
This package provides some fusion helper for making writing conditions (`@if`) easier.

2.0.0 2022-03-29 07:49 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-01 00:17:33 UTC


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Carbon.Condition Package for Neos CMS

This package provides some fusion helper for making writing conditions (@if) easier.
You can look at a real world example here


Carbon.Condition is available via packagist. Add "carbon/condition" : "^2.0" to the require section of your composer.json or run composer require carbon/condition.


Link to the fusion file
Return true if a content element or a node type definition is on a document.
Example usage:

value = 'FooBar'
value.@if.render = Carbon.Condition:Case {
    content {
        nodeType = 'Foo.Bar:NodeType'
        propertyFilter = '[row != "one"]'

In the example above the value FooBar gets only rendered if a content node type Foo.Bar:NodeType with the property row set not to one is on the current document.

value = 'FooBar'
value.@if.render = Carbon.Condition:Case {
    document.nodeType = 'Foo.Bar:MixinNodeType'

In the example above the value FooBar gets only rendered if the document has the mixin Foo.Bar:MixinNodeType.

You can also mix the conditions:

value = 'FooBar'
value.@if.render = Carbon.Condition:Case {
    content {
        nodeType = 'Foo.Bar:MixinLightbox'
        propertyFilter = '[lightbox=true]'
    document {
        nodeType = 'Foo.Bar:MixinLightbox'
        propertyFilter = '[lightbox=true]'

In the example above the value FooBar gets only rendered if the document or a content element has the mixin Foo.Bar:MixinLightbox and the property lightbox set to true.

Default values

node = ${documentNode}

enabled = true

content {
    collection = '[instanceof Neos.Neos:ContentCollection]'
    nodeType = null
    propertyFilter = ''
    filter = ${this.nodeType ? ('[instanceof ' + this.nodeType + ']' + this.propertyFilter) : null}

document {
    nodeType = null
    propertyFilter = ''
    filter = ${this.nodeType ? ('[instanceof ' + this.nodeType + ']' + this.propertyFilter) : null}

context {
    backend = true
    live = false

Overview of properties:

Property Description
node The node as starting point for the query
enabled If set to false, it return always false
content.nodeType Set the node type
content.propertyFilter This string gets appended to the content.filter. Example usage see above
content.collection The filter string for the content collection. Normally you don't need to change this property.
content.filter The filter string for the content element. Normally you don't need to change this property.
document.nodeType Set the node type
document.propertyFilter This string gets appended to the document.filter. Example usage see above
document.filter The filter string for the document element. Normally you don't need to change this property.
context.backend If set to true, the value is always return true in backend context If set to true, the value is always return true in live context


Link to the fusion file
Helper for checking if the element should get rendered or not. Example usage:

@if.render = Carbon.Condition:Properties {
    properties = 'title,image'

In the example above the condition is only get true if the node has title and image set.

Default values

node = ${node}

properties = null
operator = 'AND'

context {
    backend = true
    live = false

Overview of properties:

Property Default value Description
node ${node} The node as starting point for the query
properties false Set the needed properties as comma seperated string. You can mix string and object based properties.
operator 'AND' If set to 'AND' or '&&', all properties have to be set. If it set to 'OR' or '||' only one property is needed
context.backend true If set to true, the value is always return true in backend context false If set to true, the value is always return true in live context