
Bagisto Package Generator

v2.0.0 2024-02-14 14:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-05 07:38:26 UTC


1. Introduction

Bagisto Package Generator will create a sample package for you with a single command

It packs in lots of demanding features that allows your business to scale in no time:

  • Create package with a single command.

2. Requirements

  • Bagisto: v2.0 or higher.

3. Installation

Install with composer

Go to the root folder of Bagisto and run the following command

composer require bagisto/bagisto-package-generator

That's it, now just execute the project on your specified domain.

4. Summary

After setting up, you will see that there are list of package commands which help you to make your package creation smooth.

Below are the list of commands,

--force : To overwrite the files

--plain : When you need only directory structure template, files are not included when this argument is passed

5. Usage

Let's get started with our first command

1. Create a new package

This command will generate all the necessary files which previously you create manually for your package.

php artisan package:make ACME/TestPackage

For e.g., If you want to create a package which named as 'TestPackage', then you need to use the command like this,

php artisan package:make ACME/TestPackage

This will create whole directory structure for you automatically so that you don't want to do manually like registering routes, views, etc.

New package with just directory structure

If you want to do things manually only need folder structures, then there is a optional argument known as 'plain'. Below is the sample,

php artisan package:make ACME/TestPackage --plain
New package with force command

If somehow folder or package is already present, then simple command won't work. So to overcome this problem we need to use force command.

php artisan package:make ACME/TestPackage --force

2. Create a new admin controller

This command will generate a new controller for your admin portion.

php artisan package:make-admin-controller AdminTestController ACME/TestPackage
Create a new admin controller with force command

If controller is already present, then you need to use the force command.

php artisan package:make-admin-controller AdminTestController ACME/TestPackage --force

3. Create a new admin routes file

If you want to create an admin route, then you need to use this command and then register your routes file in the service provider i.e. 'ACME\TestPackage\Providers\TestPackageServiceProvider'.

php artisan package:make-admin-route ACME/TestPackage
Create a new admin routes file with force command

If admin routes file already present and you want to override this, then you need to use force command.

php artisan package:make-admin-route ACME/TestPackage --force

4. Create a new shop controller

This command will generate a new controller for your shop portion i.e. 'packages/ACME/TestPackage/src/Http/Controllers/Shop'.

php artisan package:make-shop-controller ShopTestController ACME/TestPackage
Create a new shop controller with force command

If controller is already present, then you need to use the force command.

php artisan package:make-shop-controller ShopTestController ACME/TestPackage --force

5. Create a new shop routes file

If you want to create a shop route, then you need to use this command and then register your routes file in the service provider i.e. 'ACME\TestPackage\Providers\TestPackageServiceProvider'.

php artisan package:make-shop-route ACME/TestPackage
Create a new shop routes file with force command

If shop routes file already present and you want to override this, then you need to use force command.

php artisan package:make-shop-route ACME/TestPackage --force

6. Create a new model class

This command will create a following files,

  • New model class in 'packages/ACME/TestPackage/src/Models' directory.
  • New model proxy class in 'packages/ACME/TestPackage/src/Models' directory.
  • New model contract in 'packages/ACME/TestPackage/src/Contracts' directory.
php artisan package:make-model TestModel ACME/TestPackage
Create a new model with force command

This command will overwrite all three files.

php artisan package:make-model TestModel ACME/TestPackage --force

7. Create a new model proxy class

This command will create a new model proxy class in 'packages/ACME/TestPackage/src/Models' directory.

php artisan package:make-model-proxy TestModelProxy ACME/TestPackage
Create a new model proxy with force command

If model proxy class already present then you can use force command for overwriting.

php artisan package:make-model-proxy TestModelProxy ACME/TestPackage --force

8. Create a new model contract

This command will create a new model contract in 'packages/ACME/TestPackage/src/Contracts' directory.

php artisan package:make-model-contract TestContract ACME/TestPackage
Create a new model contract with force command

If model contract already present then you can use force command for overwriting.

php artisan package:make-model-contract TestDataGrid ACME/TestPackage --force

9. Create a new migration class

This command will create a new migration class in 'packages/ACME/TestPackage/src/Database/Migrations' directory.

php artisan package:make-migration TestMigration ACME/TestPackage

10. Create a new seeder class

This command will create a new seeder class in 'packages/ACME/TestPackage/src/Database/Seeders' directory.

php artisan package:make-seeder TestSeeder ACME/TestPackage
Create a new seeder class with force command

If seeder class already present then you can use force command for overwriting.

php artisan package:make-seeder TestSeeder ACME/TestPackage --force

11. Create a new request class

This command will create a new request class in 'packages/ACME/TestPackage/src/Http/Requests' directory.

php artisan package:make-request TestRequest ACME/TestPackage
Create a new request class with force command

If request class already present then you can use force command for overwriting.

php artisan package:make-request TestRequest ACME/TestPackage --force

12. Create a new middleware class

This command will create a new middleware class in 'packages/ACME/TestPackage/src/Http/Middleware' directory.

php artisan package:make-middleware TestMiddleware ACME/TestPackage
Create a new middleware class with force command

If middleware class already present then you can use force command for overwriting.

php artisan package:make-middleware TestMiddleware ACME/TestPackage --force

13. Create a new datagrid class

This command will create a new data grid class in 'packages/ACME/TestPackage/src/Datagrids' directory.

php artisan package:make-datagrid TestDataGrid ACME/TestPackage
Create a new datagrid class with force command

If data grid class already present then you can use force command for overwriting.

php artisan package:make-datagrid TestDataGrid ACME/TestPackage --force

14. Create a new repository class

This command will create a new repository class in 'packages/ACME/TestPackage/src/Repositories' directory.

php artisan package:make-repository TestRepository ACME/TestPackage
Create a new repository with force command

If repository class already present then you can use force command for overwriting.

php artisan package:make-repository TestRepository ACME/TestPackage --force

15. Create a new service provider class

This command will create a new service provider class in 'packages/ACME/TestPackage/src/Providers' directory.

php artisan package:make-provider TestServiceProvider ACME/TestPackage
Create a new service provider with force command

If service provider class already present then you can use force command for overwriting.

php artisan package:make-provider TestServiceProvider ACME/TestPackage --force

16. Create a new event class

This command will create a new event class in 'packages/ACME/TestPackage/src/Events' directory.

php artisan package:make-event TestEvent ACME/TestPackage
Create a new event with force command

If event class already present then you can use force command for overwriting.

php artisan package:make-event TestEvent ACME/TestPackage --force

17. Create a new listener class

This command will create a new listener class in 'packages/ACME/TestPackage/src/Listeners' directory.

php artisan package:make-listener TestListener ACME/TestPackage
Create a new listener class with force command

If listener class already present then you can use force command for overwriting.

php artisan package:make-listener TestListener ACME/TestPackage --force

18. Create a new notification class

This command will create a new notification class in 'packages/ACME/TestPackage/src/Notifications' directory.

php artisan package:make-notification TestNotification ACME/TestPackage
Create a new notification with force command

If notification class already present then you can use force command for overwriting.

php artisan package:make-notification TestNotification ACME/TestPackage --force

19. Create a new mail class

This command will create a new mail class in 'packages/ACME/TestPackage/src/Mail' directory.

php artisan package:make-mail TestMail ACME/TestPackage
Create a new mail class with force command

If mail class already present then you can use force command for overwriting.

php artisan package:make-mail TestMail ACME/TestPackage --force

20. Create a new command class

This command will create a new command class in the 'packages/ACME/TestPackage/src/Console/Commands' directory.

php artisan package:make-command TestCommand ACME/TestPackage
Create a new command class with force command

If command class already present then you can use force command for overwriting.

php artisan package:make-command TestCommand ACME/TestPackage --force

21. Create a new payment class

This command will create a new payment class in 'packages/ACME/TestPackage/src/Payment' directory.

php artisan package:make-payment TestPayment ACME/TestPackage
Create a new payment with force command

If payment class already present then you can use force command for overwriting.

php artisan package:make-payment TestPayment ACME/TestPackage --force

22. Create a new shipping class

This command will create a new shipping class in 'packages/ACME/TestPackage/src/Carriers' directory.

php artisan package:make-shipping TestShipping ACME/TestPackage
Create a new shipping class with force command

If shipping class already present then you can use force command for overwriting.

php artisan package:make-shipping TestShipping ACME/TestPackage --force

23. Create a new module service provider class

This command will create a new module service provider class in 'packages/ACME/TestPackage/src/Providers' directory.

php artisan package:make-module-provider TestServiceProvider ACME/TestPackage
Create a new module service provider with force command

If module service provider class already present then you can use force command for overwriting.

php artisan package:make-module-provider TestServiceProvider ACME/TestPackage --force

24. Create a new vite config file.

This command will create a new vite config file in 'packages/ACME/TestPackage' directory.

php artisan package:make-vite-config vite.config ACME/TestPackage
This command will create a new vite config file with force command

If vite config file already present then you can use force command for overwriting.

php artisan package:make-vite-config vite.config ACME/TestPackage --force

25. Create a new tailwind config file.

This command will create a new tailwind config file in 'packages/ACME/TestPackage' directory.

php artisan package:make-tailwind-config tailwind.config ACME/TestPackage
This command will create a new tailwind config file with force command

If tailwind config file already present then you can use force command for overwriting.

php artisan package:make-tailwind-config tailwind.config ACME/TestPackage --force

26. Create a new post css config file.

This command will create a new post css config file in 'packages/ACME/TestPackage' directory.

php artisan package:make-postcss-config postcss.config ACME/TestPackage
This command will create a new postcss config file with force command

If postcss config file already present then you can use force command for overwriting.

php artisan package:make-postcss-config tailwind.config ACME/TestPackage --force

27. Create a new payment method package

This command will create a whole new payment package for you in 'packages/ACME/Stripe' directory.

php artisan package:make-payment-method ACME/Stripe
Create a new payment method with force command

This command will overwrite whole directory structure.

php artisan package:make-payment-method ACME/Stripe --force

28. Create a new payment method service provider class

This command will create a new payment method service provider class in 'packages/ACME/Stripe/src/Providers' directory.

php artisan package:make-payment-method-provider TestPaymentMethodServiceProvider ACME/Stripe
Create a new payment method service provider class with force command

If payment method service provider class already present then you can use force command for overwriting.

php artisan package:make-payment-method-provider TestPaymentMethodServiceProvider ACME/Stripe --force

29. Create a new shipping method package

This command will create a whole new shipment package in 'packages/ACME/FedEx' directory.

php artisan package:make-shipping-method ACME/FedEx
Create a new shipping method with force command

This command will override whole directory structure.

php artisan package:make-shipping-method ACME/FedEx --force

30. Create a new shipping method service provider class

This command will create a new shipping method service provider class 'packages/ACME/FedEx/src/Providers' directory.

php artisan package:make-shipping-method-provider TestShippingMethodServiceProvider ACME/FedEx
Create a new shipping method service provider with force command

If shipping method service provider class already present then you can use force command for overwriting.

php artisan package:make-shipping-method-provider TestShippingMethodServiceProvider ACME/FedEx --force

31. Create a new theme for shop

This command will create a new theme array inside 'config/themes.php' file under shop key.

php artisan package:make-shop-theme test ACME/Theme --force

32. Create a new theme for admin

This command will create a new theme array inside 'config/themes.php' file under admin key.

php artisan package:make-admin-theme test ACME/Theme --force