
Bloatless Endocore is a framework designed to quickly build web applications following the Action-Domain-Responder pattern.

v0.4.0 2019-11-18 19:23 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-04 20:30:47 UTC


Bloatless Endocore

Endocore is a framework designed to quickly build web applications following the Action-Domain-Responder pattern.


The easiest and recommended way to start a new Endocore based application is to use the Endocore Sample App. This repository provides you with a boilerplate application including all necessary files and folders to start your project.

You can install the Endocore App using composer:

php composer.phar create-project bloatless/endocore-app my_sample_project


Additionally to this documentation you should also have a look into the Endocore App sourcecode. It contains some well documented examples.

Directory Structure

app/            Contains your applications basic files (actions, domains, ...)
bootstrap/      Contains the bootstrap file for your application
config/         Contains the configuration for your application
logs/           Contains log files
public/         Contains the entry script and public files of your application
routes/         Contains the routes file(s) of your application
vendor/         Contains the Endocore framework and other libraries


After installing the Endocore App you should check and adjust the config.php file the config folder. Most of the settings should be fine with their default values but if your application needs to use a MySQL database e.g. you need to add or adjust some values.


The routes of your application define which Action will be executed when a specified URL is requested. Each URL supported by your application needs to be routed to an action. You can adjust routes using the default.php file in the routes folder.

GET Route

return [
    'home' => [
        'method' => 'GET',
        'pattern' => '/about',
        'handler' => 'Bloatless\EndocoreApp\Actions\AboutAction',

This example routes the request path /about to the AboutAction in your applications Actions folder.

POST Route

return [
    'home' => [
        'method' => 'POST',
        'pattern' => '/customers',
        'handler' => 'Bloatless\EndocoreApp\Actions\AddCustomerAction',

This example handles a POST request to /customers and calls the AddCustomerAction in your application.

Other route types

Of course you can also define PUT, DELETE or any other valid request types in the same manner.

Route parameters

You can use placeholders within route patterns. These parameters will be passed to your action using the $arguments array.

return [
    'customer' => [
        'method' => 'GET',
        'pattern' => '/customers/{id}',
        'handler' => 'Bloatless\EndocoreApp\Actions\CustomerAction',

This route would match URLs like e.g. /customers/123. The CustomerAction would receive an $arguments array like this:

    'id' => 123

You can additionally use a regular expression pattern to define which values the placeholder accepts.

return [
    'customer' => [
        'method' => 'GET',
        'pattern' => '/customers/{id:[0-9]+}',
        'handler' => 'Bloatless\EndocoreApp\Actions\CustomerAction',

This route for example would match /customers/123 but not customers/abc.

Segments wrapped in square brackets are considered optional like e.g.:

pattern' => '/customers[/{id:[0-9]+]'

Actions and Responder

Every request the application receives will be dispatched to an action as defined in your routes. The action handles this request. Typically by requesting data from a domain using input data from the request. The data from the domain is than passed to a responder which builds the HTTP response. This response is than returned back into the application by the action.

Endocore provides responders for HTML as well as JSON content. You can use this responders by extending the appropriate actions.

Actions with JSON response

class MyJsonAction extends JsonAction
    public function __invoke(array $arguments = []): Response
        $data = [
            'foo' => 'Some data...',
        return $this->responder->found($data);

This example shows how an Action inherits the JsonResponder from the JsonAction and is than able to respond json data using only methods provided by the framework.

Actions with HTML response

If you want to reply with HTML content you can inherit from the HtmlAction and make use auf the HtmlResponder.

class MyHtmlAction extends HtmlAction
    public function __invoke(array $arguments = []): Response
        $data = [
            'body' => '<p>Hello World!</p>',
        return $this->responder->found($data);

This example will output a simple Hello World paragraph.


Domains handle the logic of your application. Domains can be a simple class or any kind of service.

Error Handling and Logging

The Endocore framework provides some basic tools to handle errors and logging.

Using the file logger

From within any Action or Domain you have access to a PSR-3 compatible file logger.

class MyHtmlAction extends HtmlAction
    public function __invoke(array $arguments = []): Response
        $this->logger->warning('Some error occurred');  
Logger Configuration

Using you configuration file config/config.php you can define the target folder for your log-files as well as the min. log level:

'logger' => [
    'path_logs' => __DIR__ . '/../logs',
    'min_level' => 'warning',

The log files will be stored per day with a filename like 2018-12-12_endocore.log.

Log levels

A PSR-3 compatible logger can log at different levels. All events with a level lower than the min. level defined in your configuration will be dropped. The available log levels are:

$this->logger->debug('Some error occurred');
$this->logger->notice('Some error occurred');
$this->logger->info('Some error occurred');
$this->logger->warning('Some error occurred');
$this->logger->error('Some error occurred');
$this->logger->critial('Some error occurred');
$this->logger->alert('Some error occurred');
$this->logger->emergency('Some error occurred');

There is also a generic log method available:

$this->logger->log('warning', 'Some error occurred');

Additionally it is possible to provide some context information:

$this->logger->warning('Some error message', [
    'browser' => 'Firefox',

Error responses

When using a Responder (typically from within an Action) you can use various methods in case an error occurrs in your application and you need to stop the execution:

class MyHtmlAction extends HtmlAction
    public function __invoke(array $arguments = []): Response
        // some error occurs...
        return $this->responder->error(['data' => 'some additional data...']);

This method will automatically respond with an HTTP status code 500 and render a simple error message.

For HTTP errors there are some additional methods which will set there corresponding HTTP status codes automatically:

class MyHtmlAction extends HtmlAction
    public function __invoke(array $arguments = []): Response
        return $this->responder->badRequest(); // 400
        return $this->responder->notFound(); // 404
        return $this->responder->methodNotAllowed(); // 405

Throwing exceptions

In case you can not use a responder you are still able to respond with an error message using exceptions. You can throw there exceptions from anywhere in your application.

Generic Exceptions
class MyDomain
    public function myMethod(): string
        throw new EndocoreException('Something went wrong...');

Throwing a EndocoreException will force the application to respond with an error 500 code. Also the error will be logged to your logfile.

HTTP Exceptions

For each HTTP error supported by a Responder there is a corresponding Exception which you can throw anywhere in your application:

class MyDomain
    public function myMethod(): string
        throw new BadRequestException(); // 400
        throw new NotFoundException(); // 404
        throw new MethodNotAllowedException(); // 405
