
Bolt 5 standard project skeleton





Fund package maintenance!

Installs: 25 574

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 40

Watchers: 11

Forks: 36

Open Issues: 17


2.5.0-beta.5 2023-12-22 09:50 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-22 11:26:49 UTC


Bolt CMS is an open source, adaptable platform for building and running modern websites. Built on PHP, Symfony and more. Read the site for more info.

To check out Bolt and set up your first Bolt installation, read Installing Bolt 5.

Installing Bolt CMS

with Composer

Note: Installing with composer and running the site on your local machine using the method described below is the preferred method of the Bolt core development team.

You can set up a new Bolt 5 project, using the following command, replacing myprojectname with your desired project's name.

composer create-project bolt/project myprojectname

Navigate into the newly created folder, and configure the database in .env (The configuration is intended to work with the database SQLite).

# Configure database for doctrine/doctrine-bundle
# SQLite (note: _three_ slashes)

# MYSQL / MariaDB

# Postgres

Set up the database, create the first user and add fixtures (dummy content):

bin/console doctrine:database:create # Create database
bin/console doctrine:schema:create # Create schema in database

bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --no-interaction # Load fixtures in databse (step not compulsory)
bin/console bolt:add-user --admin # Follow the creation steps in the console (warning: fixtures already created an admin user)

composer run post-create-project-cmd # Duplicate themes in the appropriate folder

bin/console bolt:info # Verify Bolt installation

Run Bolt using the built-in webserver, Symfony CLI or your own preferred webserver:

bin/console server:start


symfony server:start -d
symfony open:local

Finally, open the new installation in a browser. If you've used one of the commands above, you'll find the frontpage at
The Bolt admin panel can be found at

Log in using the credentials you created when setting up the first user.

Note: If you don't want to use Docker, don't forget to remove what isn't necessary:
- remove .dockerignore file
- remove docker-composer.yml file
- remove Dockerfile file
- remove docker folder

with Docker

Disclaimer: Docker is not used by the Bolt core development team. Bolt can be run using docker, but you are advised to only attempt this if you have enough experience with Docker yourself to understand what is going on in the Dockerfile and in docker-compose.yml. The included setup might not be a good fit for your Dockerized setup. When in doubt, follow general advice on running Symfony projects in docker, as Bolt is built using Symfony. The Bolt team doesn't provide pre-built containers.

Start by downloading the Bolt project distribution .tar.gz file, or generate a GitHub repository from the template we provide. Once you have extracted its content, the resulting directory contains the Bolt project structure. You will add your own code and configuration inside it.

Note: Try to avoid using the .zip file, as it may cause potential permission issues.

Bolt is shipped with a Docker setup that makes it easy to get a containerized development environment up and running. If you do not already have Docker on your computer, it's the right time to install it.

On Mac, only Docker for Mac is supported. Similarly, on Windows, only Docker for Windows is supported. Docker Machine is not supported out of the box.

Open a terminal, and navigate to the directory containing your project skeleton.

Navigate into the newly created folder, and configure environment variables in the .env file for Docker & the database MySQL version 5.7.

###> symfony/framework-bundle ###
###< symfony/framework-bundle ###

###> doctrine/doctrine-bundle ###
###< doctrine/doctrine-bundle ###

###> symfony/mailer ###
###< symfony/mailer ###

Run the following command to start all services using Docker Compose:

docker-compose up -d # Running in detached mode
docker-compose exec php bin/console doctrine:schema:create # Create schema in database
docker-compose exec php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --no-interaction # Load fixtures in databse (step not compulsory)
docker-compose exec php bin/console bolt:add-user --admin # Follow the creation steps in the console (warning: fixtures already created an admin user)

This starts the following services:

To see the status of the containers, run:
docker-compose ps
To execute commands in a container, run:
docker-compose exec <container name> <command>
docker-compose exec php sh # To enter the container directly, you will be placed at the root of the project
docker-compose exec php bin/console bolt:add-user # Follow the creation steps in the console (warning: fixtures already created an admin user)
To see the container's logs, run:
docker-compose logs        # Display the logs of all containers
docker-compose logs -f     # Same but follow the logs
docker-compose logs -f php # Follow the logs for one container

Finally, open the new installation in a browser. If you've used one of the commands above, you'll find the frontpage at http://localhost:8080/ or https://localhost:8443/
The Bolt admin panel can be found at http://localhost:8080/bolt or https://localhost:8443/bolt

The tests

Static analysis

The ecs.php configuration file is located at the root of the cms project

# With Composer
composer lint                         # Launch ECS in dry run mode (command to launch in a Continuous Integration)
composer lint:fix                     # Launch ECS in fix mode

# With Docker
docker-compose exec php composer lint # Launch ECS by the php container

The phpstan.neon configuration file is located at the root of the cms project

# With Composer
composer phpstan                         # Launch PHPStan (command to launch in a Continuous Integration)

# With Docker
docker-compose exec php composer phpstan # Launch PHPStan by the php container


If you'd like to contribute, please check Bolt's core repository and read the "Contributing to Bolt" documentation page.