
Symfony bundle which creates a dedicated Monolog log file for each command or message handler.

v1.5.0 2024-04-06 15:02 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-01 00:34:24 UTC


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Symfony bundle which creates a dedicated Monolog log file for each command or message handler.


  • Dynamically creates a dedicated Monolog file handler for each command or message handler
  • Uses Monolog's console handler to display the output inside a terminal
  • Supports using Monolog's stream or rotating file handlers & creating custom handler factories
  • Automatically excludes the configured Monolog channel from all other handlers with exclusive channels
  • Allows per command configuration through the use of PHP 8 attributes or Doctrine annotations
  • Supports configuring which output stream should be used by certain log levels (stdout or stderr)



  1. Require the bundle with Composer:

    composer require bizkit/loggable-command-bundle
  2. Create the bundle configuration file under config/packages/bizkit_loggable_command.yaml. Here is a reference configuration file:

        # The name of the channel used by the console & file handlers.
        channel_name:         loggable_output
        # Configuration options for the console handler.
            # The minimum level at which the output is sent to stderr instead of stdout.
            stderr_threshold:     ERROR
            bubble:               true
                VERBOSITY_QUIET:      ERROR
                VERBOSITY_NORMAL:     WARNING
                VERBOSITY_VERBOSE:    NOTICE
                VERBOSITY_DEBUG:      DEBUG
                format:               "[%%datetime%%] %%start_tag%%%%level_name%%%%end_tag%% %%message%%\n"
            formatter:            null
        # Configuration options for the file handler.
            # The path where the log files are stored.
            # A {filename} & {date} placeholders are available which get resolved to the name of the log & current date.
            # The date format can be configured using the "date_format" option.
            path:                 '%kernel.logs_dir%/console/{filename}.log' # Example: '%kernel.logs_dir%/console/{filename}/{date}.log'
            # The name of the file handler factory to use.
            type:                 stream
            level:                DEBUG
            bubble:               true
            include_stacktraces:  false
            formatter:            null
            file_permission:      null
            use_locking:          false
            max_files:            0
            filename_format:      '{filename}-{date}'
            date_format:          Y-m-d
            # Extra options that can be used in custom handler factories.
            extra_options:        []
                # Examples:
                # my_option1:          'some value'
                # my_option2:          true
            # Enables configuring services with the use of an annotation, requires the Doctrine Annotation library.
            enable_annotations:   false
        # Configuration option used by both handlers.
            # Examples:
            # - false
            # - { enabled: false }
            # - { date_format: Y-m-d, remove_used_context_fields: true }
            enabled:              true
            date_format:          ~
            remove_used_context_fields: ~
  3. Enable the bundle in config/bundles.php by adding it to the array:

    Bizkit\LoggableCommandBundle\BizkitLoggableCommandBundle::class => ['all' => true],


The bundle provides a way to log the output of a Symfony Command or Symfony Messenger's message handler into a dedicated file by dynamically creating a Monolog file handler & logger for each service. Supported file handlers are the stream & rotating_file handlers. To use other file handlers, a custom handler factory must be implemented & registered.

The output logger also uses a console handler to display the output inside a terminal. The stderr_threshold option can be used to set the log level at which the output is start being sent to the stderr stream instead of the stdout.

Other Monolog handlers can be added to the output logger as well as described in the dedicated section.


The simplest way to enable output logging in a Symfony Command is by extending the LoggableCommand class. The output logger can be accessed through the $outputLogger property. By default, the name of the log file will be the snake cased version of the command name, e.g. app_my_loggable.

namespace App;

use Bizkit\LoggableCommandBundle\Command\LoggableCommand;

class MyLoggableCommand extends LoggableCommand
    protected static $defaultName = 'app:my-loggable';

    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int

        // ...

Instead of extending the LoggableCommand class, you can also use the LoggableOutputTrait with the LoggableOutputInterface. This is useful when you have a custom base command class.

namespace App;

use Bizkit\LoggableCommandBundle\LoggableOutput\LoggableOutputInterface;
use Bizkit\LoggableCommandBundle\LoggableOutput\LoggableOutputTrait;

class MyLoggableCommand extends MyBaseCommand implements LoggableOutputInterface
    use LoggableOutputTrait;

    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
        // ...

Message handler

Output logging can also be used with Symfony Messenger's message handlers by implementing the LoggableOutputInterface. The name of the log file will be the snake cased version of the classname, e.g. my_message_handler. A custom name can be provided by implementing the NamedLoggableOutputInterface instead.

namespace App;

use Bizkit\LoggableCommandBundle\LoggableOutput\LoggableOutputTrait;
use Bizkit\LoggableCommandBundle\LoggableOutput\NamedLoggableOutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Handler\MessageHandlerInterface;

class MyMessageHandler implements MessageHandlerInterface, NamedLoggableOutputInterface
    use LoggableOutputTrait;

    public function __invoke(MyMessage $myMessage): void

    public function getOutputLogName(): string
        return 'my_log_name';

PHP 8 attribute

The default configuration can be overridden for each individual command or message handler by using the LoggableOutput PHP attribute. Among other things, it allows you to change which Monolog file handler is used by the output logger.

namespace App;

use Bizkit\LoggableCommandBundle\Command\LoggableCommand;
use Bizkit\LoggableCommandBundle\ConfigurationProvider\Attribute\LoggableOutput;

#[LoggableOutput(filename: 'my_custom_name', type: 'rotating_file')]
class MyLoggableCommand extends LoggableCommand
    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
        // ...

The PHP attribute can also be used as an alternative way to provide a custom name for the log file, in which case implementing the NamedLoggableOutputInterface is not necessary.

namespace App;

use Bizkit\LoggableCommandBundle\ConfigurationProvider\Attribute\LoggableOutput;
use Bizkit\LoggableCommandBundle\LoggableOutput\LoggableOutputInterface;
use Bizkit\LoggableCommandBundle\LoggableOutput\LoggableOutputTrait;
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Handler\MessageHandlerInterface;

#[LoggableOutput(filename: 'my_log_name')]
class MyMessageHandler implements MessageHandlerInterface, LoggableOutputInterface
    use LoggableOutputTrait;

    public function __invoke(MyMessage $myMessage): void
        // ...

Attribute options are inherited from all parent classes that have the PHP attribute declared. In case both a parent & a child class have the same option defined, the one from the child class has precedence.

namespace App;

use Bizkit\LoggableCommandBundle\ConfigurationProvider\Attribute\LoggableOutput;
use Bizkit\LoggableCommandBundle\LoggableOutput\LoggableOutputInterface;
use Bizkit\LoggableCommandBundle\LoggableOutput\LoggableOutputTrait;
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Handler\MessageHandlerInterface;

#[LoggableOutput(path: '%kernel.logs_dir%/messenger/{filename}.log')]
abstract class MyBaseMessageHandler implements MessageHandlerInterface, LoggableOutputInterface
    use LoggableOutputTrait;

#[LoggableOutput(filename: 'my_log_name')]
class MyMessageHandler extends MyBaseMessageHandler
    public function __invoke(MyMessage $myMessage): void
        // ...

Doctrine annotations

If you're using a version of PHP prior to 8, Doctrine annotations can be used instead of PHP attributes as a way to override the default configuration.

  1. Require the Doctrine annotations library with Composer:

    composer require doctrine/annotations
  2. Enable annotations support in the configuration:

            enable_annotations: true

The LoggableOutput PHP attribute also serves as the Doctrine annotation class.

namespace App;

use Bizkit\LoggableCommandBundle\Command\LoggableCommand;
use Bizkit\LoggableCommandBundle\ConfigurationProvider\Attribute\LoggableOutput;

 * @LoggableOutput(filename="my_custom_name", type="rotating_file")
class MyLoggableCommand extends LoggableCommand
    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
        // ...

Annotation options are also inherited from all parent classes.

Adding other Monolog handlers to the output logger

To add other Monolog handlers to the output logger, in case of an inclusive channel list, add the Monolog channel defined with the channel_name option to their channels list.

            type: sentry
            dsn: '%sentry_dsn%'
            channels: [ "loggable_output" ]

In case of an exclusive channel list, disable the auto-exclusion feature for that handler.

NOTE: In case of multiple output loggers, each output logger will use the same handler instance.

Monolog channel auto-exclusion

The Monolog channel used by the bundle is automatically excluded from all other Monolog handlers with an exclusive channel list. There's no need to manually add the channel to the list.

            # ...
            channels: [ "!event" ] # the bundle's channel is excluded automatically, no need to add it manually

Disabling auto-exclusion

If you don't want the channel to be automatically excluded from a certain handler, add it to the channels list prefixed with !!.

            # ...
            channels: [ "!event", "!!loggable_output" ] # this will prevent the channel from being auto-excluded

Handler factories

Handler factories are used to instantiate & configure the file handler used by the output logger.

Custom handler factories

To implement a custom handler factory all you need to do is create a service which implements the HandlerFactoryInterface interface.

namespace App;

use Bizkit\LoggableCommandBundle\HandlerFactory\HandlerFactoryInterface;

class CustomHandlerFactory implements HandlerFactoryInterface
    public function __invoke(array $handlerOptions): HandlerInterface
        // configure & return a monolog handler

Use the FQCN of the service in the configuration:

        type: App\CustomHandlerFactory

If you are not using Symfony's autoconfigure feature or wish to use an alias in the configuration, tag the service with the bizkit_loggable_command.handler_factory tag.

    # Prevents the handler factory from being tagged twice,
    # once by the autoconfigure feature & once manually
    autoconfigure: false
        - { name: bizkit_loggable_command.handler_factory, type: custom }

        type: custom

To simplify the configuring of a handler factory the bundle comes with an AbstractHandlerFactory class which can be used to configure some common handler features such as the PSR 3 log message processor or a log formatter.

namespace App;

use Bizkit\LoggableCommandBundle\HandlerFactory\AbstractHandlerFactory;
use Monolog\Handler\HandlerInterface;

class CustomHandlerFactory extends AbstractHandlerFactory
    protected function getHandler(array $handlerOptions): HandlerInterface
        // return a monolog handler


This project adheres to Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.

Reporting issues

Use the issue tracker to report any issues you might have.


See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).