
Adds bash completion for Laravel 9+ artisan CLI.

v2.0.2 2025-03-04 19:47 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-04 18:48:20 UTC


Original projects:

This adds bash completion for Laravel 9–12 artisan CLI, both for commands and options.

For Laravel versions 5.5+ to Laravel 8, you can install version ^1.0.


artisan db:<tab>
monitor  seed     show     table    wipe

artisan db:se<tab>  →  artisan db:seed

artisan db:seed --<tab>
--ansi            --env             --no-ansi         --verbose
--class           --force           --no-interaction  --version
--database        --help            --quiet

artisan db:seed --dat<tab>  →  artisan db:seed --database


composer require --dev balping/artisan-bash-completion

This package works with package auto-discovery, so you don't need to register a service provider.

Create an alias for the php artisan command with the likes of echo 'alias artisan="php artisan"' >> ~/.bash_aliases

Put the file artisan (found in the root of this repo) to /etc/bash_completion.d/ and remember to source it with . /etc/bash_completion.d/artisan (or source every completion script with . /etc/bash_completion). You might also need to source your aliases file: . ~/.bash_aliases

Now use artisan and start tabbing away...

Upgrade from v1

Replace /etc/bash_completion.d/artisan with the current version of this file, found in the root of this repo.


Licensed under GPL v3.