
BIIGLE module to collect key performance indicators.

v1.0.9 2024-08-30 06:52 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-02 12:26:28 UTC


Test status

A BIIGLE module to collect key performance indicators.


  1. Run composer require biigle/kpis.
  2. Add the KPIS_TOKEN variable to the .env file. The value is an authentication token (e.g. generated with pwgen 30 1).
  3. Copy the Bash script to your webserver, configure the authentication token (and maybe the base URL) inside the script and set up a daily cron job that executes the script with the gzipped webserver logfile of the previous day as argument. Example:
    30 0 * * * /path/to/ /path/to/logfiles/$(/bin/date -Idate --date "1 day ago").sql.gz > /path/to/countRequests.log 2>&1
  4. Run the migrations.


Take a look at the development guide of the core repository to get started with the development setup.

Want to develop a new module? Head over to the biigle/module template repository.

Contributions and bug reports

Contributions to BIIGLE are always welcome. Check out the contribution guide to get started.