
Integrates the Yii Framework Form package with view-latte Latte Template Renderer simplifying form creation

dev-master 2025-02-15 21:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 21:53:56 UTC


View Latte Form is a Latte extension that integrates the Yii 3 Form Model package with view-latte, a Latte Template View Renderer for Yii3.


  • PHP 8.1 or higher.


Install the package using Composer:


composer require beastbytes/view-latte-form

or add the following to the require section of your composer.json

"beastbytes/view-latte-form": "*"


To configure Latte to use the extension add it to the extensions key of beastbytes/view-latte in the params of your configuration.

'beastbytes/view-latte' => [
    // filters and functions
    'extensions' => [
        new BeastBytes\View\Latte\Form\FormExtension(),


The extension adds tags to Latte for form fields (including errorSummary), and the form and fieldset HTML tags. The extension follows the conventions of the Form Model package, in that form fields are specified with the form model, field parameter, and optionally a theme; all other options are specified in the field configuration using Latte's filter syntax; where an option takes a value, the value is the same as for the equivalent form model field type.

Form Fields

Form field tags can have the same names as the Yii fields or HTML fields, e.g. 'text', 'email', etc.; 'tel' or 'telephone' can be used, as can 'submit' or 'submitButton', and 'reset' or 'resetButton'.


Write forms in Latte templates using the tags and configuration "filters" defined by the extension.

A form input has the pattern:

{tag $formModel, 'parameter'|config1|config2|...|configN}

Example 1

Login form

{form $action|csrf:$csrf}
    {email $formModel, 'email'|required|tabIndex}
    {password $formModel, 'password'|required|tabIndex}
    {submitButton 'Login'}

Example 2

A form to collect a person's name, email, address, phone number, and agreement to terms:

{form $action|csrf:$csrf}
    {errorSummary $formModel|onlyFirst}
    {text $formModel, 'givenName'|tabIndex}
    {text $formModel, 'familyName'|required|tabIndex}
    {email $formModel, 'email'|required|tabIndex}
    {text $formModel, 'streetAddress'|required|tabIndex}
    {text $formModel, 'locality'|required|tabIndex}
    {text $formModel, 'region'|required|tabIndex}
    {text $formModel, 'postalCode'|required|tabIndex}
    {select $formModel, 'country'|required|tabIndex|optionsData:$countries}
    {tel $formModel, 'telephone'|required|tabIndex}
    {checkbox $formModel, 'agree'|tabIndex}
    {submit 'Submit'}

Extra Features

The package adds some extra features that make developing a form even easier.

  • Field enrichment: If you use field enrichment - setting options based on validation rules, e.g. required, just add the enrich option. Yii's Field Enricher is used by default, but you can specify your own.
  {text $formModel, 'familyName'|enrich} {* use the default enricher *}
  {text $formModel, 'familyName'|enrich:$myEnricher} {* use $myEnricher *}
  • Tab Index: If no value is given with the tabIndex option the package will auto index the fields. You can pass a value if you want to. NOTE do not mix auto indexing and self indexing in a form.
    {* Auto indexing *}
    {text $formModel, 'givenName'|tabIndex}
    {text $formModel, 'familyName'|tabIndex}
    {* Self indexing *}
    {text $formModel, 'givenName'|tabIndex:1}
    {text $formModel, 'familyName'|tabIndex:2}

IDE Support

JetBrains PhpStorm

Install the Latte Support plugin. Either copy the latte.xml file (in the root directory of this package) to the .idea directory of your project or merge with an existing latte.xml.


The BeastBytes View Latte Form package is free software. It is released under the terms of the BSD License. Please see LICENSE for more information.