bfg / bouw7-sdk
2024-03-18 08:49 UTC
- php: >=5.5
- ext-curl: *
- ext-json: *
- ext-mbstring: *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^7.0.1
Requires (Dev)
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer: ~2.12
- phpunit/phpunit: ^4.8
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer: ~2.6
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-04 11:58:45 UTC
- API version: 1.0.0
PHP 5.5 and later
Installation & Usage
Then run composer install
Manual Installation
Download the files and include autoload.php
To run the unit tests:
composer install
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
<?php require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); // Configure API key authorization: Bearer $config = Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('Authorization', 'YOUR_API_KEY'); // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed // $config = Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('Authorization', 'Bearer'); $apiInstance = new Swagger\Client\Api\ApprovalApi( // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`. // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default. new GuzzleHttp\Client(), $config ); $body = new \Swagger\Client\Model\CondensedApprovalTemplateCriteria(); // \Swagger\Client\Model\CondensedApprovalTemplateCriteria | try { $apiInstance->deleteApprovalCriteria($body); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Exception when calling ApprovalApi->deleteApprovalCriteria: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; } ?>
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ApprovalApi | deleteApprovalCriteria | DELETE /approval-template/criteria | Delete the given approval criteria. |
ApprovalApi | deleteApprovalWorkflow | DELETE /approval-template/workflow | Delete the given approval workflow. |
ApprovalApi | findDefaultApprovalSettings | GET /approval-template/default-settings | Find the default approval settings for the current organization. |
ApprovalApi | findMatchingApprovalCriteria | POST /approval-template/match-criteria | Find the matching approval workflow based on the criteria with the highest score for the given schema. |
ApprovalApi | getApprovalTemplateCriteria | GET /approval-template/criteria/{id} | Returns a single approval template criteria based on the given ID. |
ApprovalApi | getApprovalTemplateWorkflow | GET /approval-template/workflow/{id} | Returns a single approval template workflow based on the given ID, duplicate approvers are not filtered out! |
ApprovalApi | getCriteriaTypes | GET /approval-template/criteria-types | Retrieve all approval template criteria types. |
ApprovalApi | getWorkflowTypes | GET /approval-template/workflow-types | Retrieve all possible types with sub-types for an approval workflow. |
ApprovalApi | listApprovalCriteria | GET /list/approval-template/criteria | Return a list of all approval criteria associated with the organization. |
ApprovalApi | listApprovalWorkflows | GET /list/approval-template/workflows | Returns a list of approval workflows for the organization of the current authenticated user. Use HQL to filter for specific items. |
ApprovalApi | listPendingApprovalsAssignedToMe | GET /list/approval/assigned-to-me | List all pending approvals for the current authenticated user. |
ApprovalApi | postApprovalCriteria | POST /approval-template/criteria | Create or update the approval criteria with the schema. |
ApprovalApi | postDefaultApprovalSettings | POST /approval-template/default-settings | Update the default approval settings for the current organization. |
ApprovalApi | postWorkflow | POST /approval-template/workflow | Create or update the approval workflow with the schema. |
ApprovalApi | voteOnContract | POST /approval/{approval}/vote-on-contract | Vote on a contract approval. |
ApprovalApi | voteOnPurchaseInvoice | POST /approval/{approval}/vote-on-purchase-invoice | Vote on a purchase invoice approval. |
AuditLogApi | getPurchaseInvoiceAuditLogs | GET /purchase-invoice/{purchaseInvoice}/audit-logs | Get all purchase invoice audit logs. |
AuditLogApi | getQuotationAuditLogs | GET /quotation/{quotation}/audit-logs | Get all Quotation audit logs. |
BookingApi | findBookingLines | GET /project/{project}/booking-lines | Returns all available booking items based on its criteria. |
CalendarApi | deleteDayOff | DELETE /day-off | Delete the given day off. |
CalendarApi | deleteDayOffPerEmployee | DELETE /organization/day-off-per-employee | Delete the given day off per employee. |
CalendarApi | getDayOff | GET /day-off/{id} | Returns a single day off based on the given ID. |
CalendarApi | getDayOffPerEmployee | GET /organization/day-off-per-employee/{id} | Returns a single day off per employee based on the given ID. |
CalendarApi | listDaysOff | GET /list/days-off | Returns a list of holidays / non-working days. |
CalendarApi | listDaysOffPerEmployee | GET /list/days-off-per-employee | Returns a list of day off per employee schemas associated with the organization. |
CalendarApi | postDayOff | POST /day-off | Create or update the day off. |
CalendarApi | postDayOffPerEmployee | POST /organization/day-off-per-employee | Create or update the day off per employee. |
ContactApi | deleteContact | DELETE /contact | Delete the given contact. |
ContactApi | deleteContactPerson | DELETE /contact/{contact}/contact-person | Delete the given contact person. |
ContactApi | getContact | GET /contact/{id} | Returns a single contact based on the given ID. |
ContactApi | getContactPerson | GET /contact-person/{id} | Returns a single contact person based on the given ID. |
ContactApi | getContactTypes | GET /contact-types | Retrieves a list of contact types. |
ContactApi | getSurchargePercentages | GET /contact/{contact}/surcharge-percentages | |
ContactApi | listContactFinancial | GET /list/contact/financial | Returns a list of financial contact details associated with the organization. |
ContactApi | listContactPersons | GET /list/contact-persons | Returns a list of contact persons associated with any contact for your organization. |
ContactApi | listContacts | GET /list/contacts | Returns a list of contacts associated with the organization. |
ContactApi | postContact | POST /contact | Create or update the contact. |
ContactApi | postContactPerson | POST /contact/{contact}/contact-person | Create or update the contact person for the given contact. |
ContractApi | deleteContractOrderLine | DELETE /project/{project}/contract-order-line | Delete the given contract order line. |
ContractApi | deletePurchaseOrder | DELETE /contracts/purchase-order | Delete the given purchase order contract. |
ContractApi | deletePurchaseOrderContractTerm | DELETE /contracts/purchase-order/contract-term | Delete the given purchase order contract term. |
ContractApi | deleteSubcontractor | DELETE /contracts/subcontractor | Delete the given subcontractor contract. |
ContractApi | deleteSubcontractorContractTerm | DELETE /contracts/subcontractor/contract-term | Delete the given subcontractor contract term. |
ContractApi | getCalledReceiptBySubcontractorContract | GET /contracts/subcontractor/called-receipts/{id} | Returns a list of subcontractor contract called receipts associated with the given ID. |
ContractApi | getCalledReceiptsByPurchaseOrderContract | GET /contracts/purchase-order/called-receipts/{id} | Returns a list of purchase order contract called receipts associated with the given ID. |
ContractApi | getFilesByPurchaseOrderContract | GET /contracts/purchase-order/files/{id} | Returns a collection of purchase order contract files with the given ID. |
ContractApi | getFilesBySubcontractorContract | GET /contracts/subcontractor/files/{id} | Returns a collection of subcontractor contract files with the given ID. |
ContractApi | getPurchaseOrder | GET /contracts/purchase-order/{id} | Returns a single purchase order contract based on the given ID. |
ContractApi | getPurchaseOrderContractHistoryEntries | GET /contracts/purchase-order/log-entries/{id} | Returns a list of purchase order contract history entries associated with the given ID. |
ContractApi | getPurchaseOrderCostTypes | GET /contracts/purchase-order/cost-types | Returns available cost types for a purchase order. |
ContractApi | getPurchaseOrderStatuses | GET /contracts/purchase-order/statuses | Returns available statuses for a purchase order. |
ContractApi | getSubcontractor | GET /contracts/subcontractor/{id} | Returns a single subcontractor contract based on the given ID. |
ContractApi | getSubcontractorContractHistoryEntries | GET /contracts/subcontractor/log-entries/{id} | Returns a list of subcontractor contract history entries associated with the given ID. |
ContractApi | getSubcontractorStatuses | GET /contracts/subcontractor/statuses | Returns available statuses for a subcontractor contract. |
ContractApi | listContractOrderLines | GET /list/contract-order-lines | Returns all contract order lines for the current organization. Use HQL to filter for specific items. |
ContractApi | listPurchaseOrderContractTerms | GET /list/purchase-order-contract-terms | Returns a list of purchase order contract terms. |
ContractApi | listPurchaseOrderContracts | GET /list/purchase-order-contracts | Returns a list of purchase order contracts. |
ContractApi | listSubcontractorContractTerms | GET /list/subcontractor-contract-terms | Returns a list of subcontractor contract terms. |
ContractApi | listSubcontractorContracts | GET /list/subcontractor-contracts | Returns a list of subcontractor contracts. |
ContractApi | postContractOrderLine | POST /project/{project}/contract-order-line | Create or update the contract order line. |
ContractApi | postPurchaseOrder | POST /contracts/purchase-order | Create or update a purchase order contract with the schema. |
ContractApi | postPurchaseOrderContractTerm | POST /contracts/purchase-order/contract-term | Create or update the purchase order contract term. |
ContractApi | postSubcontractor | POST /contracts/subcontractor | Create or update a subcontractor contract with the schema. |
ContractApi | postSubcontractorContractTerm | POST /contracts/subcontract/contract-term | Create or update the subcontractor contract term. |
ContractApi | updatePurchaseOrderStatus | PUT /contracts/purchase-order/{id}/update-status/{status} | Update the purchase order contract with the given status. |
ContractApi | updateSubcontractorStatus | PUT /contracts/subcontractor/{id}/update-status/{status} | Update the subcontractor contract with the given status. |
DeliveryTicketApi | deleteDeliveryTicket | DELETE /project/delivery-ticket | Delete the given delivery ticket. |
DeliveryTicketApi | getDeliveryTicket | GET /project/delivery-ticket/{id} | Returns a single delivery ticket based on the given ID. |
DeliveryTicketApi | getPurchaseTypes | GET /delivery-ticket/purchase-types | Returns available purchase types for a delivery ticket. |
DeliveryTicketApi | listDeliveryTickets | GET /list/delivery-tickets | Returns a list of delivery tickets associated with your organization. |
DeliveryTicketApi | postDeliveryTicket | POST /project/delivery-ticket | Create or update the delivery ticket. |
DepartmentApi | deleteDepartment | DELETE /organization/department | Delete the given department. |
DepartmentApi | deleteDepartmentWorkInProgressSettings | DELETE /organization/department/work-in-progress-settings | Delete the given department work in progress settings. |
DepartmentApi | getDepartment | GET /organization/department/{department} | Returns a single department based on the given ID. |
DepartmentApi | postDepartment | POST /organization/department | Create or update the department with the schema. |
EquipmentApi | getEquipmentUnits | GET /equipment/units | Returns a list of equipment units associated with the organization. |
ExactOnlineApi | getAccessibleDivisions | GET /exact-online/divisions | |
HourLogApi | getHourLogs | GET /project/{project}/hour-logs | Returns a list of hour logs associated with the given project. |
HourLogApi | listContactHourLogs | GET /list/hour-logs/contact | Returns a list of contact hour logs associated with your organization. |
HourLogApi | listEmployeeHourLogs | GET /list/hour-logs/employee | Returns a list of employee hour logs associated with your organization. |
I18nApi | getCountries | GET /i18n/countries | Returns all supported countries in the default locale if $locale parameter is not given. |
I18nApi | getCurrencies | GET /i18n/currencies | Returns all supported currencies in the default locale if $locale parameter is not given. |
I18nApi | getLocales | GET /i18n/locales | Returns all supported locales in the default locale if $locale parameter is not given. |
I18nApi | getTimezones | GET /i18n/timezones | Returns all supported timezones in the default locale if $locale parameter is not given. |
InvoicingApi | deleteInvoice | DELETE /invoice/{invoice} | Delete the given invoice. |
InvoicingApi | getCollectiveInvoicePdf | GET /invoice/{invoice}/collective-pdf | Returns the PDF of an invoice by the given ID. |
InvoicingApi | getInvoice | GET /invoice/{invoice} | Returns the document of an existing invoice. |
InvoicingApi | getInvoiceCompanyInfo | GET /invoicing-project/{project}/company-info | Returns the company information based on the given project. |
InvoicingApi | getInvoiceEquipmentListPdf | GET /invoice/{invoice}/pdf/equipment-list | Returns the equipment list PDF of an invoice by the given ID. |
InvoicingApi | getInvoiceGarbageListPdf | GET /invoice/{invoice}/pdf/garbage-list | Returns the waste list PDF of an invoice by the given ID. |
InvoicingApi | getInvoiceMailStatuses | GET /invoice/mail-statuses | Returns available statuses for an invoice mail. |
InvoicingApi | getInvoiceMaterialListPdf | GET /invoice/{invoice}/pdf/material-list | Returns the material list of an invoice by the given ID. |
InvoicingApi | getInvoicePdf | GET /invoice/{invoice}/pdf | Returns the PDF of an invoice by the given ID. |
InvoicingApi | listInvoices | GET /list/invoices | Returns a list of invoices associated with the organization. |
InvoicingApi | makeAttachments | POST /invoice/{invoice}/make-attachments | Generate the given attachments for the given invoice. |
InvoicingApi | newInvoice | GET /invoice/new | Returns the document of a new invoice. |
InvoicingApi | newInvoiceForProject | GET /project/{project}/invoice/new | Returns the document of a new invoice. |
InvoicingApi | updateInvoice | POST /invoice | Creates or updates an invoice based on the given document. |
MileageRegistrationsApi | deleteMileageRegistration | DELETE /mileage-registration | Delete the given mileage registration. |
MileageRegistrationsApi | getMileageRegistration | GET /mileage-registration/{id} | Returns a single mileage registration based on the given ID. |
MileageRegistrationsApi | listMileageRegistrations | GET /list/mileage-registrations | Returns a list of mileage registrations associated with your organization. |
MileageRegistrationsApi | postMileageRegistration | POST /mileage-registration | Create or update the mileage registration with the schema. |
MobileSettingsApi | deleteGlobalSetting | DELETE /mobile-settings/global | |
MobileSettingsApi | getGlobalSettings | GET /mobile-settings/global | |
MobileSettingsApi | getUserSettings | GET /mobile-settings | |
MobileSettingsApi | setGlobalSetting | POST /mobile-settings/global | |
MobileSettingsApi | setUserSetting | POST /mobile-settings | |
OrganizationApi | deleteCustomAttribute | DELETE /organization/custom-attribute | Delete the given custom attribute. |
OrganizationApi | deleteEmployee | DELETE /organization/employee | Delete the given employee. |
OrganizationApi | deleteHourType | DELETE /organization/hour-type/{id} | Delete the given hour type. |
OrganizationApi | deleteProjectCategory | DELETE /organization/project-category/{id} | Delete the given project category. |
OrganizationApi | deleteProjectFileCategory | DELETE /organization/project-file-category/{id} | Delete the given project file category. |
OrganizationApi | deleteQuotationStatus | DELETE /organization/quotation-status/{id} | |
OrganizationApi | deleteTextTemplate | DELETE /organization/text-template | Delete a text template. |
OrganizationApi | getAllowedAccessTypes | GET /organization/me/allowed-access-types | Returns a list of types that the currently authenticated user has access to. |
OrganizationApi | getBasicEmployee | GET /organization/employee/basic/{id} | Returns basic data for a single employee based on the given ID. |
OrganizationApi | getBranch | GET /organization/branch/{id} | Returns a single branch based on the given ID. |
OrganizationApi | getCurrentUser | GET /organization/me | Returns the user that is currently authenticated. |
OrganizationApi | getCurrentUserPermissions | GET /organization/me/permissions | Returns the permissions for the currently authenticated user. |
OrganizationApi | getCustomAttribute | GET /organization/custom-attribute/{id} | Returns a single custom attribute based on the given ID. |
OrganizationApi | getDefaultProjectStatus | GET /organization/default-project-status | Return a list of default project statuses associated with your organization. |
OrganizationApi | getDivision | GET /organization/division/{id} | |
OrganizationApi | getEmployee | GET /organization/employee/{id} | Returns a single employee based on the given ID. |
OrganizationApi | getGeneralLedgerAccounts | GET /organization/general-ledger-accounts | Return a list of general ledger accounts associated with your organization. |
OrganizationApi | getHourType | GET /organization/hour-type/{id} | Returns a single hour type based on the given ID. |
OrganizationApi | getHourTypes | GET /organization/hour-types | Return hour types for the current authenticated user. |
OrganizationApi | getOrganization | GET /organization | Return basic information about the organization for the currently authenticated user. |
OrganizationApi | getOrganizationHourTypePrices | GET /organization/hour-type-prices | Returns all hour type prices associated with the organization. |
OrganizationApi | getOrganizationSurchargePercentages | GET /organization/surcharge-percentages | Return a list of surcharge percentages associated with your organization. |
OrganizationApi | getProjectCategories | GET /organization/project-categories | Return a set of project categories for the organization. |
OrganizationApi | getProjectCategory | GET /organization/project-category/{id} | Returns a single project category based on the given ID. |
OrganizationApi | getProjectFileCategories | GET /organization/project-file-categories | Returns a list of project file categories associated with your organization. |
OrganizationApi | getProjectFileCategory | GET /organization/project-file-category/{id} | Returns a single project file category based on the given ID. |
OrganizationApi | getQuotationStatus | GET /organization/quotation-status/{id} | Returns a single quotation status based on the given ID. |
OrganizationApi | getTemplates | GET /organization/text-templates/{category} | |
OrganizationApi | getVatTariffs | GET /organization/vat-tariffs | Return a set of VAT tariff objects that the organization can use, depending on the country. |
OrganizationApi | listBasicEmployees | GET /list/basic-employees | Return a list of basic employee data associated with your organization. |
OrganizationApi | listBranches | GET /list/branches | Return a list of all branches associated with the organization. |
OrganizationApi | listCommonInvoiceAttachments | GET /list/common-invoice-attachments | Return a list of common invoice attachments associated with your organization. |
OrganizationApi | listCommonQuotationAttachments | GET /list/common-quotation-attachments | Return a list of common quotation attachments associated with your organization. |
OrganizationApi | listCostCenters | GET /list/cost-centers | Return a list of cost centers associated with your organization. |
OrganizationApi | listCustomAttributes | GET /list/custom-attributes | Return a list of custom attributes for the organization. |
OrganizationApi | listDepartments | GET /list/departments | Returns a list of departments associated with the organization. |
OrganizationApi | listDivisions | GET /list/divisions | |
OrganizationApi | listEmployees | GET /list/employees | Return a list of employees associated with your organization. |
OrganizationApi | listProjectStatuses | GET /list/project-statuses | Return a list of project statuses for the organization. |
OrganizationApi | listQuotationConfirmationAttachments | GET /list/quotation-confirmation-attachments | Return a list of quotation confirmation attachments associated with your organization. |
OrganizationApi | listVatTariffs | GET /list/vat-tariffs | Return a list of VAT tariff objects that the organization can use, depending on the country. |
OrganizationApi | postBranch | POST /organization/branch | Create or update the branch. |
OrganizationApi | postCustomAttribute | POST /organization/custom-attributes | Create or update the custom attribute with the schema. |
OrganizationApi | postEmployee | POST /organization/employee | Create or update the employee. |
OrganizationApi | postHourType | POST /organization/hour-type | Create or update the hour type. |
OrganizationApi | postOrganizationHourTypePrice | POST /organization/hour-type-price | Create or update the organization hour type price with the schema. |
OrganizationApi | postProjectCategory | POST /organization/project-category | Create or update the project category. |
OrganizationApi | postProjectFileCategory | POST /organization/project-file-category | Create or update the project file category. |
OrganizationApi | postQuotationStatus | POST /organization/quotation-status | Create or update the quotation status. |
OrganizationApi | postTextTemplate | POST /organization/text-template | Create or update a text template. |
ProjectApi | canCreateInvoice | GET /project/{project}/invoicing/can-create | Returns true if an invoice can be made for the specified project. |
ProjectApi | deleteInvoiceTermStatement | DELETE /project/term-statement | Delete the given project invoice term statement. |
ProjectApi | deleteProject | DELETE /project | Delete the given project. |
ProjectApi | getDeletedProjects | GET /deleted-projects | Returns a list of deleted projects associated with the organization. |
ProjectApi | getProject | GET /project/{project} | Returns a project associated with the given id. |
ProjectApi | getProjectFile | GET /project/file/{projectFile} | Returns a project file associated with the given id. |
ProjectApi | hardDeleteProject | DELETE /hard-delete-project/{projectId} | Deletes the given soft deleted project. |
ProjectApi | listInvoiceTermStatements | GET /list/project-invoice-term-statements | Returns a list of project invoice term statements associated with the organization. |
ProjectApi | listInvoiceTerms | GET /list/project-invoice-terms | Returns a list of project invoice terms associated with the organization. |
ProjectApi | listProjects | GET /list/projects | Returns a list of projects associated with the organization. |
ProjectApi | postInvoiceTermStatement | POST /project/{project}/invoice-term-statement | Create or update the given project invoice term statement. |
ProjectApi | postProject | POST /project | Creates or updates the given project. |
ProjectApi | restoreProject | POST /restore-project/{projectId} | Restores the given soft deleted project. |
ProjectApi | setInternalNote | POST /project/set-internal-note | Sets the internal note of the given project. |
PropertyAssetApi | deletePropertyAsset | DELETE /property-asset | Removes the given property asset. |
PropertyAssetApi | getPropertyAsset | GET /property-asset/{propertyAsset} | Returns a single property asset based on the given ID. |
PropertyAssetApi | listPropertyAssets | GET /list/property-assets | Returns a list of property assets associated with the organization. |
PropertyAssetApi | postPropertyAsset | POST /property-asset | Create or update a property asset with the data in the schema. |
PurchaseInvoicingApi | deletePurchaseInvoice | DELETE /purchase-invoice | Delete the given purchase invoice. |
PurchaseInvoicingApi | getDefaultGeneralLedgerAccountCode | POST /purchase-invoicing/default-general-ledger-account | Returns the default general ledger account based on the given contact id / branch id. |
PurchaseInvoicingApi | getPurchaseInvoice | GET /purchase-invoicing/purchase-invoice/{id} | Returns a single purchase invoice based on the given ID. |
PurchaseInvoicingApi | getPurchaseInvoiceStatuses | GET /purchase-invoicing/statuses | Returns available statuses for an purchase invoice. |
PurchaseInvoicingApi | listPurchaseInvoices | GET /list/purchase-invoices | Returns a list of purchase invoices belonging to the organization. |
PurchaseInvoicingApi | postPurchaseInvoice | POST /purchase-invoice | Create or update purchase invoice. |
PurchaseInvoicingApi | updatePurchaseInvoiceStatus | PUT /purchase-invoice/{id}/update-status/{status} | Update the purchase invoice with the given status. |
QuotationApi | deleteQuotationReminder | DELETE /quotation/reminder | Deletes a quotation reminder associated with the given ID. |
QuotationApi | getQuotation | GET /quotation/{quotation} | Returns the document of an existing quotation. |
QuotationApi | getQuotationReminder | GET /quotation/reminder/{quotationReminder} | Returns a quotation reminder based on the given ID. |
QuotationApi | listQuotationReminders | GET /list/quotation-reminders | Returns a list of quotation reminders associated with your organization. |
QuotationApi | listQuotationStatusLogs | GET /list/quotation-status-logs | Returns a list of quotation status logs associated with any quotation for your organization. |
QuotationApi | listQuotations | GET /list/quotations | Returns a list of quotations associated with your organization. |
QuotationApi | newQuotationForProject | GET /quotation/{project}/new | Returns the document with the project information filled in for a new quotation. |
QuotationApi | postQuotation | POST /quotation | Creates or updates an quotation based on the given document. |
QuotationApi | postQuotationReminder | POST /quotation/reminder | Create or update the quotation reminder. |
ResourceApi | deleteEquipment | DELETE /equipment | Deletes an equipment item associated with the given id. |
ResourceApi | deleteEquipmentBooking | DELETE /equipment-booking | Deletes an equipment booking associated with the given id. |
ResourceApi | deleteEquipmentGroup | DELETE /equipment-group | Deletes an equipment group associated with the given id. |
ResourceApi | deleteEquipmentUnit | DELETE /equipment-unit/{id} | Deletes an equipment unit associated with the given ID. |
ResourceApi | deleteMaterial | DELETE /material/{material} | Deletes a material item associated with the given ID. |
ResourceApi | deleteMaterialBooking | DELETE /material-booking | Deletes a material booking associated with the given ID. |
ResourceApi | deleteMaterialPerUnit | DELETE /material-per-unit | Deletes the given material per unit. |
ResourceApi | deleteMaterialUnit | DELETE /material-unit/{id} | Deletes a material unit associated with the given ID. |
ResourceApi | deleteResource | DELETE /resource | Deletes a resource associated with the given id. |
ResourceApi | deleteResourceBooking | DELETE /resource-booking | Deletes a resource booking associated with the given id. |
ResourceApi | deleteResourceGroup | DELETE /resource-group | Deletes a resource group associated with the given id. |
ResourceApi | deleteResourceUnit | DELETE /resource-unit | Deletes a resource unit associated with the given id. |
ResourceApi | deleteWaste | DELETE /waste/{id} | Deletes a waste item associated with the given id. |
ResourceApi | deleteWasteBooking | DELETE /waste-booking | Deletes a waste booking associated with the given ID. |
ResourceApi | deleteWastePerUnit | DELETE /waste-per-unit | Deletes the given waste per unit. |
ResourceApi | deleteWasteUnit | DELETE /waste-unit/{wasteUnit} | Deletes a waste unit associated with the given ID. |
ResourceApi | getEquipment | GET /equipment/{equipment} | Returns a single equipment item based on the given ID. |
ResourceApi | getEquipmentBooking | GET /equipment-booking/{id} | Returns an equipment booking associated with the given id. |
ResourceApi | getEquipmentGroup | GET /equipment-group/{id} | Returns an equipment group associated with the given id. |
ResourceApi | getEquipmentGroups | GET /equipment-groups | Returns a list of equipment groups associated with the organization. |
ResourceApi | getEquipmentUnit | GET /equipment-unit/{equipmentUnit} | Returns a single equipment unit based on the given ID. |
ResourceApi | getMaterial | GET /material/{id} | Returns a single material based on the given ID. |
ResourceApi | getMaterialPerUnit | GET /material-per-unit/{id} | Returns a single material per unit based on the given ID. |
ResourceApi | getMaterialUnit | GET /material-unit/{materialUnit} | Returns a single material unit based on the given ID. |
ResourceApi | getResource | GET /resource/{type}/{id} | Returns a resource associated with the given id. |
ResourceApi | getResourceBooking | GET /resource-booking/{type}/{id} | Returns a resource booking associated with the given id. |
ResourceApi | getResourceBookings | GET /resource-bookings/{type} | Returns a set of resource bookings by an organization, optionally filtered by project. |
ResourceApi | getResourceGroup | GET /resource-group/{type}/{id} | Returns an resource group associated with the given id. |
ResourceApi | getResourceUnit | GET /resource-unit/{type}/{id} | Returns a resource unit associated with the given id. |
ResourceApi | getResourceUnits | GET /resource-units/{type} | Returns a set of resource units associated with the organization. |
ResourceApi | getResources | GET /resources/{type} | Returns a set of resources associated with the organization. |
ResourceApi | getWaste | GET /waste/{waste} | Returns a single waste item based on the given ID. |
ResourceApi | getWasteBooking | GET /waste-booking/{wasteBooking} | Returns a waste booking associated with the given ID. |
ResourceApi | getWastePerUnit | GET /waste-per-unit/{id} | Returns a single waste per unit based on the given ID. |
ResourceApi | getWasteUnit | GET /waste-unit/{id} | Returns a single waste unit based on the given ID. |
ResourceApi | importMaterialPerUnits | POST /import/material-per-unit | Creates material records based on the given material per unit import list if the data is unique. |
ResourceApi | importWastePerUnits | POST /import/waste-per-unit | Creates waste records based on the given waste per unit import list if the data is unique. |
ResourceApi | listEquipment | GET /list/equipment | Returns a list of equipment items owned by the organization. |
ResourceApi | listEquipmentBookings | GET /list/booking/equipment | Returns a list of equipment bookings made by the organization. |
ResourceApi | listEquipmentGroups | GET /list/equipment-groups | Returns a list of equipment groups owned by your organization. |
ResourceApi | listEquipmentPerUnit | GET /list/equipment-per-unit | Returns a bookable list of units associated with a piece of equipment. |
ResourceApi | listEquipmentUnits | GET /list/equipment-units | Returns a list of equipment units owned by your organization. |
ResourceApi | listGarbage | GET /list/garbage | Returns a list of waste owned by the organization. |
ResourceApi | listGarbageBookings | GET /list/booking/garbage | Returns a list of waste bookings made by the organization. |
ResourceApi | listGarbagePerUnit | GET /list/garbage-per-unit | Returns a bookable list of units associated with waste. |
ResourceApi | listMaterialBookings | GET /list/booking/material | Returns a list of material bookings made by the organization. |
ResourceApi | listMaterialUnits | GET /list/material-units | Returns a list of material units owned by your organization. |
ResourceApi | listMaterials | GET /list/materials | Returns a list of materials owned by your organization. |
ResourceApi | listMaterialsPerUnit | GET /list/materials-per-unit | Returns a bookable list of units associated with materials. |
ResourceApi | listWaste | GET /list/waste | Returns a list of waste items owned by your organization. |
ResourceApi | listWastePerUnit | GET /list/waste-per-unit | Returns a bookable list of units associated with waste. |
ResourceApi | listWasteUnits | GET /list/waste-units | Returns a list of waste units owned by your organization. |
ResourceApi | postEquipment | POST /equipment | Create or update an equipment item. |
ResourceApi | postEquipmentBooking | POST /equipment-booking | Create or update the equipment booking. |
ResourceApi | postEquipmentGroup | POST /equipment-group | Creates or updates an equipment group for the currently authenticated user. |
ResourceApi | postEquipmentUnit | POST /equipment-unit | Create or update the equipment unit. |
ResourceApi | postMaterial | POST /material | Create or update the material. |
ResourceApi | postMaterialPerUnit | POST /material-per-unit | Create or update the material per unit. |
ResourceApi | postMaterialUnit | POST /material-unit | Create or update the material unit. |
ResourceApi | postResource | POST /resource | Creates or updates a resource for the currently authenticated user. |
ResourceApi | postResourceBooking | POST /resource-booking | Creates or updates a resource booking for the currently authenticated user. |
ResourceApi | postResourceGroup | POST /resource-group | Creates or updates a resource group for the currently authenticated user. |
ResourceApi | postResourceUnit | POST /resource-unit | Creates or updates a resource unit for the currently authenticated user. |
ResourceApi | postWaste | POST /waste | Create or update a waste item. |
ResourceApi | postWasteUnit | POST /waste-unit | Create or update the waste unit. |
SecurityApi | getProjectSecurityLink | GET /project/project-security-link/{id} | Returns a single project security link based on the given ID. |
SecurityApi | getSecurityObject | GET /security-object/{id} | Returns a single security object based on the given ID. |
SecurityApi | postSecurityObject | POST /security-object | Create or update the security object. |
StorageApi | deleteFile | DELETE /storage/file | Deletes a file associated with the given id. |
StorageApi | downloadFile | GET /storage/{hash}/download | Returns the binary or base64 contents of a file. |
StorageApi | getFileContents | GET /storage/{hash} | |
StorageApi | uploadFile | POST /storage/{modelType}/{modelId} | |
UblApi | generate | GET /ubl/generate/{invoice}/{version} | |
UblApi | getVersions | GET /ubl/versions |
Documentation For Models
- AllowedAccessPerType
- Approval
- ApprovalTemplateApprover
- ApprovalTemplateCriteria
- ApprovalTemplateCriteriaList
- ApprovalTemplateCriteriaListItem
- ApprovalTemplateCriteriaRequirements
- ApprovalTemplateSettings
- ApprovalTemplateWorkflow
- ApprovalTemplateWorkflowList
- ApprovalTemplateWorkflowListItem
- ApprovalTemplateWorkflowSubType
- ApprovalTemplateWorkflowTypes
- ApprovalVote
- AuditLog
- BasicEmployee
- BasicEmployeeList
- BasicEmployeeListItem
- BlameableUser
- BookingItemSummary
- BookingList
- BookingSummary
- Branch
- BranchList
- BranchListItem
- CalledReceipt
- CommonInvoiceAttachmentList
- CommonInvoiceAttachmentListItem
- CommonQuotationAttachment
- CommonQuotationAttachmentList
- CommonQuotationAttachmentListItem
- CondensedApprovalTemplateCriteria
- CondensedApprovalTemplateWorkflow
- CondensedApprover
- CondensedBranch
- CondensedContact
- CondensedContactPerson
- CondensedContract
- CondensedContractOrderLine
- CondensedCustomAttribute
- CondensedCustomAttributeValue
- CondensedDeliveryTicket
- CondensedDepartment
- CondensedDepartmentWipSettings
- CondensedDivision
- CondensedEmployee
- CondensedEquipment
- CondensedEquipmentBooking
- CondensedEquipmentGroup
- CondensedEquipmentPerUnit
- CondensedEquipmentUnit
- CondensedFile
- CondensedHourType
- CondensedInvoiceLine
- CondensedInvoiceTermStatement
- CondensedMaterial
- CondensedMaterialBooking
- CondensedMaterialPerUnit
- CondensedMaterialUnit
- CondensedProject
- CondensedProjectCategory
- CondensedProjectFileCategory
- CondensedProjectSecurityLink
- CondensedProjectStatus
- CondensedPropertyAsset
- CondensedPurchaseInvoice
- CondensedPurchaseOrderContract
- CondensedQuotation
- CondensedQuotationReminder
- CondensedQuotationStatus
- CondensedResourceGroup
- CondensedSecurityCode
- CondensedSecurityObject
- CondensedSubcontractorContract
- CondensedTextTemplate
- CondensedUser
- CondensedVatTariff
- CondensedWaste
- CondensedWasteBooking
- CondensedWastePerUnit
- CondensedWasteUnit
- ContactFinancialList
- ContactFinancialListItem
- ContactHourLogBooking
- ContactHourLogList
- ContactHourLogListItem
- ContactList
- ContactListItem
- ContactPerson
- ContactPersonList
- ContactPersonListItem
- ContactType
- ContractOrderLine
- ContractOrderLineList
- ContractOrderLineListItem
- ContractTerm
- CostCenterList
- CostCenterListItem
- CurrentUser
- CurrentUserEmployee
- CustomAttribute
- CustomAttributeList
- CustomAttributeListItem
- DayOff
- DayOffList
- DayOffListItem
- DayOffPerEmployee
- DayOffPerEmployeeList
- DayOffPerEmployeeListItem
- DefaultPurchaseInvoiceSettingsFilter
- DeletedProject
- DeliveryTicket
- DeliveryTicketBooking
- DeliveryTicketList
- DeliveryTicketListItem
- DeliveryTicketWithProjectDetails
- Department
- DepartmentList
- DepartmentListItem
- DepartmentWipSettings
- Division
- DivisionBranchSettings
- DivisionBranchWipSettings
- DivisionList
- DivisionListItem
- DivisionProjectCategorySettings
- DivisionWipSettings
- Employee
- EmployeeHourLogBooking
- EmployeeHourLogList
- EmployeeHourLogListItem
- EmployeeList
- EmployeeListItem
- Equipment
- EquipmentAttachmentType
- EquipmentBooking
- EquipmentBooking2
- EquipmentBookingList
- EquipmentBookingListItem
- EquipmentGroup
- EquipmentGroupList
- EquipmentGroupListItem
- EquipmentList
- EquipmentListItem
- EquipmentPerUnit
- EquipmentPerUnitList
- EquipmentPerUnitListItem
- EquipmentUnit
- EquipmentUnitList
- EquipmentUnitListItem
- File
- FilteredHourLogCollection
- FilteredResourceBookingCollection
- FilteredResourceCollection
- FilteredResourceUnitCollection
- FilteredVatTariffCollection
- FormFactor
- FullContact
- FullContactDivision
- GeneralLedgerAccount
- GenerateAttachment
- HourLog
- HourLogBookingAttachmentType
- HourType
- HourTypePrice
- HoursEstimatePerHourType
- InvoiceAttachment
- InvoiceBranch
- InvoiceContact
- InvoiceDocument
- InvoiceDocumentChapter
- InvoiceDocumentLine
- InvoiceList
- InvoiceListItem
- InvoiceMail
- InvoiceOrganization
- InvoiceProject
- InvoiceTermStatement
- LinkedBookingItem
- Material
- MaterialAttachmentType
- MaterialBooking
- MaterialBookingList
- MaterialBookingListItem
- MaterialGroup
- MaterialList
- MaterialListItem
- MaterialPerDivision
- MaterialPerUnit
- MaterialPerUnitImport
- MaterialPerUnitImportList
- MaterialPerUnitList
- MaterialPerUnitListItem
- MaterialUnit
- MaterialUnitList
- MaterialUnitListItem
- MileageRegistration
- MileageRegistrationList
- MileageRegistrationListItem
- MobileGlobalSetting
- MobileUserSetting
- ModulePermission
- NestedApprovalTemplateApproverListItem
- NestedApprovalTemplateWorkflowListItem
- NestedBranchListItem
- NestedContactListItem
- NestedContactPersonListItem
- NestedContactTypeListItem
- NestedDeliveryTicketListItem
- NestedDepartmentListItem
- NestedDivisionListItem
- NestedEmployeeListItem
- NestedEquipmentGroupListItem
- NestedEquipmentListItem
- NestedEquipmentPerUnitListItem
- NestedEquipmentUnitListItem
- NestedHourLogProjectListItem
- NestedHourTypeListItem
- NestedInvoiceLineListItem
- NestedMaterialGroupListItem
- NestedMaterialListItem
- NestedMaterialPerUnitListItem
- NestedMaterialUnitListItem
- NestedProjectCategoryListItem
- NestedProjectInvoiceTermStatementListItem
- NestedProjectListItem
- NestedProjectSecurityCodeLinkListItem
- NestedProjectStatusListItem
- NestedPropertyAssetListItem
- NestedQuotationListItem
- NestedQuotationStatusListItem
- NestedUserLinkListItem
- NestedUserListItem
- NestedVatTariffListItem
- NestedWasteListItem
- NestedWastePerUnitListItem
- NestedWasteUnitListItem
- Organization
- PendingApprovalList
- PendingApprovalListItem
- Project
- ProjectCategory
- ProjectFile
- ProjectFileCategory
- ProjectFileMetadata
- ProjectInvoiceTerm
- ProjectInvoiceTermList
- ProjectInvoiceTermListItem
- ProjectInvoiceTermStatementListItem
- ProjectList
- ProjectListItem
- ProjectSecurityLink
- ProjectSecurityLinkHourInfo
- ProjectStatus
- ProjectStatusList
- ProjectStatusListItem
- PropertyAsset
- PropertyAssetList
- PropertyAssetListItem
- PurchaseInvoiceDocument
- PurchaseInvoiceDocumentLine
- PurchaseInvoiceLineBooking
- PurchaseInvoiceList
- PurchaseInvoiceListItem
- PurchaseOrderContract
- PurchaseOrderContractHistory
- PurchaseOrderContractList
- PurchaseOrderContractListItem
- PurchaseOrderContractTermList
- PurchaseOrderContractTermListItem
- Quotation
- QuotationAttachment
- QuotationConfirmationAttachmentList
- QuotationConfirmationAttachmentListItem
- QuotationLine
- QuotationLineChapter
- QuotationList
- QuotationListItem
- QuotationMail
- QuotationReminder
- QuotationReminderList
- QuotationReminderListItem
- QuotationStatus
- QuotationStatusLogList
- QuotationStatusLogListItem
- Resource
- ResourceBooking
- ResourceBookingInfo
- ResourceBookingProjectInfo
- ResourceEmployee
- ResourceGroup
- ResourceGroupBookingInfo
- ResourcePerUnit
- ResourceProjectSecurityLink
- ResourceUnit
- ResourceUnitBookingInfo
- SecurityObject
- SubcontractorContract
- SubcontractorContractHistory
- SubcontractorContractList
- SubcontractorContractListItem
- SubcontractorContractTermList
- SubcontractorContractTermListItem
- SurchargeCollection
- Surcharges
- TextTemplate
- UblVersions
- UpdateInternalNote
- VatTariff
- VatTariffList
- VatTariffListItem
- Waste
- WasteAttachmentType
- WasteBooking
- WasteBooking2
- WasteBookingList
- WasteBookingListItem
- WasteList
- WasteListItem
- WastePerUnit
- WastePerUnitImport
- WastePerUnitImportList
- WastePerUnitList
- WastePerUnitListItem
- WasteUnit
- WasteUnitList
- WasteUnitListItem
Documentation For Authorization
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header