
Clear CakePHP caches from shell, app or debug_kit panel

Installs: 112 926

Dependents: 3

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 85

Watchers: 13

Forks: 16

Open Issues: 2


1.1.0 2014-11-19 08:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-13 11:12:15 UTC


ClearCache plugin provides several ways how to clear CACHE subfolders and cache engines in CakePHP applications.


The master branch has the following requirements:

  • CakePHP 2.0 or greater.
  • PHP 5.3.0 or greater.

For CakePHP 1.3 use the 1.3 branch.


  • Clone/Copy the files in this directory into app/Plugin/ClearCache
  • Ensure the plugin is loaded in app/Config/bootstrap.php by calling CakePlugin::load('ClearCache');


Console Shell

Run from your APP folder:

# clear all cached files and configured engines
Console/cake ClearCache.clear_cache

# clear all cached files
Console/cake ClearCache.clear_cache files
# clear just files in CACHE folder
Console/cake ClearCache.clear_cache files .
# clear just files in CACHE subfolders
Console/cake ClearCache.clear_cache files *
# clear just files in CACHE/views folder
Console/cake ClearCache.clear_cache files views
# clear just files in selected CACHE subfolders
Console/cake ClearCache.clear_cache files models persistent

# clear all configured cache engines
Console/cake ClearCache.clear_cache engines
# clear just engine named _cake_core_
Console/cake ClearCache.clear_cache engines _cake_core_
# clear just selected engines
Console/cake ClearCache.clear_cache engines default sessions

# clear all configured cache groups
Console/cake ClearCache.clear_cache groups
# clear just cache group named comment
Console/cake ClearCache.clear_cache groups comment
# clear just selected groups
Console/cake ClearCache.clear_cache groups comment post

By default, running the shell will only display a total number of items cleaned. Use the -v flag to get list of items deleted:

# clear all cached files and configured engines
Console/cake ClearCache.clear_cache -v
# clear all cached files
Console/cake ClearCache.clear_cache files -v
# clear just engine named _cake_core_
Console/cake ClearCache.clear_cache engines _cake_core_ -v

Library Class

Similarly, run from your application code:

App::uses('ClearCache', 'ClearCache.Lib');
$ClearCache = new ClearCache();

$output = $ClearCache->run();

$output = $ClearCache->files();
$output = $ClearCache->files('.');
$output = $ClearCache->files('*');
$output = $ClearCache->files('views');
$output = $ClearCache->files('models', 'persistent');

$output = $ClearCache->engines();
$output = $ClearCache->engines('_cake_core_');
$output = $ClearCache->engines('default', 'custom');

$output = $ClearCache->groups();
$output = $ClearCache->groups('comment');
$output = $ClearCache->groups('comment', 'post');

Method files() returns an associative array of deleted/undeleted files:

	'deleted' => array(...),
	'error'   => array(...)

Method engines() returns an associative array of result:

	'default' => true,
	'_cake_core_'   => false

Method groups() returns an associative array of result:

	'comment' => array(
		'default' => true,
	'post' => array(
		'default' => true,
		'advanced' => true,

Method run() returns an associative array of result:

	'files' => array(
		'deleted' => array(...),
		'error'   => array(...)
	'engines' => array(
		'default' => true,
		'_cake_core_'   => false

Panel for DebugKit toolbar

In AppController, configure usage of ClearCache panel for DebugKit toolbar:

public $components = array(
	'DebugKit.Toolbar' => array(
		'panels' => array('ClearCache.ClearCache')

Optionally, mainly for situations when debug is disabled and DebugKit is configured with 'forceEnable' => true, it is possible to restrict clearing of CACHE subfolders and cache engines/groups through DebugKit panel to specific items only (string or array of strings under folders/engines/groups keys) and/or enable every ones with special string all:

public $components = array(
	'DebugKit.Toolbar' => array(
		'panels' => array('ClearCache.ClearCache'),
		'clear_cache' => array(
			// allow to clear just files in CACHE/views folder
			'folders' => 'views'
			// allow to clear all cache engines at once, and selected ones separately
			'engines' => array('_all_', 'default', 'sessions'),
			// allow to clear all cache groups at once, and selected ones separately
			'groups' => array('_all_', 'comment', 'post'),

Clearing cache groups

Cache groups were introduced in CakePHP 2.2 and they are shared across all cache configs using the same engine and same prefix. Despite of this, ClearCache plugin clears WHOLE cache groups - even if they're specified in cache configurations with different cache engines and different prefixes.