
DataBean is a simple and testable database access layer for PHP.

0.7.2 2019-09-16 23:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-17 10:41:26 UTC


DataBean is a simple and testable database access layer for PHP. It is easy to write tests and create simple beans for accessing and updating the database.


Setup is simple

    "user" => $database_username,
    "pass" => $database_password,
    "name" => $database_name,
    "host" => $database_host,
// (optional) pass in a logger that implements IDBLogger

Creating a Bean

A bean maps directly to a table. Setting up a bean is simple:

class Message extends \BuyPlayTix\DataBean\DataBean
  protected $table = 'MESSAGES';
  protected $pk = 'UID';

Interacting with a Bean

Loading a bean

// create a new bean
$message = new Message();

// load a bean by primary key
$message = new Message($uid);

// load a bean by a unique key
$message = new Message(array("SUBJECT", $subject));

Loading multiple beans

// load by a key
$messages = Message::getObjects("OWNER_UID", $owner_uid);

// load by a key with values
$messages = Message::getObjects("OWNER_UID", array($owner_uid1, $owner_uid2, $owner_uid3));    

// load by a key with ordering
$messages = Message::getObjects("OWNER_UID", $owner_uid, " ORDER BY INSERT_TIMESTAMP ");


$message->OWNER_UID = $new_owner_uid;



Arbitrary SQL

Why would you want to do this rather than directly running against the database? One word - "testing".

// select
$messages = raw_select("MESSAGES", array("UID", "SUBJECT", "BODY"), array("OWNER_UID" => $owner_uid));

// update
raw_update("MESSAGES", array("OWNER_UID" => $new_owner_uid), array("OWNER_UID => $old_owner_uid));

// delete
raw_delete("MESSAGES", array("OWNER_UID => $owner_uid));

// complex query
$results = named_query("MESSAGES_BY_HOUR", "select date_format(INSERT_TIMESTAMP, '%H'), count(*) from MESSAGES group by date_format(INSERT_TIMESTAMP, '%H')");


Setting up a Test

\BuyPlayTix\DataBean\DataBean::setAdapter(new \BuyPlayTix\DataBean\ObjectAdapter());

A Simple Test

$message = new Message();
$message->SUBJECT = "A Test Message";

assertEquals(1, Message::getObjects("SUBJECT", array("A Test Message"));

A More Complex Test

Let's say that we want to test the method get_queries_by_hour defined like this on our message databean:

function get_queries_by_hour() {
  return named_query("MESSAGES_BY_HOUR", "select date_format(INSERT_TIMESTAMP, '%H'), count(*) from MESSAGES group by date_format(INSERT_TIMESTAMP, '%H')");

$adapter = \BuyPlayTix\DataBean\DataBean::getAdapter();
$adapter->set_named_query_value("MESSAGES_BY_HOUR", array(array("1", 200), array("2", 300));
$results = $message->get_queries_by_hour();
assertEquals(2, count($results));