
A library for simple HTTP requests (using Guzzle Ring)

v1.0.1 2015-05-16 10:49 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-12 17:43:20 UTC


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httpfetch provides a simple function fetch to make HTTP requests in small scripts easy and fast.

httpfetch relies heavily on RingPHP for its robust low level HTTP abstraction and for the ability to make asynchronous requests.

Use Cases

  • As replacement for file_get_contents, but with async support, proper support for all HTTP features, easy passing of request headers, parsing of response headers, and proper handling of the certificates used by HTTPS.
  • file_get_contents is notoriously insecure when used with HTTPS without proper configuration, which is hard to do. Also see this secure file_get_contents wrapper.
  • Making simple web service clients without depending on Guzzle.


Via Composer

$ composer require chh/httpfetch


use function chh\httpfetch\fetch;

$response = fetch("");

echo stream_get_contents($response['body']);

The chh\httpfetch Namespace

fetch($url, array $options = [])

Makes a HTTP request to the provided URL. The options follow the RingPHP specification for requests and the returned response follows the RingPHP specification for responses.

All requests are made asynchronously by default, when supported by the handler. This can be turned off by setting the future option to false.

httpfetch implements a few additional options for convenience:

  • follow_location (default: true): Follows responses which return a "Location" header
  • max_redirects (default: 10): Number of redirects to follow
  • auth (default: null): Username/password pair as array for Basic Authentication, e.g. ["user", "password"]

Responses are array-like objects with the following keys:

  • body: (string, fopen resource, Iterator, GuzzleHttp\Stream\StreamInterface) The body of the response, if present. Can be a string, resource returned from fopen, an Iterator that yields chunks of data, an object that implemented __toString, or a GuzzleHttp\Stream\StreamInterface.
  • effective_url: (string) The URL that returned the resulting response.
  • error: (\Exception) Contains an exception describing any errors that were encountered during the transfer.
  • headers: (Required, array) Associative array of headers. Each key represents the header name. Each value contains an array of strings where each entry of the array is a header line. The headers array MAY be an empty array in the event an error occurred before a response was received.
  • reason (string) Optional reason phrase. This option should be provided when the reason phrase does not match the typical reason phrase associated with the status code. See RFC 7231 for a list of HTTP reason phrases mapped to status codes.
  • status: (Required, integer) The HTTP status code. The status code MAY be set to null in the event an error occurred before a response was received (e.g., a networking error).
  • transfer_stats: (array) Provides an associative array of arbitrary transfer statistics if provided by the underlying handler.
  • version: (string) HTTP protocol version. Defaults to 1.1.

For example a POST request by using the http_method parameter:

$response = fetch('', [
    'http_method' => 'POST',
    'body' => 'foo'


Example: Doing an async GET request with the Promise API:

fetch('')->then(function ($response) {
  // Save the response stream:
  $out = fopen('/tmp/foo.txt', 'w+b');
  stream_copy_to_stream($response['body'], $out);

Example: Doing an async request with the Future API:

$response = fetch('');

// Do some other stuff


echo stream_get_contents($response['body']);

Example: Doing requests in parallel:

$response1 = fetch('');
$response2 = fetch('');

echo $response1['status'], "\n";
echo $response2['status'], "\n";

get(), post(), put(), delete(), head(), options()

Helper methods for common HTTP methods. They all follow the same signature of ($url, array $options = []).


use chh\httpfetch;

// GET request
$response = httpfetch\get("");

// POST request with body
$response = httpfetch\post("", [
    'body' => 'foo',

set_default_handler(callable $handler)

Overrides the Guzzle Ring Client handler which is used by the fetch function. Handlers are callables which follow the Ring specification. Reset the handler to the default by passing null.

Example: Force the usage of PHP's http:// stream wrapper:

chh\httpfetch\set_default_handler(new Guzzle\Ring\Client\StreamHandler);



$ make test


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.