
Easy to use lightweight PHP library to connect to Microsoft HealthVault.

1.4.0 2013-08-30 09:11 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 04:03:11 UTC


An easy to use PHP library to connect to Microsoft® HealthVault™ on top of HVRawConnectorPHP. It adds a nicer object oriented programming interface and hides (most) of the complicated XML parts in the HealthVault protocol.


HVClientLibPHP depends on HVRawConnectorPHP.

You can simply use composer to install HVRawConnectorPHP and it's dependencies.

To add HVClientLibPHP as a library in your project, add something like that to the 'require' section of your composer.json:

  "require": {
    "biologis/hv-client-lib": "dev-master"

If composer complains about an unknown pear channel, add this to your composer.json:

  "repositories": [
      "type": "pear",
      "url": ""

Earlier version of HVClientLibPHP could also be installed by pear including all it's dependencies:

pear channel-discover
pear channel-discover
pear install biologis/HVClient

This method will install HVClientLibPHP as a library, but without the available demo application.


HVClientLibPHP is not a full featured HealthVault SDK, but should provide all the required stuff to create powerful HealthVault applications with PHP.

It can basically handle all Things already, but over the time we will add some more convenience function to the representing classes.

But the number of implemented Methods is very limited at the moment (the essential ones are available):

  • GetPersonInfo
  • GetThings
  • PutThings

If you need more and understand the available Documentation, you can always use HVRawConnectorPHP directly. In that case you should ideally contribute your work to let HVClientLibPHP grow faster.


This is a simple example to display all weight measurements:

$hv = new HVClient($yourAppId, $_SESSION);
$hv->connect($yourCertThumbPrint, $yourPrivateKey);

$personInfo = $hv->getPersonInfo();
$recordId = $personInfo->selected_record_id;

$things = $hv->getThings('Weight Measurement', $recordId);
foreach ($things as $thing) {
  print $thing->weight->value->kg;

Connect a different HealthVault™ instance using a different country and language:

$hv = new HVClient($yourAppId, $_SESSION);


$hv->connect($yourCertThumbPrint, $yourPrivateKey);

To connect your PHP based HealthVault™ app, your app needs to authorized by the user and the user himself needs to be authenticated against HealthVault™. If any of these requirements are not met, HVClientLibPHP throws corresponding exceptions. In this case you can create a link that takes the user to HealthVault™ to authenticate himself and to authorize your app and takes him back to your site afterwards:

$hv = new HVClient($yourAppId, $_SESSION);

try {
  $hv->connect($yourCertThumbPrint, $yourPrivateKey);
  $personInfo = $hv->getPersonInfo();
catch (HVRawConnectorUserNotAuthenticatedException $e) {
 print '<a href="' .
   $hv->getAuthenticationURL($yourReturnURL) .

For more examples have a look at the demo_app source code included in HVClientLibPHP.

The HVClientLibPHP will never provide an API to register a new HealthVault™ app or to guide you through the on-boarding process, because this could be easily done using the Application Configuration Center.

So register your app there first and start coding afterwards.

The demo_app (aka Hello World) is already registered. For your first tests you can also use it's credentials to start right away.


The demo_app included in this repository currently demonstrates two features:

  • It queries a user's HealthVault record for all "Things" and dumps the raw XML content.
  • It lists all files uploaded to your selected health record and lets you upload additional files.

By default it uses the US pre production instance of HealthVault.

To get started, follow the install instructions above and put the demo_app folder on a web server and access "demo_app/index.php".




bio.logis offers users of[] and ( a way to upload their diagnostic reports to HealthVault.