
Official php client for cronbuzz API

v1.0.0 2020-11-02 00:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:33:18 UTC


This is the official php client for cronbuzz API. Use this client to manage your cronbuzz monitors or send pings from your cron jobs easily.


This package can be installed using composer.

composer require binarybuilds/cronbuzz-php

Sending Pings from your cron jobs

Use the following code to automatically send proper pings to cronbuzz.

\BinaryBuilds\CronBuzzPHP\CronBuzzTask::run('your-monitor-uuid', function (){

    // Add your code here

The above code will

  • send a ping to cronbuzz informing the cron job execution has started
  • wraps your code inside a try catch block
  • sends a ping when your code completes executing.
  • If any exception occurred during the execution of your code, catch block will catch the execution, Send a ping to cronbuzz informing the cron job failed executing. It will also include the error message.
  • Re-throws the exception, So you can handle the exceptions as usually.

If for any reason the above code does not work for you, Or if you prefer to send pings manually, Use the below code.

$run = new \BinaryBuilds\CronBuzzPHP\Run( 'your-monitor-uuid' );

    // Add your code here


}catch (\Exception $exception){

    $run->fail( $exception->getMessage() );
    // Handle your exceptions here    

Using API


Before you make any requests to the API, You must authenticate using your API key.

This step is not required for sending pings from your cron jobs.

Add the below lines at the beginning of your code.


You can retrieve your team key from the team settings page, and your api token from the profile page.


List Monitors


Show Monitor

\BinaryBuilds\CronBuzzPHP\Monitor::get( 'monitor id');

Create Monitor

    'monitor name', 
    'max execution', 
    'notification lists', 
Argument Data Type Required Details
Monitor name string Yes Name of the monitor
Schedule string Yes monitor cron expression(ex: * * * * *)
max execution integer Yes Maximum execution duration of the monitor in minutes
notification lists array Optional Array of notification list names to attach to this monitor. If none specified, Default notification list will be attached.
tags array Optional Array of tags to add to this monitor.

Update Monitor

\BinaryBuilds\CronBuzzPHP\Monitor::update( 'monitor id', 'fields');
Argument Data Type Required Details
Monitor id integer Yes id of the monitor(This is not the uuid.)
fields array Yes array of fields to update(ex: ['name' => 'new name', 'execution_duration' => 2]. Array keys must be one of these name,schedule,execution_duration)

Delete Monitor

\BinaryBuilds\CronBuzzPHP\Monitor::delete( 'monitor id');

Pause Monitor

\BinaryBuilds\CronBuzzPHP\Monitor::pause( 'monitor id');

Resume Monitor

\BinaryBuilds\CronBuzzPHP\Monitor::resume( 'monitor id');

Notification Lists

List Notification Lists


Show Notification List

\BinaryBuilds\CronBuzzPHP\NotificationList::get( 'list id');

Create Notification List

\BinaryBuilds\CronBuzzPHP\NotificationList::create( 'list name', 'channels');
Argument Data Type Required Details
list name string Yes Name of the notification list
channels array Optional Array of notification channels to add to this list.
Notification channels format
    [ 'type' => 'EMAIL', ''],
    [ 'type' => 'WEBHOOK', ''],

Update Notification List

\BinaryBuilds\CronBuzzPHP\NotificationList::update( 'list id', 'new name');

Delete Notification List

\BinaryBuilds\CronBuzzPHP\NotificationList::delete( 'list id');


List Tags


Show Tag

\BinaryBuilds\CronBuzzPHP\Tag::get( 'tag id');

Create Tag

\BinaryBuilds\CronBuzzPHP\Tag::create( 'tag name');

Update Tag

\BinaryBuilds\CronBuzzPHP\Tag::update( 'tag id', 'new name');

Delete Tag

\BinaryBuilds\CronBuzzPHP\Tag::delete( 'tag id');

Security Vulnerabilities

If you found a security vulnerability with in this package, Please do not use the issue tracker. Instead send an email to All security vulnerabilities will be addressed promptly.


This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.