
0.1.0 2024-03-18 08:49 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-04 11:58:45 UTC


  • API version: 1.0.0


PHP 5.5 and later

Installation & Usage


Then run composer install

Manual Installation

Download the files and include autoload.php:



To run the unit tests:

composer install

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure API key authorization: Bearer
$config = Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('Authorization', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// $config = Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('Authorization', 'Bearer');

$apiInstance = new Swagger\Client\Api\ApprovalApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$body = new \Swagger\Client\Model\CondensedApprovalTemplateCriteria(); // \Swagger\Client\Model\CondensedApprovalTemplateCriteria | 

try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling ApprovalApi->deleteApprovalCriteria: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
ApprovalApi deleteApprovalCriteria DELETE /approval-template/criteria Delete the given approval criteria.
ApprovalApi deleteApprovalWorkflow DELETE /approval-template/workflow Delete the given approval workflow.
ApprovalApi findDefaultApprovalSettings GET /approval-template/default-settings Find the default approval settings for the current organization.
ApprovalApi findMatchingApprovalCriteria POST /approval-template/match-criteria Find the matching approval workflow based on the criteria with the highest score for the given schema.
ApprovalApi getApprovalTemplateCriteria GET /approval-template/criteria/{id} Returns a single approval template criteria based on the given ID.
ApprovalApi getApprovalTemplateWorkflow GET /approval-template/workflow/{id} Returns a single approval template workflow based on the given ID, duplicate approvers are not filtered out!
ApprovalApi getCriteriaTypes GET /approval-template/criteria-types Retrieve all approval template criteria types.
ApprovalApi getWorkflowTypes GET /approval-template/workflow-types Retrieve all possible types with sub-types for an approval workflow.
ApprovalApi listApprovalCriteria GET /list/approval-template/criteria Return a list of all approval criteria associated with the organization.
ApprovalApi listApprovalWorkflows GET /list/approval-template/workflows Returns a list of approval workflows for the organization of the current authenticated user. Use HQL to filter for specific items.
ApprovalApi listPendingApprovalsAssignedToMe GET /list/approval/assigned-to-me List all pending approvals for the current authenticated user.
ApprovalApi postApprovalCriteria POST /approval-template/criteria Create or update the approval criteria with the schema.
ApprovalApi postDefaultApprovalSettings POST /approval-template/default-settings Update the default approval settings for the current organization.
ApprovalApi postWorkflow POST /approval-template/workflow Create or update the approval workflow with the schema.
ApprovalApi voteOnContract POST /approval/{approval}/vote-on-contract Vote on a contract approval.
ApprovalApi voteOnPurchaseInvoice POST /approval/{approval}/vote-on-purchase-invoice Vote on a purchase invoice approval.
AuditLogApi getPurchaseInvoiceAuditLogs GET /purchase-invoice/{purchaseInvoice}/audit-logs Get all purchase invoice audit logs.
AuditLogApi getQuotationAuditLogs GET /quotation/{quotation}/audit-logs Get all Quotation audit logs.
BookingApi findBookingLines GET /project/{project}/booking-lines Returns all available booking items based on its criteria.
CalendarApi deleteDayOff DELETE /day-off Delete the given day off.
CalendarApi deleteDayOffPerEmployee DELETE /organization/day-off-per-employee Delete the given day off per employee.
CalendarApi getDayOff GET /day-off/{id} Returns a single day off based on the given ID.
CalendarApi getDayOffPerEmployee GET /organization/day-off-per-employee/{id} Returns a single day off per employee based on the given ID.
CalendarApi listDaysOff GET /list/days-off Returns a list of holidays / non-working days.
CalendarApi listDaysOffPerEmployee GET /list/days-off-per-employee Returns a list of day off per employee schemas associated with the organization.
CalendarApi postDayOff POST /day-off Create or update the day off.
CalendarApi postDayOffPerEmployee POST /organization/day-off-per-employee Create or update the day off per employee.
ContactApi deleteContact DELETE /contact Delete the given contact.
ContactApi deleteContactPerson DELETE /contact/{contact}/contact-person Delete the given contact person.
ContactApi getContact GET /contact/{id} Returns a single contact based on the given ID.
ContactApi getContactPerson GET /contact-person/{id} Returns a single contact person based on the given ID.
ContactApi getContactTypes GET /contact-types Retrieves a list of contact types.
ContactApi getSurchargePercentages GET /contact/{contact}/surcharge-percentages
ContactApi listContactFinancial GET /list/contact/financial Returns a list of financial contact details associated with the organization.
ContactApi listContactPersons GET /list/contact-persons Returns a list of contact persons associated with any contact for your organization.
ContactApi listContacts GET /list/contacts Returns a list of contacts associated with the organization.
ContactApi postContact POST /contact Create or update the contact.
ContactApi postContactPerson POST /contact/{contact}/contact-person Create or update the contact person for the given contact.
ContractApi deleteContractOrderLine DELETE /project/{project}/contract-order-line Delete the given contract order line.
ContractApi deletePurchaseOrder DELETE /contracts/purchase-order Delete the given purchase order contract.
ContractApi deletePurchaseOrderContractTerm DELETE /contracts/purchase-order/contract-term Delete the given purchase order contract term.
ContractApi deleteSubcontractor DELETE /contracts/subcontractor Delete the given subcontractor contract.
ContractApi deleteSubcontractorContractTerm DELETE /contracts/subcontractor/contract-term Delete the given subcontractor contract term.
ContractApi getCalledReceiptBySubcontractorContract GET /contracts/subcontractor/called-receipts/{id} Returns a list of subcontractor contract called receipts associated with the given ID.
ContractApi getCalledReceiptsByPurchaseOrderContract GET /contracts/purchase-order/called-receipts/{id} Returns a list of purchase order contract called receipts associated with the given ID.
ContractApi getFilesByPurchaseOrderContract GET /contracts/purchase-order/files/{id} Returns a collection of purchase order contract files with the given ID.
ContractApi getFilesBySubcontractorContract GET /contracts/subcontractor/files/{id} Returns a collection of subcontractor contract files with the given ID.
ContractApi getPurchaseOrder GET /contracts/purchase-order/{id} Returns a single purchase order contract based on the given ID.
ContractApi getPurchaseOrderContractHistoryEntries GET /contracts/purchase-order/log-entries/{id} Returns a list of purchase order contract history entries associated with the given ID.
ContractApi getPurchaseOrderCostTypes GET /contracts/purchase-order/cost-types Returns available cost types for a purchase order.
ContractApi getPurchaseOrderStatuses GET /contracts/purchase-order/statuses Returns available statuses for a purchase order.
ContractApi getSubcontractor GET /contracts/subcontractor/{id} Returns a single subcontractor contract based on the given ID.
ContractApi getSubcontractorContractHistoryEntries GET /contracts/subcontractor/log-entries/{id} Returns a list of subcontractor contract history entries associated with the given ID.
ContractApi getSubcontractorStatuses GET /contracts/subcontractor/statuses Returns available statuses for a subcontractor contract.
ContractApi listContractOrderLines GET /list/contract-order-lines Returns all contract order lines for the current organization. Use HQL to filter for specific items.
ContractApi listPurchaseOrderContractTerms GET /list/purchase-order-contract-terms Returns a list of purchase order contract terms.
ContractApi listPurchaseOrderContracts GET /list/purchase-order-contracts Returns a list of purchase order contracts.
ContractApi listSubcontractorContractTerms GET /list/subcontractor-contract-terms Returns a list of subcontractor contract terms.
ContractApi listSubcontractorContracts GET /list/subcontractor-contracts Returns a list of subcontractor contracts.
ContractApi postContractOrderLine POST /project/{project}/contract-order-line Create or update the contract order line.
ContractApi postPurchaseOrder POST /contracts/purchase-order Create or update a purchase order contract with the schema.
ContractApi postPurchaseOrderContractTerm POST /contracts/purchase-order/contract-term Create or update the purchase order contract term.
ContractApi postSubcontractor POST /contracts/subcontractor Create or update a subcontractor contract with the schema.
ContractApi postSubcontractorContractTerm POST /contracts/subcontract/contract-term Create or update the subcontractor contract term.
ContractApi updatePurchaseOrderStatus PUT /contracts/purchase-order/{id}/update-status/{status} Update the purchase order contract with the given status.
ContractApi updateSubcontractorStatus PUT /contracts/subcontractor/{id}/update-status/{status} Update the subcontractor contract with the given status.
DeliveryTicketApi deleteDeliveryTicket DELETE /project/delivery-ticket Delete the given delivery ticket.
DeliveryTicketApi getDeliveryTicket GET /project/delivery-ticket/{id} Returns a single delivery ticket based on the given ID.
DeliveryTicketApi getPurchaseTypes GET /delivery-ticket/purchase-types Returns available purchase types for a delivery ticket.
DeliveryTicketApi listDeliveryTickets GET /list/delivery-tickets Returns a list of delivery tickets associated with your organization.
DeliveryTicketApi postDeliveryTicket POST /project/delivery-ticket Create or update the delivery ticket.
DepartmentApi deleteDepartment DELETE /organization/department Delete the given department.
DepartmentApi deleteDepartmentWorkInProgressSettings DELETE /organization/department/work-in-progress-settings Delete the given department work in progress settings.
DepartmentApi getDepartment GET /organization/department/{department} Returns a single department based on the given ID.
DepartmentApi postDepartment POST /organization/department Create or update the department with the schema.
EquipmentApi getEquipmentUnits GET /equipment/units Returns a list of equipment units associated with the organization.
ExactOnlineApi getAccessibleDivisions GET /exact-online/divisions
HourLogApi getHourLogs GET /project/{project}/hour-logs Returns a list of hour logs associated with the given project.
HourLogApi listContactHourLogs GET /list/hour-logs/contact Returns a list of contact hour logs associated with your organization.
HourLogApi listEmployeeHourLogs GET /list/hour-logs/employee Returns a list of employee hour logs associated with your organization.
I18nApi getCountries GET /i18n/countries Returns all supported countries in the default locale if $locale parameter is not given.
I18nApi getCurrencies GET /i18n/currencies Returns all supported currencies in the default locale if $locale parameter is not given.
I18nApi getLocales GET /i18n/locales Returns all supported locales in the default locale if $locale parameter is not given.
I18nApi getTimezones GET /i18n/timezones Returns all supported timezones in the default locale if $locale parameter is not given.
InvoicingApi deleteInvoice DELETE /invoice/{invoice} Delete the given invoice.
InvoicingApi getCollectiveInvoicePdf GET /invoice/{invoice}/collective-pdf Returns the PDF of an invoice by the given ID.
InvoicingApi getInvoice GET /invoice/{invoice} Returns the document of an existing invoice.
InvoicingApi getInvoiceCompanyInfo GET /invoicing-project/{project}/company-info Returns the company information based on the given project.
InvoicingApi getInvoiceEquipmentListPdf GET /invoice/{invoice}/pdf/equipment-list Returns the equipment list PDF of an invoice by the given ID.
InvoicingApi getInvoiceGarbageListPdf GET /invoice/{invoice}/pdf/garbage-list Returns the waste list PDF of an invoice by the given ID.
InvoicingApi getInvoiceMailStatuses GET /invoice/mail-statuses Returns available statuses for an invoice mail.
InvoicingApi getInvoiceMaterialListPdf GET /invoice/{invoice}/pdf/material-list Returns the material list of an invoice by the given ID.
InvoicingApi getInvoicePdf GET /invoice/{invoice}/pdf Returns the PDF of an invoice by the given ID.
InvoicingApi listInvoices GET /list/invoices Returns a list of invoices associated with the organization.
InvoicingApi makeAttachments POST /invoice/{invoice}/make-attachments Generate the given attachments for the given invoice.
InvoicingApi newInvoice GET /invoice/new Returns the document of a new invoice.
InvoicingApi newInvoiceForProject GET /project/{project}/invoice/new Returns the document of a new invoice.
InvoicingApi updateInvoice POST /invoice Creates or updates an invoice based on the given document.
MileageRegistrationsApi deleteMileageRegistration DELETE /mileage-registration Delete the given mileage registration.
MileageRegistrationsApi getMileageRegistration GET /mileage-registration/{id} Returns a single mileage registration based on the given ID.
MileageRegistrationsApi listMileageRegistrations GET /list/mileage-registrations Returns a list of mileage registrations associated with your organization.
MileageRegistrationsApi postMileageRegistration POST /mileage-registration Create or update the mileage registration with the schema.
MobileSettingsApi deleteGlobalSetting DELETE /mobile-settings/global
MobileSettingsApi getGlobalSettings GET /mobile-settings/global
MobileSettingsApi getUserSettings GET /mobile-settings
MobileSettingsApi setGlobalSetting POST /mobile-settings/global
MobileSettingsApi setUserSetting POST /mobile-settings
OrganizationApi deleteCustomAttribute DELETE /organization/custom-attribute Delete the given custom attribute.
OrganizationApi deleteEmployee DELETE /organization/employee Delete the given employee.
OrganizationApi deleteHourType DELETE /organization/hour-type/{id} Delete the given hour type.
OrganizationApi deleteProjectCategory DELETE /organization/project-category/{id} Delete the given project category.
OrganizationApi deleteProjectFileCategory DELETE /organization/project-file-category/{id} Delete the given project file category.
OrganizationApi deleteQuotationStatus DELETE /organization/quotation-status/{id}
OrganizationApi deleteTextTemplate DELETE /organization/text-template Delete a text template.
OrganizationApi getAllowedAccessTypes GET /organization/me/allowed-access-types Returns a list of types that the currently authenticated user has access to.
OrganizationApi getBasicEmployee GET /organization/employee/basic/{id} Returns basic data for a single employee based on the given ID.
OrganizationApi getBranch GET /organization/branch/{id} Returns a single branch based on the given ID.
OrganizationApi getCurrentUser GET /organization/me Returns the user that is currently authenticated.
OrganizationApi getCurrentUserPermissions GET /organization/me/permissions Returns the permissions for the currently authenticated user.
OrganizationApi getCustomAttribute GET /organization/custom-attribute/{id} Returns a single custom attribute based on the given ID.
OrganizationApi getDefaultProjectStatus GET /organization/default-project-status Return a list of default project statuses associated with your organization.
OrganizationApi getDivision GET /organization/division/{id}
OrganizationApi getEmployee GET /organization/employee/{id} Returns a single employee based on the given ID.
OrganizationApi getGeneralLedgerAccounts GET /organization/general-ledger-accounts Return a list of general ledger accounts associated with your organization.
OrganizationApi getHourType GET /organization/hour-type/{id} Returns a single hour type based on the given ID.
OrganizationApi getHourTypes GET /organization/hour-types Return hour types for the current authenticated user.
OrganizationApi getOrganization GET /organization Return basic information about the organization for the currently authenticated user.
OrganizationApi getOrganizationHourTypePrices GET /organization/hour-type-prices Returns all hour type prices associated with the organization.
OrganizationApi getOrganizationSurchargePercentages GET /organization/surcharge-percentages Return a list of surcharge percentages associated with your organization.
OrganizationApi getProjectCategories GET /organization/project-categories Return a set of project categories for the organization.
OrganizationApi getProjectCategory GET /organization/project-category/{id} Returns a single project category based on the given ID.
OrganizationApi getProjectFileCategories GET /organization/project-file-categories Returns a list of project file categories associated with your organization.
OrganizationApi getProjectFileCategory GET /organization/project-file-category/{id} Returns a single project file category based on the given ID.
OrganizationApi getQuotationStatus GET /organization/quotation-status/{id} Returns a single quotation status based on the given ID.
OrganizationApi getTemplates GET /organization/text-templates/{category}
OrganizationApi getVatTariffs GET /organization/vat-tariffs Return a set of VAT tariff objects that the organization can use, depending on the country.
OrganizationApi listBasicEmployees GET /list/basic-employees Return a list of basic employee data associated with your organization.
OrganizationApi listBranches GET /list/branches Return a list of all branches associated with the organization.
OrganizationApi listCommonInvoiceAttachments GET /list/common-invoice-attachments Return a list of common invoice attachments associated with your organization.
OrganizationApi listCommonQuotationAttachments GET /list/common-quotation-attachments Return a list of common quotation attachments associated with your organization.
OrganizationApi listCostCenters GET /list/cost-centers Return a list of cost centers associated with your organization.
OrganizationApi listCustomAttributes GET /list/custom-attributes Return a list of custom attributes for the organization.
OrganizationApi listDepartments GET /list/departments Returns a list of departments associated with the organization.
OrganizationApi listDivisions GET /list/divisions
OrganizationApi listEmployees GET /list/employees Return a list of employees associated with your organization.
OrganizationApi listProjectStatuses GET /list/project-statuses Return a list of project statuses for the organization.
OrganizationApi listQuotationConfirmationAttachments GET /list/quotation-confirmation-attachments Return a list of quotation confirmation attachments associated with your organization.
OrganizationApi listVatTariffs GET /list/vat-tariffs Return a list of VAT tariff objects that the organization can use, depending on the country.
OrganizationApi postBranch POST /organization/branch Create or update the branch.
OrganizationApi postCustomAttribute POST /organization/custom-attributes Create or update the custom attribute with the schema.
OrganizationApi postEmployee POST /organization/employee Create or update the employee.
OrganizationApi postHourType POST /organization/hour-type Create or update the hour type.
OrganizationApi postOrganizationHourTypePrice POST /organization/hour-type-price Create or update the organization hour type price with the schema.
OrganizationApi postProjectCategory POST /organization/project-category Create or update the project category.
OrganizationApi postProjectFileCategory POST /organization/project-file-category Create or update the project file category.
OrganizationApi postQuotationStatus POST /organization/quotation-status Create or update the quotation status.
OrganizationApi postTextTemplate POST /organization/text-template Create or update a text template.
ProjectApi canCreateInvoice GET /project/{project}/invoicing/can-create Returns true if an invoice can be made for the specified project.
ProjectApi deleteInvoiceTermStatement DELETE /project/term-statement Delete the given project invoice term statement.
ProjectApi deleteProject DELETE /project Delete the given project.
ProjectApi getDeletedProjects GET /deleted-projects Returns a list of deleted projects associated with the organization.
ProjectApi getProject GET /project/{project} Returns a project associated with the given id.
ProjectApi getProjectFile GET /project/file/{projectFile} Returns a project file associated with the given id.
ProjectApi hardDeleteProject DELETE /hard-delete-project/{projectId} Deletes the given soft deleted project.
ProjectApi listInvoiceTermStatements GET /list/project-invoice-term-statements Returns a list of project invoice term statements associated with the organization.
ProjectApi listInvoiceTerms GET /list/project-invoice-terms Returns a list of project invoice terms associated with the organization.
ProjectApi listProjects GET /list/projects Returns a list of projects associated with the organization.
ProjectApi postInvoiceTermStatement POST /project/{project}/invoice-term-statement Create or update the given project invoice term statement.
ProjectApi postProject POST /project Creates or updates the given project.
ProjectApi restoreProject POST /restore-project/{projectId} Restores the given soft deleted project.
ProjectApi setInternalNote POST /project/set-internal-note Sets the internal note of the given project.
PropertyAssetApi deletePropertyAsset DELETE /property-asset Removes the given property asset.
PropertyAssetApi getPropertyAsset GET /property-asset/{propertyAsset} Returns a single property asset based on the given ID.
PropertyAssetApi listPropertyAssets GET /list/property-assets Returns a list of property assets associated with the organization.
PropertyAssetApi postPropertyAsset POST /property-asset Create or update a property asset with the data in the schema.
PurchaseInvoicingApi deletePurchaseInvoice DELETE /purchase-invoice Delete the given purchase invoice.
PurchaseInvoicingApi getDefaultGeneralLedgerAccountCode POST /purchase-invoicing/default-general-ledger-account Returns the default general ledger account based on the given contact id / branch id.
PurchaseInvoicingApi getPurchaseInvoice GET /purchase-invoicing/purchase-invoice/{id} Returns a single purchase invoice based on the given ID.
PurchaseInvoicingApi getPurchaseInvoiceStatuses GET /purchase-invoicing/statuses Returns available statuses for an purchase invoice.
PurchaseInvoicingApi listPurchaseInvoices GET /list/purchase-invoices Returns a list of purchase invoices belonging to the organization.
PurchaseInvoicingApi postPurchaseInvoice POST /purchase-invoice Create or update purchase invoice.
PurchaseInvoicingApi updatePurchaseInvoiceStatus PUT /purchase-invoice/{id}/update-status/{status} Update the purchase invoice with the given status.
QuotationApi deleteQuotationReminder DELETE /quotation/reminder Deletes a quotation reminder associated with the given ID.
QuotationApi getQuotation GET /quotation/{quotation} Returns the document of an existing quotation.
QuotationApi getQuotationReminder GET /quotation/reminder/{quotationReminder} Returns a quotation reminder based on the given ID.
QuotationApi listQuotationReminders GET /list/quotation-reminders Returns a list of quotation reminders associated with your organization.
QuotationApi listQuotationStatusLogs GET /list/quotation-status-logs Returns a list of quotation status logs associated with any quotation for your organization.
QuotationApi listQuotations GET /list/quotations Returns a list of quotations associated with your organization.
QuotationApi newQuotationForProject GET /quotation/{project}/new Returns the document with the project information filled in for a new quotation.
QuotationApi postQuotation POST /quotation Creates or updates an quotation based on the given document.
QuotationApi postQuotationReminder POST /quotation/reminder Create or update the quotation reminder.
ResourceApi deleteEquipment DELETE /equipment Deletes an equipment item associated with the given id.
ResourceApi deleteEquipmentBooking DELETE /equipment-booking Deletes an equipment booking associated with the given id.
ResourceApi deleteEquipmentGroup DELETE /equipment-group Deletes an equipment group associated with the given id.
ResourceApi deleteEquipmentUnit DELETE /equipment-unit/{id} Deletes an equipment unit associated with the given ID.
ResourceApi deleteMaterial DELETE /material/{material} Deletes a material item associated with the given ID.
ResourceApi deleteMaterialBooking DELETE /material-booking Deletes a material booking associated with the given ID.
ResourceApi deleteMaterialPerUnit DELETE /material-per-unit Deletes the given material per unit.
ResourceApi deleteMaterialUnit DELETE /material-unit/{id} Deletes a material unit associated with the given ID.
ResourceApi deleteResource DELETE /resource Deletes a resource associated with the given id.
ResourceApi deleteResourceBooking DELETE /resource-booking Deletes a resource booking associated with the given id.
ResourceApi deleteResourceGroup DELETE /resource-group Deletes a resource group associated with the given id.
ResourceApi deleteResourceUnit DELETE /resource-unit Deletes a resource unit associated with the given id.
ResourceApi deleteWaste DELETE /waste/{id} Deletes a waste item associated with the given id.
ResourceApi deleteWasteBooking DELETE /waste-booking Deletes a waste booking associated with the given ID.
ResourceApi deleteWastePerUnit DELETE /waste-per-unit Deletes the given waste per unit.
ResourceApi deleteWasteUnit DELETE /waste-unit/{wasteUnit} Deletes a waste unit associated with the given ID.
ResourceApi getEquipment GET /equipment/{equipment} Returns a single equipment item based on the given ID.
ResourceApi getEquipmentBooking GET /equipment-booking/{id} Returns an equipment booking associated with the given id.
ResourceApi getEquipmentGroup GET /equipment-group/{id} Returns an equipment group associated with the given id.
ResourceApi getEquipmentGroups GET /equipment-groups Returns a list of equipment groups associated with the organization.
ResourceApi getEquipmentUnit GET /equipment-unit/{equipmentUnit} Returns a single equipment unit based on the given ID.
ResourceApi getMaterial GET /material/{id} Returns a single material based on the given ID.
ResourceApi getMaterialPerUnit GET /material-per-unit/{id} Returns a single material per unit based on the given ID.
ResourceApi getMaterialUnit GET /material-unit/{materialUnit} Returns a single material unit based on the given ID.
ResourceApi getResource GET /resource/{type}/{id} Returns a resource associated with the given id.
ResourceApi getResourceBooking GET /resource-booking/{type}/{id} Returns a resource booking associated with the given id.
ResourceApi getResourceBookings GET /resource-bookings/{type} Returns a set of resource bookings by an organization, optionally filtered by project.
ResourceApi getResourceGroup GET /resource-group/{type}/{id} Returns an resource group associated with the given id.
ResourceApi getResourceUnit GET /resource-unit/{type}/{id} Returns a resource unit associated with the given id.
ResourceApi getResourceUnits GET /resource-units/{type} Returns a set of resource units associated with the organization.
ResourceApi getResources GET /resources/{type} Returns a set of resources associated with the organization.
ResourceApi getWaste GET /waste/{waste} Returns a single waste item based on the given ID.
ResourceApi getWasteBooking GET /waste-booking/{wasteBooking} Returns a waste booking associated with the given ID.
ResourceApi getWastePerUnit GET /waste-per-unit/{id} Returns a single waste per unit based on the given ID.
ResourceApi getWasteUnit GET /waste-unit/{id} Returns a single waste unit based on the given ID.
ResourceApi importMaterialPerUnits POST /import/material-per-unit Creates material records based on the given material per unit import list if the data is unique.
ResourceApi importWastePerUnits POST /import/waste-per-unit Creates waste records based on the given waste per unit import list if the data is unique.
ResourceApi listEquipment GET /list/equipment Returns a list of equipment items owned by the organization.
ResourceApi listEquipmentBookings GET /list/booking/equipment Returns a list of equipment bookings made by the organization.
ResourceApi listEquipmentGroups GET /list/equipment-groups Returns a list of equipment groups owned by your organization.
ResourceApi listEquipmentPerUnit GET /list/equipment-per-unit Returns a bookable list of units associated with a piece of equipment.
ResourceApi listEquipmentUnits GET /list/equipment-units Returns a list of equipment units owned by your organization.
ResourceApi listGarbage GET /list/garbage Returns a list of waste owned by the organization.
ResourceApi listGarbageBookings GET /list/booking/garbage Returns a list of waste bookings made by the organization.
ResourceApi listGarbagePerUnit GET /list/garbage-per-unit Returns a bookable list of units associated with waste.
ResourceApi listMaterialBookings GET /list/booking/material Returns a list of material bookings made by the organization.
ResourceApi listMaterialUnits GET /list/material-units Returns a list of material units owned by your organization.
ResourceApi listMaterials GET /list/materials Returns a list of materials owned by your organization.
ResourceApi listMaterialsPerUnit GET /list/materials-per-unit Returns a bookable list of units associated with materials.
ResourceApi listWaste GET /list/waste Returns a list of waste items owned by your organization.
ResourceApi listWastePerUnit GET /list/waste-per-unit Returns a bookable list of units associated with waste.
ResourceApi listWasteUnits GET /list/waste-units Returns a list of waste units owned by your organization.
ResourceApi postEquipment POST /equipment Create or update an equipment item.
ResourceApi postEquipmentBooking POST /equipment-booking Create or update the equipment booking.
ResourceApi postEquipmentGroup POST /equipment-group Creates or updates an equipment group for the currently authenticated user.
ResourceApi postEquipmentUnit POST /equipment-unit Create or update the equipment unit.
ResourceApi postMaterial POST /material Create or update the material.
ResourceApi postMaterialPerUnit POST /material-per-unit Create or update the material per unit.
ResourceApi postMaterialUnit POST /material-unit Create or update the material unit.
ResourceApi postResource POST /resource Creates or updates a resource for the currently authenticated user.
ResourceApi postResourceBooking POST /resource-booking Creates or updates a resource booking for the currently authenticated user.
ResourceApi postResourceGroup POST /resource-group Creates or updates a resource group for the currently authenticated user.
ResourceApi postResourceUnit POST /resource-unit Creates or updates a resource unit for the currently authenticated user.
ResourceApi postWaste POST /waste Create or update a waste item.
ResourceApi postWasteUnit POST /waste-unit Create or update the waste unit.
SecurityApi getProjectSecurityLink GET /project/project-security-link/{id} Returns a single project security link based on the given ID.
SecurityApi getSecurityObject GET /security-object/{id} Returns a single security object based on the given ID.
SecurityApi postSecurityObject POST /security-object Create or update the security object.
StorageApi deleteFile DELETE /storage/file Deletes a file associated with the given id.
StorageApi downloadFile GET /storage/{hash}/download Returns the binary or base64 contents of a file.
StorageApi getFileContents GET /storage/{hash}
StorageApi uploadFile POST /storage/{modelType}/{modelId}
UblApi generate GET /ubl/generate/{invoice}/{version}
UblApi getVersions GET /ubl/versions

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Authorization
  • Location: HTTP header
