
A simple tool to provide an easy-to-use API to get memory configuration from php.ini.

1.2.1 2021-03-31 16:20 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-27 12:27:20 UTC


A simple tool to provide an easy-to-use API to convert memory limit configuration from php.ini to bytes.


Core directive memory_limit in php.ini is a simple string. An administrator or a programmer can set several valid values, e.g.:

  • 500 = 500 bytes
  • 128M = 134 217 728 bytes
  • 1G = 1 073 741 824 bytes

You can obtain the original string value through ini_get('memory_limit') function. However, there is no built-in PHP function to provide an easy access to the byte value.


Add the package to your composer.json:

composer require brandembassy/php-memory


Create the MemoryLimitProvider service (or better, inject it using your DI container):

$configuration = new \BrandEmbassy\Memory\MemoryConfiguration();
$limitProvider = new \BrandEmbassy\Memory\MemoryLimitProvider($configuration);

There is also a DI extension for Nette Framework (you must have the nette/di package installed). Just register it in your services.neon file:

    - BrandEmbassy\Memory\Bridge\MemoryLimitNetteExtension

You can then access the byte value of PHP memory limit like this:

$limitInBytes = $memoryLimitProvider->getLimitInBytes();

Any questions or ideas to improve? Feel free to open an issue or send a PR!