
ArrayQuery is a library to query arrays.

v0.1 2013-12-04 16:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-20 09:58:08 UTC


ArrayQuery is a library to query arrays.

// Select the name of all of Ned's children older than 10.
$query = $qb->create()
        [ 'name' => 'Robb',   'age' => 15 ],
        [ 'name' => 'Sansa',  'age' => 11 ],
        [ 'name' => 'Arya',   'age' => 9 ],
        [ 'name' => 'Bran',   'age' => 7 ],
        [ 'name' => 'Rickon', 'age' => 3 ]
    ->where('age', 10, '>');
$result = $query->findAll();

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Data is often stored in arrays of arrays (for example, after reading it from CSV) and some items (or rows) have to be picked out before the data can be further processed or stored in a database. Writing such code is not very hard, but it often gets messy. Loops within loops, multiple if or switch statement, temporary variables and so on. ArrayQuery provided a clean and testable interface (inspired by query builders from ORMs) for these "array queries."


ArrayQuery can be installed using Composer:

    "require": {
        "braincrafted/arrayquery": "dev-master"


The ArrayQuery object has to be initialized with a SelectEvaluation and a WhereEvaluation object. Filters can be added to SelectEvaluation and filters and operators can be added to WhereEvaluation.


use Braincrafted\ArrayQuery\ArrayQuery;
use Braincrafted\ArrayQuery\SelectEvaluation;
use Braincrafted\ArrayQuery\WhereEvaluation;
use Braincrafted\ArrayQuery\Operator\EqualOperator

$query = new ArrayQuery(
    new SelectEvaluation,
    (new WhereEvaluation)->addOperator(new EqualOperator)

However, the QueryBuilder can be used to create an instance of ArrayQuery with built-in operators and filters.


use Braincrafted\ArrayQuery\QueryBuilder;

$qb = new QueryBuilder;
$query = $qb->create();

The query object can be used to build queries and execute them. Building the query object contains of three steps:

  1. Select the fields to be returned
  2. From the datasource
  3. Where a clause is matched

When the query is built it has to be executed.


All elements of an item can be selected using the star * operator:


Single elements of an item can be selected:


Multiple elements of an item can be selected:

$query->select([ 'name', 'age' ]);

Filters can be applied in both cases:

$query->select('name', 'trim');
$query->select([ 'name' => 'trim', 'bio' => 'trim' ]);

Multiple filters can also be applied:

$query->select('name', [ 'trim', 'upper' ]);
            'name' => [ 'trim', 'upper' ],
            'bio' => [ 'trim', 'upper' ]


Next the data source from which to select from has to be defined:

$thorinsCompany = [
    [ 'name' => 'Bilbo Baggins', 'race' => 'Hobbit' ],
    [ 'name' => 'Gandalf', 'race' => 'Wizard' ],
    [ 'name' => 'Thorin Oakenshild', 'race' => 'Dwarf' ],
    [ 'name' => 'Balin', 'race' => 'Dwarf'],
    [ 'name' => 'Bifur', 'race' => 'Dwarf'],
    // ...



Where clauses define which items from the data source are put in the result set:

$query->where('race', 'Dwarf');

There are numerous different operators available, which can be defined as third parameter:

$query->where('age', 50, '>');

Before the clause is evaluated filters can be applied to the test value:

$query->where('name', 'foo', '=', 'trim');
$query->where('name', 'foo', '=', [ 'trim', 'strtolower' ]);

Filters can have arguments:

$query->where('name', 'nerd', '=', 'replace 3,e');


There are multiple ways to execute a query.

Find all results:

$results = $query->findAll();
// [ [ 'name' => 'Balin' ], [ 'name' => 'Bifur' ], ... ]

Find one result:

$result = $query->findOne();
// [ 'name' => 'Gandalf' ]

Note: For performance reasons the first result is returned immediately. There is no error or exception when multiple results are returned.

Find scalar results:

$result = $query->findScalar();
// [ 'Balin', 'Bifur', 'Bofur', ... ]

Note: This only works when only one field is selected, an exception is thrown when multiple fields are selected (either through enumeration or by using the star operator).

Find one scalar result:

$result = $query->findOneScalar()
// 'Gandalf'

Note: The same notes as for findOne() and findScalar() apply here.

Builtin operators and filters

Some operators and filters are builtin and can be used out of the box (if the QueryBuilder is used to create the ArrayQuery object).


  • Equal =
  • Not equal !=
  • Greater >
  • Greater or equal >=
  • Lower <
  • Lower or equal <=
  • Like like (case insensitibe and % can be used to at the beginning and end to match anything)
  • Not like notlike


Filters can optionally have arguments. Separate arguments from the filter name by a space and separate multiple arguments using a comma.

  • Length length
  • Lowercase lower
  • Uppercase upper
  • Trim trim
  • Left trim ltrim
  • Right trim rtrim
  • Replace replace (two arguments: search and replace)



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