
Combined Ebay API SDK generated using the OpenAPI generator and the Ebay OpenAPI specifications

v0.2.3 2023-08-08 05:44 UTC


Build Status Code Climate Maintainability CodeCov License

Issues Issues Closed Pull Requests Pull Requests Closed


NOTE: This library has not been fully tested, and should not be considered stable or suitable for production environments.

Table Of Contents

  1. Requirements
  2. Purpose
  3. Installation
  4. Standards
  5. Coverage
  6. Documentation
  7. Contributing
  8. Versioning
  9. Security Vulnerabilities


Tech Version
PHP ^7.2 || ^8.0
Composer *
PHP Extension Version
ext-curl *
ext-json *
ext-mbstring *
Composer Packages Version
guzzlehttp/guzzle ^6.5.8 || ^7.4.5
guzzlehttp/psr7 ^2.0


A single package containing a PHP SDK to access all of Ebay's OpenAPI spec endpoints found here. It only covers the RESTful APIs that have OpenAPI specifications available.

To view the OpenAPI files these packages were generated from, please browse the api-specs directory.


You can install the entire bundle of Ebay libraries via:

composer require brandon14/ebay-sdk-php

NOTE: This is not implemented yet, and will be available in an upcoming release once we get the subtree splitting set up.

If you wish to install individual API libraries, you can via the following (this would for example install the Buy/Browser/V1 library):

composer require brandon14/ebay-buy-browse-v1

# More generic:
# composer require brandon14/ebay-<general-api>-<api>-<version>


We strive to meet the PSR-12 coding style for PHP projects, and enforce our coding standard via the php-cs-fixer linting tool. Our ruleset can be found in the .php-cs-fixer.dist.php file.


The latest code coverage information can be found via Codecov. We strive to maintain 100% coverage across the entire Ebay API, so if you are contributing, please make sure to include tests for new code added.


Documentation to this project can be found here.


Got something you want to add? Found a bug or otherwise bad code? Feel free to submit pull requests to add in new features, fix bugs, or clean things up. Just be sure to follow the Code of Conduct and Contributing Guide, and we encourage creating clean and well described pull requests if possible.

If you notice an issues with the library or want to suggest new features, feel free to create issues appropriately using the issue tracker.


php-licenses-generator uses semantic versioning that looks like MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.

Major version changes will include backwards-incompatible changes and may require refactoring of projects using it. Minor version changes will include backwards-compatible new features and changes and will not break existing usages. Patch version changes will include backwards-compatible bug and security fixes, and should be updated as soon as possible.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a vulnerability within this package, please email Brandon Clothier via All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.

This code is released under the MIT license.

Copyright © 2022 Brandon Clothier


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