
A small client implementing the Measurement Protocol for Google Analytics 4.

2.0.0 2021-11-07 17:23 UTC

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Last update: 2024-10-07 23:42:40 UTC


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This library contains a small client able to send events through the Measurement Protocol to Google Analytics 4.

Please always keep Google's warning about the current state of the API in mind when using this library:

Warning: This is an alpha API and subject to change. You may encounter breaking changes while it is in alpha. Code using this API should not be pushed to production. See limitations for issues that will be address before a general availability launch.


Install this library through composer as any sane PHP developer would do:

composer require bluepsyduck/ga4-measurement-protocol


This library uses PSR-17 and PSR-18 to decouple its own logic from the actual client implementation. A compatible implementation must be provided to be able to use this library.

The following example shows how to use the guzzlehttp/guzzle package with the client class:


use BluePsyduck\Ga4MeasurementProtocol\Config;
use BluePsyduck\Ga4MeasurementProtocol\Client;
use BluePsyduck\Ga4MeasurementProtocol\Serializer\Serializer;
use GuzzleHttp\Client as GuzzleClient;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\HttpFactory;
use Psr\Http\Client\ClientExceptionInterface;

// Create the required dependencies
$guzzleClient = new GuzzleClient();
$httpFactory = new HttpFactory();
$serializer = new Serializer();

// Create the additional config required by the client
$config = new Config();
$config->apiSecret = '1234567890abcdefghijkl';
$config->measurementId = 'G-1234567890';

// Create the actual client
$client = new Client(
    $guzzleClient, // Implementation of the PSR-18 ClientInterface 
    $httpFactory,  // Implementation of the PSR-17 RequestFactoryInterface
    $httpFactory,  // Implementation of the PSR-17 StreamFactoryInterface
    $serializer,   // Shipped with the library

// Send a payload to GA4
try {
} catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
    // Handle the exception, or ignore it

Pre-defined events

The library ships with classes representing the events as specified in the Google docs. These classes use public properties and type-hints to ensure basic data compatibility. The library does not contain any additional data validation to keep it as small as possible.

Here is an example of building an actual payload with pre-defined events:

use BluePsyduck\Ga4MeasurementProtocol\Request\Payload;
use BluePsyduck\Ga4MeasurementProtocol\Request\Event\EarnVirtualCurrencyEvent;
use Psr\Http\Client\ClientExceptionInterface;

// Create the first simple event
$event1 = new EarnVirtualCurrencyEvent();
$event1->virtualCurrencyName = 'Gems';
$event1->value = 42;

// Create the second event, containing an item
$item = new Item();
$item->quantity = 4;
$item->itemId = 'I_12345';

$event2 = new AddPaymentInfoEvent();
$event2->value = 13.37;
$event2->currency = 'EUR';
$event2->items[] = $item;

// Create the actual payload
$payload = new Payload();
$payload->clientId = 'foo';
$payload->events = [$event1, $event2];

// Send the payload to GA4
try {
} catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
    // Handle the exception, or ignore it

All attributes of the events are considered optional by the library, and initialised with null. Please refer to the reference docs to get additional information about which attributes may actually be required to be set.

Custom events

To create your own events, simply implement the EventInterface and add the Event attribute to the class specifying the name of the event, as well as the Parameter attribute to each property which should get send to Google Analytics.


use BluePsyduck\Ga4MeasurementProtocol\Attribute\Event;
use BluePsyduck\Ga4MeasurementProtocol\Attribute\Parameter;
use BluePsyduck\Ga4MeasurementProtocol\Request\Event\EventInterface;

#[Event('fancy_event')] // Expects the name of the event to be used in the payload to Google Analytics. 
class FancyEvent implements EventInterface
     * A fancy value for the fancy event.
     * @var string|null 
    #[Parameter('fancy_value')] // Expects the name of the parameter to be used in the payload. Please pay attention
                                // to the limitations of parameter names, such as their maximum length.
    public ?string $fancyValue = null;

// Create your custom event
$fancyEvent = new FancyEvent();
$fancyEvent->fancyValue = 'fancy';

// Add the event to the payload
$payload->events[] = $fancyEvent;

All parameters which should appear in the payload must be marked with the Parameter or ParameterArray attributes. It is recommended to make the default value of all parameters null, as those will get filtered out and do not appear in the payload.

Further reading