: address}">Details</f:link.page>.

With the Unique Alias Mapper, the URL will look like this: https://example.com/my/page/address/burger-king-germany/

With TYPO3's Core "PersistedAliasMapper" the URL will look like this https://example.com/my/page/address/Burger%20King%20Germany/.

On top, this Mapper comes with a caching layer in between, just like RealURL's "uniqAlias" feature did in the past.

Even more complex route enhancers are possible too. An example for a link with a controller/action (Movie/show) of an extension myext where the uid is in the parameter tx_myext_pi1[content] and title is a column of tx_myext_domain_model_content:

    type: Extbase
      - 24
    extension: Myext
    plugin: Pi1
        routePath: '/entry/{myext_title}'
        _controller: 'Movie::show'
          myext_title: content
    defaultController: 'Movie::list'
        type: UniqueAlias
        tableName: tx_myext_domain_model_content
        aliasField: title
        expires: 15d
          fallbackCharacter: '-'


The expiration functionality does not cut it yet, so we need to improve this area. Pull Requests welcome.


Thanks to the RealURL authors for providing such a good logic, which served as inspiration for this Mapper. On top, the creators of the Aspects/Mappers - thanks to them for providing such a flexible and extensible way for creating custom mappers and enhancers.


As TYPO3 Core, uniquealiasmapper is licensed under GPL2 or later. See the LICENSE file for more details.

Authors & Maintenance

uniquealiasmapper was initially created for a customer project by Benni Mack for b13, Stuttgart.

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