
SDK for GLS Web API for Parcel Processing

1.1.1 2023-01-24 11:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-24 17:32:31 UTC


The GLS Parcel Processing API SDK package offers an interface to the following web services:

  • GLS Web API for Parcel Processing
  • GLS Web API for Parcel Cancellation


System Requirements

  • PHP 7.2+ with JSON extension

Package Requirements

  • netresearch/jsonmapper: Mapper for deserialization of JSON response messages into PHP objects
  • php-http/discovery: Discovery service for HTTP client and message factory implementations
  • php-http/httplug: Pluggable HTTP client abstraction
  • php-http/logger-plugin: HTTP client logger plugin for HTTPlug
  • psr/http-client: PSR-18 HTTP client interfaces
  • psr/http-factory: PSR-7 HTTP message factory interfaces
  • psr/http-message: PSR-7 HTTP message interfaces
  • psr/log: PSR-3 logger interfaces

Virtual Package Requirements

  • psr/http-client-implementation: Any package that provides a PSR-18 compatible HTTP client
  • psr/http-factory-implementation: Any package that provides PSR-7 compatible HTTP message factories
  • psr/http-message-implementation: Any package that provides PSR-7 HTTP messages

Development Package Requirements

  • nyholm/psr7: PSR-7 HTTP message factory & message implementation
  • phpunit/phpunit: Testing framework
  • php-http/mock-client: HTTPlug mock client implementation
  • phpstan/phpstan: Static analysis tool
  • squizlabs/php_codesniffer: Static analysis tool


$ composer require c24-toys/php-gls-shipping-sdk


$ composer remove c24-toys/php-gls-shipping-sdk


$ composer test


The GLS Parcel Processing API SDK supports the following features:

  • Create shipments with labels
  • Cancel parcels

Create Shipments

Create shipments with one or more parcels and retrieve shipping labels. Value-added services may be ordered per parcel. Return shipment labels can be requested either standalone ("return only") or together with the regular "way-to" label.

Public API

The library's components suitable for consumption comprise

  • services:
    • service factory
    • shipment service
    • data transfer object builders
  • data transfer objects:
    • shipment with parcels
  • exceptions


$logger = new \Psr\Log\NullLogger();
$serviceFactory = new \C24Toys\GLS\Sdk\ParcelProcessing\Service\ServiceFactory();
$service = $serviceFactory->createShipmentService('basicAuthUser', 'basicAuthPass', $logger, $sandbox = true);

$requestBuilder = new \C24Toys\GLS\Sdk\ParcelProcessing\RequestBuilder\ShipmentRequestBuilder();
$requestBuilder->setShipperAccount($shipperId = '98765 43210');
    $country = 'DE',
    $postalCode = '36286',
    $city = 'Neuenstein',
    $street = 'GLS-Germany-Straße 1 - 7',
    $name = 'Jane Doe'
$requestBuilder->addParcel($parcelWeightA = 0.95);
$requestBuilder->addParcel($parcelWeightB = 1.2);
$request = $requestBuilder->create();

$shipment = $service->createShipment($request);

// work with the web service response, e.g. persist label
foreach ($shipment->getLabels() as $i => $label) {
    file_put_contents("/tmp/{$shipment->getConsignmentId()}-{$i}.pdf", $label);

$requestBuilder = new \C24Toys\GLS\Sdk\ParcelProcessing\RequestBuilder\ReturnShipmentRequestBuilder();
$requestBuilder->setShipperAccount($shipperId = '98765 43210');
    $country = 'DE',
    $postalCode = '36286',
    $city = 'Neuenstein',
    $street = 'GLS-Germany-Straße 1 - 7',
    $name = 'Jane Doe'
    $country = 'DE',
    $postalCode = '36286',
    $city = 'Neuenstein',
    $street = 'GLS Germany-Straße 1 - 7',
    $company = 'GLS Germany'
$requestBuilder->addParcel($weight = 0.95, $qrCode = true);
$request = $requestBuilder->create();

$shipment = $service->createShipment($request);

Cancel Parcels

Cancel one or more parcels.

Public API

The library's components suitable for consumption comprise

  • services:
    • service factory
    • cancellation service
  • exceptions


$logger = new \Psr\Log\NullLogger();
$serviceFactory = new \C24Toys\GLS\Sdk\ParcelProcessing\Service\ServiceFactory();
$service = $serviceFactory->createCancellationService('basicAuthUser', 'basicAuthPass', $logger, $sandbox = true);

$cancelledIds = $service->cancelParcels([$parcelIdA = '12345', $parcelIdB = '54321']);

Forked from https://github.com/netresearch/gls-sdk-api-parcel-processing