
Composer script to exclude folders from PhpStorm code navigation.

0.4 2024-06-18 19:16 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-18 21:10:55 UTC




Auto-creates PhpStorm Run Configurations for PHP Unit, marks folders as excluded, and configures WordPress integration.

Tested from PhpStorm 2019.3 to 2024.1.2


  • ExcludeFolders marks specified folders, symlinked folders and Mozart managed packages as excluded from PhpStorm code navigation and completion, by adding entries to the project's .iml configuration file
  • PHPUnitRunConfigurations creates a Run Configuration for every phpunit.xml found in the project (ignoring /vendor and /wp-content), by adding entries to workspace.xml
  • WordPress searches for a WordPress install and enables WordPress support.


composer config allow-plugins.brianhenryie/composer-phpstorm true
composer require --dev brianhenryie/composer-phpstorm


"extra": {
 "phpstorm": {
  "exclude_folders": {
  	"folders": [
   "include_folders": [
   "composer-symlinks": false



Folders to exclude can be specified under extras/phpstorm/exclude_folders/folders. These are assumed to be relative from the project root.

PhpStorm automatically adds project folders inside the vendor folder to its excluded folders list, so adding them to the folders list doesn't achieve the desired effect. Instead, the vendor/vendor-name/project/src folder should be added to the exculde_folders/folders list and, counter-intuitively, vendor/vendor-name/project/src should be added to the exculde_folders/include_folders list.

The Composer tool coenjacobs/mozart, for prefixing package namespaces, results in each class being copied, thus each classname::function having multiple implementations in PhpStorm's code completion. This tool reads the Mozart Composer configuration and excludes source folders of packages managed by Mozart.

The file source of symlinks created by kporras07/composer-symlinks are excluded if in the project directory. This can be disabled by setting extras/phpstorm/exclude_folders/folders to false in your composer.json. The file souce of a symlink is not excluded if it is in the root of the project.

Inside /.idea/project-name.iml's <component name="NewModuleRootManager"> <content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$"> adds:

<excludeFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/foldertoexclude"/>


The script searches the project directory for phpunit.xml and creates a PhpStorm Run Configuration for each one found (ignoring those under /vendor/), using the name phpunit when found in the project root folder and the folder name otherwise.

Inside /.idea/workspace.xml's <component name="RunManager"> adds:

<configuration name="tests" type="PHPUnitRunConfigurationType" factoryName="PHPUnit">
  <TestRunner configuration_file="$PROJECT_DIR$/tests/phpunit.xml" scope="XML" use_alternative_configuration_file="true"/>
  <method v="2"/>


WordPress. I write many small plugins, this will click a few buttons for me that I don't much care for.


  • Symlinks could be searched for, then checked if they were pointing inside the project directory, rather than reading from composer.json
  • Set Default Interpreter (PHP Language Level/CLI Interpreter)
  • Configuration to allow excluding autodiscovered phpunit.xmls
  • Should find subpackages of those processed by Mozart
  • Set PHP language level
  • Set PHPCS, CBF, WordPress path
  • Allow disabling Mozart integration
  • Automatically handle vendor-name/project folders in exclusion list but including that folder and excluding their src folder.
  • Should be one script and conditionally run parts based on config.
  • Consider geecu/phpstorm-configurator

See Also


I was waiting for MacOS Catalina to download and install. I learned how to write the Composer extension from reading kporras07/composer-symlinks.