
A route engine for PHP >= 5.3

1.0.2 2013-04-30 18:36 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-21 11:06:59 UTC


A stand-alone routing engine for PHP > = 5.3.


Packagist all the way!

"require": {
	"bistro/router": "1.0.*"

Of course you can always download a zip of the source on GitHub.

Creating Routes

$router = new \Bistro\Router\Router;
$router->add('home', '/')->defaults(array(
	'controller' => 'welcome',
	'action' => 'view'

Checking For Matches

$uri = isset($_SEVER['PATH_INFO']) ? $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] : '/';

$params = $router->match($method, $uri);
// $params = array('controller' => 'welcome', 'action' => 'view');

If you get an empty array back from match() signifies that there were no matches to the request. Probably 404 time!

Named Route Segements

You can supply named segements for your routes with :{name}.

$router->add('crud', '/:controller/:action/:id?')->defaults(array(
	'id' => null

You can put a ? at the end of a named segment to make this segment optional.

Adding Constraints

If you want to add constraints to a named segment you can put a valid regular expression before the :

$router->add('id_only', '/:controller/user|post:action/\d+:id');

In this route the action must be either user or post and the id is an integer.

Method Based Routes

Only want to pick up certain request methods? Just use the helper methods

$router->post('login', '/login')->defaults(array('controller' => 'login', 'action' => 'process'));

The available helper methods are get, post, put and delete.


Want to pick up everything at the end of a url? Easy!

$router->add('wildcard', '/:controller/.*:wildcard')

Adding Request Method Defaults

Building an api and want to add in different parameters for each request method?

$router->add('api', "/:controller/\d+:id?")
	->get(array('action' => 'read'))
	->post(array('action' => 'create'))
	->put(array('action' => 'update'))
	->delete(array('action' => 'delete'));

Reverse Routing

Keep track of your urls in a sane matter with the built in reverse routing functionality.

Seriously... don't hand type urls into your application! This is much easier and allows for greater flexibility.

$router->add('reverse', '/blog/:year/:month/:day');

// Reverse Routing magic!
echo $router->url('reverse', array(
	'year' => 2013,
	'month' => 03,
	'day' => 31
// Output: /blog/2013/03/31

Sub-Directory Installation?

If you have installed your app in a subdirectory you can add that information into the router and everything will still work as adverstised.

$router = new \Bistro\Router\Router('subdirectory');
