bfg / scaffold
Scaffolding for recursively creating migration models and relationships between them
- php: ^8.0
- bfg/entity: ^1.1.0
- bfg/installer: *
- bfg/object: *
- bfg/text: *
- laravel/framework: ^8.0|^9.0
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-13 02:25:37 UTC
The essence of the package is to design a database and initial data in a visual syntax for further processing it and forming layers for working with laravel.
More details
A package for creating laravel layers according to a single
syntax that is based in a simple array representing a set of
rules and conditions that are necessary to build the initial
data of the project architecture. We are talking about things
like: Models
, Model Constants
, Model Relations
, Model Properties
Model Behaviors (Traits)
, Casts
, Migrations
, Observers
, Requests
, Rules
, Factories
, Seeders
You can install the library using composer:
composer require bfg/scaffold
Beginning of work
If the file /database/scaffolds.json
does not exist, then after the first
run of the command php artisan scaffold
this file will be created automatically!
Then you need to fill it with data for generation and re-run the command
php artisan scaffold
JSON syntax
First, you need to understand how to design an array of scaffolding for your project.
It is important that you definitely need to understand the whole project in order to make the most correct design of your project and database in one place.
Let's consider a simple design method, this is a JSON
This approach is simplified for easy integration and fast implementation.
Simple example of preschool database structure:
{ "required": ["user/location"], "commentary": { "prop:translatable": ["name"], "const:title": "Comments", "type": "morphMany:commentable", "fields": [ ["name", ["nullable"]], ["src", ["nullable"]], "active" ], "rules": { "name": "required|string|min:10|max:191", "src": "nullable|string|Uppercase" }, "factory": { "name": "faker.unique().name()", "src": "faker.imageUrl(640, 480, 'animals', true)" }, "seed": "factory:30,50" }, "rules": { "const:title": "Rules", "fields": ["title", "text", "active"], "relations": { "commentary": {} }, "seed": [ { "title": "Warning 1", "text": "Warning text 1" }, { "title": "Warning 2", "text": "Warning text 2" } ] }, "director": { "const:title": "Directors", "auth": true, "traits": ["Notifiable", "SoftDeletes", "Getter", "Setter", "Scope"], "fields": ["name", "last_name", "active"], "relations": { "commentary": {}, "reward:hasMany": { "const:title": "Rewards", "fields": ["name", "license", "photo", "handed_over_at", "active"] } }, "seed": { "name": "Name", "last_name": "Last Name" } }, "school": { "const:title": "Schools", "traits": ["Getter", "Setter", "Scope", "Wets"], "fields": ["name", "description", "active", "active"], "relations": { "director": {}, "commentary": {}, "group:hasMany": { "const:title": "Groups", "fields": ["name", ["slogan", ["nullable"]], "active"], "relations": { "commentary": {}, "educator:belongsToMany": { "const:title": "Educators", "fields": ["name", "last_name", "active"], "relations": { "commentary": {} } } } }, "service:belongsToMany": { "const:title": "Services", "fields": ["name", "amount", "description", "active"], "relations": { "commentary": {} } }, "tags:belongsToMany": { "const:title": "Tags", "fields": ["name", "active", "is_new", "mark_at"] } } } }
For publish this demo:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=scaffold-demo
Now in detail about the array
"{Singular model name}": { //All fields except names are optional
"const:{Constant name}": "Constant value", //optional
"created": false, // Cancel created at support
"updated": false, // Cancel updated at support
"path": "app/Models", //by default
"prop:translatable": ["title"], //For make custom model property
"namespace": "App\\Models", //by default
"foreign": "id", //by default
"observer": [], //observer for model, if the array of values is empty, add all possible events. or list what events are needed in an array.
"timestamps": true, //by default
"traits": ["Getter", "Setter", "Scope", "Wets"], //Injected traits. optional
"type": "{Type name}:{Type parameters}", //The parent type when adding this model as a link. by default hasOne.
"fields": [ //optional
["{Field name}", "Field param",{"Field methods": "Field properties"}],
["src", ["nullable"]],
["bet", "float", 8, 2, {"default": "0.01", "cast": "string"}],
["href", {"cast": "Href"}], //If Cast is specified with a capital letter, scaffolding will consider it necessary to create a custom class for casting.
"amount" //by default this field is: ['float', 8, 2]
"relations": {
//The name of the relationship can also be plural, in which case it will find or create a model.
"{Relation name}{:Relation type name (optional)}": {
// model data, or empty object if model exists
"tags:belongsToMany": {
"const:title": "Tags",
"fields": ["name", "active", "is_new", "mark_at"]
"rewards": {},
"rewards": {
//Relation configure api
"uncascade": true // Switch off all cascade set
"cascade_update": true // Switcher for cascade update
"cascade_delete": true // Switcher for cascade delete
"method": "custom_name" // The relation of method name
"nullable": false // Set nullable relation / or use "?" before relation name
"field": "reward_id" // The relation field name
"related": "hasOne" // Specify the opposite relation manually
"rules": { // For create model request
"name": "required|string|min:10|max:191", // Rules of model request
"src": "nullable|string|Uppercase" // In order to create a custom rule, write the name of the class with a capital letter and it will be created.
"resource": [], //To create a resource {model_name}Resource
"resource": ["AdminRules"], //To create multiple resources
"factory": { // For generate of Fabrica
"name": "\\faker.unique().name()",
"src": "\\faker.imageUrl(640, 480, 'animals', true)",
"time_at": "\\now()",
"active": "\\rand(0,1)",
"status": "wait",
"seed": "factory:30,50", // For add factory to seed you must add this string, for generating 30 to 50 records
"seed": "factory:30", // To generate 30 records
"seed": "factory", // To generate 1 record
For publish config:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=scaffold
All properties are documented in a file that were published
in the /config/scaffold.php
Clear the generated data from the application.
In order to clear constantly regenerated data from your application,
run the command php artisan scaffold:clear
In order to delete all the files that created the scaffolding altogether,
add the -a
or --all
flag to the command php artisan scaffold:clear -a
More flexible php
Blanc adding
Adding named blanc:
\Bfg\Scaffold\ScaffoldConstruct::namedBlanc("user/location", [ "location" => [ "fields" => [ 'lat', 'lon' ] ], "user" => [ "relations" => [ "location" => [] ] ] ]);
Adding blanc in to stream:
\Bfg\Scaffold\ScaffoldConstruct::blanc([ "location" => [ "fields" => [ 'lat', 'lon' ] ], "user" => [ "relations" => [ "location" => [] ] ] ]);
Command adding
Adding command:
// Example of default command \Bfg\Scaffold\ScaffoldConstruct::command( 'required', [\Bfg\Scaffold\ScaffoldCommands::class, 'required'] );