
Session middleware and helper for Slim framework 4.

Fund package maintenance!

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Forks: 41

Open Issues: 2

4.1.2 2022-04-13 05:20 UTC


Simple middleware for Slim Framework 4, that allows managing PHP built-in sessions and includes a Helper class to help you with the $_SESSION superglobal.

For the middleware version for Slim Framework 3, please check out the slim-3 branch in this repository.

For the middleware version for Slim Framework 2, please check out the slim-2 branch in this repository.


Add this line to require block in your composer.json:

"bryanjhv/slim-session": "~4.0"

Or, run in a shell instead:

composer require bryanjhv/slim-session:~4.0


$app = \Slim\Factory\AppFactory::create();
  new \Slim\Middleware\Session([
    'name' => 'dummy_session',
    'autorefresh' => true,
    'lifetime' => '1 hour',

Supported options

  • lifetime: How much should the session last? Default 20 minutes. Any argument that strtotime can parse is valid.
  • path, domain, secure, httponly, samesite: Options for the session cookie. Please note that samesite is 'Lax' by default, set to '' to disable.
  • name: Name for the session cookie. Defaults to slim_session (instead of PHP's PHPSESSID).
  • autorefresh: true if you want session to be refresh when user activity is made (interaction with server).
  • handler: Custom session handler class or object. Must implement SessionHandlerInterface as required by PHP.
  • ini_settings: Associative array of custom session configuration. Previous versions of this package had some hardcoded values which could bring serious performance leaks (see #30):
      'session.gc_divisor' => 1,
      'session.gc_probability' => 1,
      'session.gc_maxlifetime' => 30 * 24 * 60 * 60,

Session helper

A Helper class is available, which you can register globally or instantiate:

$container = new \DI\Container();

// Register globally to app
$container->set('session', function () {
  return new \SlimSession\Helper();

That will provide $app->get('session'), so you can do:

$app->get('/', function ($req, $res) {
  // or $this->get('session') if registered
  $session = new \SlimSession\Helper();

  // Check if variable exists
  $exists = $session->exists('my_key');
  $exists = isset($session->my_key);
  $exists = isset($session['my_key']);

  // Get variable value
  $my_value = $session->get('my_key', 'default');
  $my_value = $session->my_key;
  $my_value = $session['my_key'];

  // Set variable value
  $app->get('session')->set('my_key', 'my_value');
  $session->my_key = 'my_value';
  $session['my_key'] = 'my_value';

  // Merge value recursively
  $app->get('session')->merge('my_key', ['first' => 'value']);
  $session->merge('my_key', ['second' => ['a' => 'A']]);
  $letter_a = $session['my_key']['second']['a']; // "A"

  // Delete variable

  // Destroy session

  // Get session id
  $id = $this->session::id();

  return $res;


Here are the big ones listed. 😄


  • Complete Helper tests. (thanks @Zemistr)
  • Slim-specific tests (integration with Slim App).
