
The Xeed is to generate new model, seed, Nova resource, database seed, factory and migration files for Laravel & Nova based on data from the existing database table.





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Stars: 87

Watchers: 1

Forks: 8

Open Issues: 0


v1.6.12 2025-03-09 07:07 UTC


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The Xeed is to generate new model, seed, Nova resources, database seed, factory and migration files for Laravel & Nova based on data from the existing database table.


It can function as both php artisan xeed:* commands for Laravel & Nova and bin/console * commands for Standalone, providing 100% identical functionality. Therefore, you can use it within your own Laravel & Nova project or as a standalone application.

We have provided the API Documentation on the web. For more information, please visit ❤️


  • Database testing is supported
  • Generate models for Laravel
  • Generate seed files for Laravel
  • Generate Nova resources files for Laravel Nova
  • Generate database seed files for Laravel
  • Generate factories for Laravel
  • Generate migrations for Laravel
  • Generate belongsTo and hasMany relationships functions for Laravel
  • Laravel multi & reserved columns supported
  • Laravel integration
  • MySQL, SQLite and PostgreSQL supported

Support & Tested

MySQL Supported SQLite Supported PostgreSQL Supported PHP 8.0.2+ Supported PHP 8.1.0+ Supported PHP 8.2.0+ Supported PHP 8.3.0+ Supported


PostgreSQL support is in beta. If you encounter any issues, please report them via GitHub issues.







composer require cable8mm/xeed --dev
# For Laravel
composer create-project cable8mm/xeed
# For Standalone


Edit the .env file to configure your own database. You can manually copy .env.example to .env whenever you need to.


Generate Models

php artisan xeed:models
# Generate all models from database in `app/Models` folder

php artisan xeed:models -f -t xeeds
# Force to generate a model from `xeeds` table in `app/Models` folder
bin/console models
# Generate all models from database in `dist/app/Models` folder

bin/console models -f -t xeeds
# Force to generate a model from `xeeds` table in `app/Models` folder

Generate Seeders

php artisan xeed:seeders
# Generate all seeds from database in `database/seeders` folder

php artisan xeed:seeders -f -t xeeds
# Force to generate a seeder from `xeeds` table in `database/seeders` folder
bin/console seeders
# Generate all seeds from database in `dist/database/seeders` folder

bin/console seeders -f -t xeeds
# Force to generate a seeder from `xeeds` table in `dist/database/seeders` folder

Generate Faker Seeders

The Faker seeders are utilized without the factory() method to generate seeds. This command was created to address the issue #61, providing insight into its purpose.

php artisan xeed:faker-seeders
# Generate all seeds from database in `database/seeders` folder

php artisan xeed:faker-seeders -f -t xeeds
# Force to generate a seeder from `xeeds` table in `database/seeders` folder
bin/console faker-seeders
# Generate all seeds from database in `dist/database/seeders` folder

bin/console faker-seeders -f -t xeeds
# Force to generate a seeder from `xeeds` table in `dist/database/seeders` folder

Generate DatabaseSeeder

php artisan xeed:database
# Generate a database seed from database in `database/seeders` folder
bin/console database
# Generate a database seed from database in `dist/database/seeders` folder

Generate Factories

php artisan xeed:factories
# Generate all factories from database in `database/factories' folder

php artisan xeed:factories -f -t xeeds
# Force to generate a factory from `xeeds` table in `database/factories' folder
bin/console factories
# Generate all factories from database in `dist/database/factories' folder

bin/console factories -f -t xeeds
# Force to generate a factory from `xeeds` table in `database/factories' folder

Generate Migrations

php artisan xeed:migrations
# Generate all migrations from database in `database/migrations' folder

php artisan xeed:migrations -f -t xeeds
# Force to generate a migration from `xeeds` table in `database/migrations' folder
bin/console migrations
# Generate all migrations from database in `dist/database/migrations' folder

bin/console migrations -f -t xeeds
# Force to generate a migration from `xeeds` table in `database/migrations' folder

The generated files are stored in the same folder as your Laravel project. Please check the dist folder.

Generate Relations

This command can only be used in Models where use HasFactory; exists, all relations will be placed after it.

php artisan xeed:relations
# Add the relation function to all models from database in `app/Models` folder

php artisan xeed:relations -m
# Runs xeed:models before running xeed:relations. Add -f to force to generate
bin/console relations
# Add the relation function to all models from database in `dist/app/Models` folder

bin/console relations -m
# Runs xeed:models before running xeed:relations. Add -f to force to generate

The generated relations are named using laravels convention. Some names may be duplicated

Generate NovaResources

php artisan xeed:nova
# Add the Laravel Nova resources to all tables in `app/Nova` folder
bin/console nova-fields
# Add the Laravel Nova resources to all tables  in `dist/app/Nova` folder

Helpful commands

If you are going to test this package yourself, then you would use the following commands to clean up generated files.

php artisan xeed:clean
# Clean generated files, seeders, models, factories and migration files.
#=> Refer the below
Please select directory for you to want to clean.
  [0] seeder
  [1] model
  [2] factory
  [3] migration
  [4] all
  [5] exit
bin/console clean
# Clean generated files, seeders, models, factories and migration files.
#=> Refer the below
Please select directory for you to want to clean.
  [0] seeder
  [1] model
  [2] factory
  [3] migration
  [4] all
  [5] exit


composer lint
# Modify all files to comply with the PSR-12.

composer inspect
# Inspect all files to ensure compliance with PSR-12.


It uses the built-in SQLite database, not your own database. It will never cause harm to your data. You don't need to worry about that.

composer testpack
# All tests with Laravel artisan commands
composer test
# All tests without Laravel artisan commands


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

The below can help you contribute.

The Xeed has a built-in SQLite database, allowing you to contribute easily without needing your own database. Simply create a new file for testing purposes and utilize it.

touch database/database.sqlite
# Create a new empty file for SQLite database

And then,

composer test
# Run tests

Database seeds

For migrations and factories, when you need to execute tests for all database field types, utilize the following command.

php artisan xeed
# Import an 'xeeds' Table into the Database

php artisan xeed drop
# Drop the 'xeeds' Table from the Database
bin/console xeed
# Import an 'xeeds' Table into the Database

bin/console xeed drop
# Drop the 'xeeds' Table from the Database

Utilize migration files for all database field types by referring to the following location database/*.sql these files are saved in the specified folder.

Use testorchestral/testbench

You can utilize testorchestral/testbench to execute tests. When running Laravel commands, the generated files are saved in the vendor/orchestra/testbench-core/laravel/database folder.


Laravel columns description for mysql:

Available Column Types Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id() id bigint unsigned NO PRI auto_increment
bigInteger('big_integer') big_integer bigint NO
binary('binary') binary blob NO
boolean('boolean') boolean tinyint(1) NO
char('char', length: 100) char char(100) NO
dateTimeTz('date_time_tz', precision: 0) date_time_tz datetime NO
dateTime('date_time', precision: 0) date_time datetime NO
date('date') date date NO
decimal('decimal', total: 8, places: 2) decimal decimal(8,2) NO
double('double') double double NO
enum('enum', ['easy', 'hard']) enum enum('easy','hard') NO
float('float', precision: 53) float double NO
foreignId('foreign_id') foreign_id bigint unsigned NO
foreignUlid('foreign_ulid') foreign_ulid char(26) NO
foreignUuid('foreign_uuid') foreign_uuid char(36) NO
geometry('geometry', subtype: 'point', srid: 0) geometry point NO
integer('integer') integer int NO
ipAddress('ip_address') ip_address varchar(45) NO
json('json') json json NO
jsonb('jsonb') jsonb json NO
longText('long_text') long_text longtext NO
macAddress('mac_address') mac_address varchar(17) NO
mediumInteger('medium_integer') medium_integer mediumint NO
mediumText('medium_text') medium_text mediumtext NO
morphs('morph') morph_type varchar(255) NO MUL
Ditto make 2 fields morph_id bigint unsigned NO
nullableTimestamps(precision: 0) created_at timestamp YES
Ditto make 2 fields updated_at timestamp YES
nullableMorphs('nullable_morph') nullable_morph_type varchar(255) YES MUL
Ditto make 2 fields nullable_morph_id bigint unsigned YES
nullableUlidMorphs('nullable_ulid_morph') nullable_ulid_morph_type varchar(255) YES MUL
Ditto make 2 fields nullable_ulid_morph_id char(26) YES
nullableUuidMorphs('nullable_uuid_morph') nullable_uuid_morph_type varchar(255) YES MUL
Ditto make 2 fields nullable_uuid_morph_id char(36) YES
rememberToken() remember_token varchar(100) YES
set('set', ['strawberry', 'vanilla']) set set('strawberry','vanilla') NO
smallInteger('small_integer') small_integer smallint NO
softDeletesTz('soft_delete_tz', precision: 0) soft_delete_tz timestamp YES
softDeletes('soft_delete', precision: 0) soft_delete timestamp YES
string('string', length: 100) string varchar(100) NO
text('text') text text NO
time('time_tz', 0) time_tz time NO
time('time', 0) time time NO
timestampTz('timestamp_tz', precision: 0) timestamp_tz timestamp NO
timestamp('timestamp', precision: 0) timestamp timestamp NO
tinyInteger('tiny_integer') tiny_integer tinyint NO
tinyText('tiny_text') tiny_text tinytext NO
unsignedBigInteger('unsigned_big_integer') unsigned_big_integer bigint unsigned NO
unsignedInteger('unsigned_integer') unsigned_integer int unsigned NO
unsignedMediumInteger('unsigned_medium_integer') unsigned_medium_integer mediumint unsigned NO
unsignedSmallInteger('unsigned_small_integer') unsigned_small_integer smallint unsigned NO
unsignedTinyInteger('unsigned_tiny_integer') unsigned_tiny_integer tinyint unsigned NO
ulidMorphs('ulid_morph') ulid_morph_type varchar(255) NO MUL
Ditto make 2 fields ulid_morph_id char(26) NO
uuidMorphs('uuid_morph') uuid_morph_type varchar(255) NO MUL
Ditto make 2 fields uuid_morph_id char(36) NO
ulid('ulid') ulid char(26) NO
uuid('uuid') uuid char(36) NO
year('year') year year NO

Code of Conduct

In order to ensure that the community is welcoming to all, please review and abide by the CODE OF CONDUCT.



The Xeed project is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.