
Generate a sitemap directly from your route definitions

1.0.0 2017-09-08 16:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-21 20:31:23 UTC


Generate a sitemap directly from your Laravel routes/web.php using roumen/sitemap.

Sitemap::add(Route::get('news', 'News@index'));
Sitemap::add('news/{article}', 'News@show'));

This works because, during install, you change the Route facade to point to a class of this package that adds a the fluent sitemap to Laravel Route instances. The sitemap method looks at the uri of the route and unpacks any model bindings it finds, fetching all public instances of those models and adding them to the sitemap.


  1. Run require add bkwld/sitemap-from-routes
  2. Install roumen/sitemap assets: php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Roumen\Sitemap\SitemapServiceProvider"
  3. Add a route for the sitemap to your routes file: Route::get('sitemap', '\Bkwld\SitemapFromRoutes\Controller@index').

Laravel < 5.5

  1. Add to config.app providers: Bkwld\SitemapFromRoutes\ServiceProvider::class
  2. Add to config.app aliases: 'Sitemap' => Bkwld\SitemapFromRoutes\Facades::class


Call sitemap() from any routes you want to add to the sitemap. For example:

Sitemap::add('news', 'News@index'));
Sitemap::add('news/{article}', 'News@show')->name('article'));

Dynamic route parameters must be named the same as the models they should resolve. So, in the above example, you must have an App\Article model.

By default, all instances of a model are added to the sitemap by substituting the id of the model into the uri. Thus, the example route would generate news/1, news/2, and so on.

Customize the query

To customize which model instances should be added to the sitemap, specify a forSitemap scope on your model. You would do this to only add public records to the sitemap, for instance.

namespace App;
class Article {
    public function scopeForSitemap($query)
        $query->where('public', 1);

Customize the URL

To customize the URL that is added to the sitemap for model instances, specify a sitemapUrl accessor on your model. You would do this if you use slugs in your URLs.

namespace App;
class Article {
    public function getSitemapUrlAttribute()
        return route('article', $this->slug);