
SPARQL abstraction layer for PHP

0.4.2 2016-01-21 17:22 UTC

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Last update: 2024-10-12 18:24:19 UTC


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Asparagus is a SPARQL abstraction layer for PHP. It's design is inspired by the DBAL query builder.


You can use Composer to download and install this package as well as its dependencies. Alternatively you can simply clone the git repository and take care of loading yourself.


To add this package as a local, per-project dependency to your project, simply add a dependency on benestar/asparagus to your project's composer.json file. Here is a minimal example of a composer.json file that just defines a dependency on Asparagus 0.3:

    "require": {
        "benestar/asparagus": "~0.4"


Get the Asparagus code, either via git, or some other means. Also get all dependencies. You can find a list of the dependencies in the "require" section of the composer.json file. The "autoload" section of this file specifies how to load the resources provide by this library.


Most of the methods in QueryBuilder return the builder instance so you can build a query by calling the methods one by one. Currently, the QueryBuilder supports to manage prefixes, select variables, add basic triple conditions and group them by subject and predicate, and full support for all query modifiers SPARQL provides.

The QueryBuilder instance can be passed to a QueryExecuter or the SPARQL can be obtained as is using getSPARQL or formatted using format.

Basic functionality

In the following example, a simple SPARQL query is generated asking for all persons who have a name and an email address stored in the database.

use Asparagus\QueryBuilder;

$prefixes = array(
	'test' => ''

$queryBuilder = new QueryBuilder( $prefixes );
$queryBuilder->select( '?name', '?email' )
	->where( '?person', 'test:name', '?name' )
	->also( 'test:email', '?email' )
	->limit( 10 );

echo $queryBuilder->format();

The generated query looks like:

PREFIX test: <>

SELECT ?name ?email WHERE {
	?person test:name ?name ;
		test:email ?email .

Optionals and filters

The following snippet creates a more complex query using optional values and filters. Only persons who do not have their email address deposited in the database are shown.

use Asparagus\QueryBuilder;

$prefixes = array(
	'test' => ''

$queryBuilder = new QueryBuilder( $prefixes );
$queryBuilder->select( '?name' )
	->where( '?person', 'test:name', '?name' )
	->optional( '?person', 'test:email', '?email' )
	->filter( '!BOUND (?email)' );

echo $queryBuilder->format();

The generated query looks like:

PREFIX test: <>

	?person test:name ?name .
		?person test:email ?email .
	FILTER (!BOUND (?email))


More complex queries can be built by using subgraphs or subqueries. To create a new subgrapho or subquery, you can call QueryBuilder::newSubgraph or QueryBuilder::newSubquery. GraphBuilder supports all graph functions also supported by QueryBuilder and it will return itself as well. If alternative conditions should be matched, you can use QueryBuilder::union to specify several graph patterns which are all allowed.

The next query returns titles and authors of books recorded using Dublin Core properties from version 1.0 or version 1.1.

use Asparagus\QueryBuilder;

$prefixes = array(
	'dc10' => '',
	'dc11' => ''

$queryBuilder = new QueryBuilder( $prefixes );

$queryBuilder->select( '?title', '?author' )
			->where( '?book', 'dc10:title', '?title' )
			->also( 'dc10:creator', '?author' ),
			->where( '?book', 'dc11:title', '?title' )
			->also( 'dc11:creator', '?author' )

echo $queryBuilder->format();

The generated query looks like:

PREFIX dc10: <>
PREFIX dc11: <>

SELECT ?title ?author WHERE {
		?book dc10:title ?title ;
			dc10:creator ?author .
	} UNION {
		?book dc11:title ?title ;
			dc11:creator ?author .


This library comes with a set up PHPUnit tests that cover all non-trivial code. You can run these tests using the PHPUnit configuration file found in the root directory. The tests can also be run via TravisCI, as a TravisCI configuration file is also provided in the root directory.

Release notes

0.4.2 (2016-01-21)

  • Fixed incompatible changes in QueryExecuter

0.4.1 (2016-01-21)

  • Fixed return value of QueryExecuter::execute

0.4 (2015-10-01)

  • Added QueryBuilder::describe
  • QueryBuilder::select, QueryBuilder::selectDistinct and QueryBuilder::selectReduced now throw RuntimeException

0.3.1 (2015-09-06)

  • Added support for native values in selects

0.3 (2015-06-22)

  • Renamed previously package-private QueryConditionBuilder to GraphBuilder
  • Removed QueryBuilder::hasSubquery
  • Added QueryBuilder::getSelects
  • Added QueryBuilder::selectDistinct and QueryBuilder::selectReduced
  • Added QueryBuilder::optional
  • Added QueryBuilder::filter, QueryBuilder::filterExists and QueryBuilder::filterNotExists
  • Added QueryBuilder::union
  • Added QueryBuilder::newSubgraph
  • QueryBuilder::select and QueryBuilder::groupBy now require functions to be wrapped by brackets
  • QueryBuilder::groupBy now accepts multiple arguments
  • QueryBuilder::where and QueryBuilder::also now support property paths in predicates

0.2.1 (2015-06-19)

  • Fixed to use prefixed variables in QueryBuilder::select

0.2 (2015-06-18)

  • Renamed QueryBuilder::plus to QueryBuilder::also
  • QueryBuilder::select, QueryBuilder::groupBy and QueryBuilder::orderBy now expect prefixed variables instead of just the variable name
  • Removed QueryBuilder::prefix as prefixes should be defined in the constructor
  • Added more validation for variables and prefixes. QueryBuilder::getSPARQL will throw a RangeException if the validation fails.
    • Selected variables that don't occur in the conditions are detected
    • Prefixes which haven't been declared are detected
    • Variable names and IRIs now have to mach the correct format
    • A list of supported functions has been added and a check to find bracket mismatches

0.1 (2015-06-17)

Initial release with these features:

  • A QueryBuilder with basic functionality to generate SPARQL queries
  • A QueryFormatter to make SPARQL queries human-readable
  • A QueryExecuter which sends queries to a SPARQL endpoint and parses the result


Asparagus is licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 2. A copy of the license can be found in the LICENSE file.