
2.0.0 2023-09-12 14:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-12 16:59:48 UTC


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The Flex FQCN Finder allows you to find all the Fully Qualified Class Names (FQCN) available in a project. This package was designed to be flexible and reliable.


  • Find classes, traits and interfaces (PSR-4 complaint);
  • Search in directories (recursively or not);
  • Many filter options;
  • Cache (PSR-16 complaint).
  • Composite finders.
  • Get classes from Composer ClassMap.


  • The following versions of PHP are supported: ^8.
  • For PHP 7.*, please install version 1.0.0


$ composer require brenoroosevelt/flex-fqcn-finder


Use the FlexFqcnFinder\Fqcn helper to apply filters, decorators and compositions on your own way.

use FlexFqcnFinder\Fqcn;
use FlexFqcnFinder\Filter\Filter;

$recursive = true;

$fqcns = 
        ->addDirectory('/path/to/dir1', $recursive)
        ->addDirectory('/path/to/dir2', !$recursive)
            Filter::by() // or: Filter::anyOf()
        ->withCache(new MyPsr16Cache(), 'cacheKey')

/* output


Finders are classes that implement interface FqcnFinderInterface and return a list (array) of FQCNs found.

namespace FlexFqcnFinder;

interface FqcnFinderInterface
     * @return string[] The fully qualified class names found
    public function find(): array;

This package provides some finders:

  • FlexFqcnFinder\Finder\FqcnFinder (find classes, traits and interfaces in a directory)
  • FlexFqcnFinder\Finder\ComposerClassMap (from Composer autoload classes)
  • FlexFqcnFinder\Finder\GetDeclaredClasses (from get_declared_classes())
  • FlexFqcnFinder\Finder\GetDeclaredInterfaces (from get_declared_interfaces())
  • FlexFqcnFinder\Finder\GetDeclaredTraits (from get_declared_traits())


You can compose finders using the FlexFqcnFinder\FqcnFinderComposite:

use FlexFqcnFinder\FqcnFinderComposite;
use FlexFqcnFinder\Finder\GetDeclaredClasses;
use FlexFqcnFinder\Finder\FqcnFinder;
use FlexFqcnFinder\Repository\FilesFromDir;

$myFinder = new FqcnFinderComposite(
    new GetDeclaredClasses(),
    new FqcnFinder(new FilesFromDir('path/to/dir1')),
    new FqcnFinder(new FilesFromDir('path/to/dir2'))

$fqcns = $myFinder->find();


Decorators available for Finders:

  • FlexFqcnFinder\Finder\Decorator\CachedFqcnFinder
  • FlexFqcnFinder\Finder\Decorator\FilteringFqcnFinder

You can decorate any finder (including compositions):

use FlexFqcnFinder\Finder\Decorator\CachedFqcnFinder;
use FlexFqcnFinder\Finder\Decorator\FilteringFqcnFinder;
use FlexFqcnFinder\Filter\Specifications\IsSubClassOf;

$myFinder = /* any finder, finder composition, ... */;

$filtered = new FilteringFqcnFinder(
    new IsSubClassOf('MyBaseClass')

// decorating again
$cached = new CachedFqcnFinder($filtered, new MyPsr16Cache(), 'cacheKey');

$fqcns = $cached->find();


Filters can be used as a Decorator for Finders and using it is optional.

All filters have been designed according to the Specification Pattern. You can chain the following filters using Filter::by() or Filter::anyOf():

  • apply(Closure $fn)
  • belongsToNamespace(string $namespace)
  • classNameEndsWith(string $value)
  • classNameStartsWith(string $value)
  • hasMethod(string $method)
  • implementsInterface(string $interface)
  • isAbstract()
  • isClass()
  • isCloneable()
  • isFinal()
  • isInstanceOf(string $subject)
  • isInstantiable()
  • isInterface()
  • isInternal()
  • isIterateable()
  • isSubClassOf(string $class)
  • isTrait()
  • isUserDefined()
  • namespaceEqualsTo(string $namespace)
  • not(FqcnSpecification $specification)
  • useTrait(string $trait)
  • anyOf(FqcnSpecification ...$specifications)
  • allOf(FqcnSpecification ...$specifications)
  • and(FqcnSpecification ...$specifications)
  • or(FqcnSpecification ...$specifications)

Any filter can be used with FlexFqcnFinder\Finder\Decorator\FilteringFqcnFinder decorator:

use FlexFqcnFinder\Finder\FqcnFinder;
use FlexFqcnFinder\Repository\FilesFromDir;
use FlexFqcnFinder\Finder\Decorator\FilteringFqcnFinder;
use FlexFqcnFinder\Filter\Specifications\IsSubClassOf;

$filtered = new FilteringFqcnFinder(
    new FqcnFinder(new FilesFromDir(__DIR__)),  //  first param: decorated Finder
    new IsSubClassOf('MyBaseClass')             // second param: filters to apply

// Or chaining filters:

$filtered = new FilteringFqcnFinder(
    new FqcnFinder(new FilesFromDir(__DIR__)),
                ->apply(function($fqcn) {
                    return $fqcn === 'my_condition';

$fqcns = $filtered->find();

Creating Filters

You can create you own filter implementing interface FqcnSpecification:

namespace Foo;

use FlexFqcnFinder\Filter\FqcnSpecification;

MyFilter implements FqcnSpecification
    public function isSatisfiedBy(string $fqcn): bool
        return $fqcn === /* ... */;

So just use it:

use FlexFqcnFinder\Finder\FqcnFinder;
use FlexFqcnFinder\Repository\FilesFromDir;
use FlexFqcnFinder\Finder\Decorator\FilteringFqcnFinder;
use namespace Foo\MyFilter;

$filtered = new FilteringFqcnFinder(
    new FqcnFinder(new FilesFromDir(__DIR__)),
    new MyFilter()

$fqcns = $filtered->find();


Please read the Contributing guide to learn about contributing to this project.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations.