
Anydataset is an agnostic data source abstraction layer in PHP. Core Module.

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5.0.1 2024-12-31 16:14 UTC


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Anydataset Core Module. Anydataset is an agnostic data source abstraction layer in PHP.


  • Access different data sources using the same interface.
  • Iterable results
  • Convert results to array

Current Implementations


Iterating with foreach

$dataset = new \ByJG\AnyDataset\Core\AnyDataset("example");

$iterator = $dataset->getIterator();
foreach ($iterator as $row) {
    print $row->toArray();

Filtering results

$filter = new \ByJG\AnyDataset\Core\IteratorFilter();
$filter->addRelation("field1", \ByJG\AnyDataset\Core\Enum\Relation::EQUAL, 10);
$iterator2 = $dataset->getIterator($filter);

Converting to Array

$iterator = $dataset->getIterator();

Iterating with While

$iterator = $dataset->getIterator();
while ($iterator->hasNext()) {
    $row = $iterator->moveNext();



foreach ($iterator as $row) {

Additional Classes

RowOutpout - Format Field Output

This class defines custom format for the field output.

$output = RowOutput::getInstance()
    ->addFormat("field1", "Test {field1}")
    ->addFormat("field2", "Showing {} and {field3}");
    ->addCustomFormat("field3", function ($row, $field, $value) {
        // return the formatted output.
        // $row: The row object with all values
        // $field: The field has been processed
        // $value: The field value

// This will output the field1 formatted:
echo $output->print($row, "field1");

// This will apply the format defintion to all fields at once:

Notes about the format pattern:

  • {} represents the current value
  • {.} represents the field name
  • {field_name} return the value of $row->get(field_name)

RowValidator - Validate Field contents

$validator = RowValidator::getInstance()
    ->requiredFields(["field1", "field2"])
    ->numericFields(['field1', 'field3'])
    ->regexValidation("field4", '/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/')
    ->customValidation("field3", function($value) {
        // Return any string containing the error message if validation FAILS
        // otherwise, just return null and the valition will pass.

$validator->validate($row) // Will return an array with the error messages. Empty array if not errors.


AnyDataset comes with an extensible set to format the AnyDataset. The interface is:

namespace ByJG\AnyDataset\Core\Formatter;

interface FormatterInterface
     * Return the object in your original format, normally as object
     * @return mixed
    public function raw();

     * Return the object transformed to string.
     * @return string
    public function toText();

     * Save the contents to a file
     * @param string $filename
     * @return void
    public function saveToFile($filename);

AnyDataset implements two formatters:

  • JsonFormatter
  • XmlFormatter


$formatter = new XmlFormatter($anydataset->getIterator());
$formatter->raw(); // Return a DOM object
$formatter->toText(); // Return the XML as a text
$formatter->saveToFile("/path/to/file.xml");  // Save the XML Text to a file.


composer require "byjg/anydataset"

Running Unit tests



Open source ByJG