
Bundle integrating the C2iS SocialWall component into Symfony2

v1.0 2015-07-17 09:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:13:50 UTC



Install with composer:

  composer require c2is/socialwall-bundle dev-master

Add the bundle to your AppKernel:

class AppKernel extends Kernel
  public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
      new C2is\Bundle\SocialWallBundle\C2isSocialWallBundle(),

    return $bundles;

Configuration reference


                # Used to fetch posts and number of followers of a specific user
                user_id:              ~ # Required
                limit:                50
                    api_key:              ~ # Required
                    api_secret:           ~

                # Used to fetch posts with the given tags
                tags:                 []

                # Used to fetch tweets from a specific user
                user:              ~

                # Used to fetch number of tweets and number of followers of a specific user
                user_id:              ~
                limit:                50
                    api_key:              ~ # Required
                    api_secret:           ~

                # Used to fetch posts with the given tags
                tags:                 []

                # Used to fetch posts number of followers of a specific user
                user_id:              ~
                limit:                50
                    api_key:              ~ # Required
                    api_secret:           ~

                # Used to fetch posts with the given tag
                tag:                  ~

                # Used to fetch posts number of followers of a specific user
                user_id:              ~
                limit:                50
                    api_key:              ~ # Required
                    api_secret:           ~

                # Used to fetch posts number of followers of a specific user
                user_id:              ~ # Required
                limit:                50
                    api_key:              ~ # Required
                    api_secret:           ~

                # Used to fetch posts number of followers of a specific user
                channel_id:           ~

                # Used to fetch posts number of followers of a specific playlist
                playlist_id:          ~
                limit:                50
                    api_key:              ~ # Required
                    api_secret:           ~
            duration:             '3600'


This bundle exposes a service providing helper methods to access the SocialWall component:

class MyController
  public function myAction()
    $socialWall = $this->get('c2is.social_wall.manager');

    /* Those methods will throw an exception if the social network is not properly configured */
    $twitterItems = $socialWall->getTwitterItemsForUser($overrideUser /* if omitted, uses the user_id defined in the configuration */,, $overrideLimit /* if omitted, uses the limit defined in the configuration */,);
    $twitterItems = $socialWall->getTwitterItemsForTags($overrideTags /* if omitted, uses the tags defined in the configuration */, $overrideLimit /* if omitted, uses the limit defined in the configuration */);


Available methods:

  • getFacebookItems($userId = null, $limit = null) If userId or limit are omitted, uses the values defined in the configuration. Returns $limit posts from the user $userId timeline.
  • getFacebookNumberOfSubscribers($userId = null) If userId is omitted, uses the value defined in the configuration. Returns the number of people who liked the facebook page of the user $userId.


Available methods:

  • getTwitterItemsForUser($userId = null, $limit = null) If userId or limit are omitted, uses the values defined in the configuration. Returns $limit tweets from the user $userId.
  • getTwitterItemsForTags(array $tags = null, $limit = null) If tags or limit are omitted, uses the values defined in the configuration. Returns $limit tweets having at least one of the tags tag.
  • getTwitterNumberOfItems($userId = null) If userId is omitted, uses the value defined in the configuration. Returns the number of tweets made by the user $userId.
  • getTwitterNumberOfSubscribers($userId = null) If userId is omitted, uses the value defined in the configuration. Returns the number of people following user $userId.


Available methods:

  • getFlickrItemsForUser($userId = null, $limit = null) If userId or limit are omitted, uses the values defined in the configuration. Returns $limit flickr images posted by the user $userId.
  • getFlickrItemsForTags(array $tags = null, $limit = null) If tags or limit are omitted, uses the values defined in the configuration. Returns $limit flickr images having at least one of the tags tag.
  • getFlickrNumberOfItems($userId = null) If userId is omitted, uses the value defined in the configuration. Returns the number of flickr images posted by the user $userId.


Available methods:

  • getInstagramItemsForUser($userId = null, $limit = null) If userId or limit are omitted, uses the values defined in the configuration. Returns $limit instagram posts from the user $userId.
  • getInstagramItemsForTags(array $tags = null, $limit = null) If tags or limit are omitted, uses the values defined in the configuration. Returns $limit instagram posts having at least one of the tags tag.
  • getInstagramNumberOfItems($userId = null) If userId is omitted, uses the value defined in the configuration. Returns the number of instagram iamges posted by the user $userId.
  • getInstagramNumberOfSubscribers($userId = null) If userId is omitted, uses the value defined in the configuration. Returns the number of people following user $userId.

Google Plus

Available methods:

  • getGooglePlusItems($userId = null, $limit = null) If userId or limit are omitted, uses the values defined in the configuration. Returns $limit Google Plus posts from the user $userId timeline.
  • getGooglePlusNumberOfSubscribers($userId = null) If userId is omitted, uses the value defined in the configuration. Returns the number of people who have the user $userId in their circles.


Available methods:

  • getYoutubeItemsForChannel($channelId = null, $limit = null) If channelId or limit are omitted, uses the values defined in the configuration. Returns $limit videos from the $channelId channel.
  • getYoutubeItemsForPlaylist($playlistId = null, $limit = null) If playlistId or limit are omitted, uses the values defined in the configuration. Returns $limit videos from the $playlistId playlist.
  • getYoutubeNumberOfSubscribers($userId = null) If userId is omitted, uses the value defined in the configuration. Returns the number of video views for user $userId.