chill-project / chill-bundles
Most used bundles for chill-project
2024-08-13 17:07 UTC
- php: ^8.3
- ext-dom: *
- ext-json: *
- ext-openssl: *
- ext-redis: *
- champs-libres/wopi-bundle: dev-master@dev
- champs-libres/wopi-lib: dev-master@dev
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle: ^2.1
- doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle: ^3.0
- doctrine/orm: ^2.13.0
- erusev/parsedown: ^1.7
- knplabs/knp-menu-bundle: ^3.0
- knplabs/knp-time-bundle: ^1.12
- knpuniversity/oauth2-client-bundle: ^2.10
- league/csv: ^9.7.1
- lexik/jwt-authentication-bundle: ^2.16
- nyholm/psr7: ^1.4
- ocramius/package-versions: ^1.10 || ^2
- odolbeau/phone-number-bundle: ^3.6
- ovh/ovh: ^3.0
- phpoffice/phpspreadsheet: ^1.16
- ramsey/uuid-doctrine: ^1.7
- sensio/framework-extra-bundle: ^6.0
- spomky-labs/base64url: ^2.0
- symfony/asset: 6.4.*
- symfony/browser-kit: 6.4.*
- symfony/cache: 6.4.*
- symfony/clock: ^6.2
- symfony/config: ^6.4
- symfony/console: 6.4.*
- symfony/css-selector: 6.4.*
- symfony/dom-crawler: 6.4.*
- symfony/error-handler: 6.4.*
- symfony/event-dispatcher: 6.4.*
- symfony/expression-language: 6.4.*
- symfony/filesystem: 6.4.*
- symfony/finder: 6.4.*
- symfony/form: 6.4.*
- symfony/framework-bundle: 6.4.*
- symfony/http-client: 6.4.*
- symfony/http-foundation: 6.4.*
- symfony/intl: 6.4.*
- symfony/mailer: 6.4.*
- symfony/messenger: 6.4.*
- symfony/mime: 6.4.*
- symfony/monolog-bundle: ^3.5
- symfony/options-resolver: 6.4.*
- symfony/process: 6.4.*
- symfony/property-access: 6.4.*
- symfony/property-info: 6.4.*
- symfony/routing: 6.4.*
- symfony/security-bundle: ^6.4
- symfony/security-core: 6.4.*
- symfony/security-csrf: 6.4.*
- symfony/security-http: 6.4.*
- symfony/serializer: 6.4.*
- symfony/string: 6.4.*
- symfony/templating: 6.4.*
- symfony/translation: 6.4.*
- symfony/twig-bundle: 6.4.*
- symfony/validator: 6.4.*
- symfony/webpack-encore-bundle: ^1.11
- symfony/workflow: 6.4.*
- symfony/yaml: 6.4.*
- thenetworg/oauth2-azure: ^2.0
- twig/extra-bundle: ^3.0
- twig/intl-extra: ^3.0
- twig/markdown-extra: ^3.3
- twig/string-extra: ^3.3
- twig/twig: ^3.0
Requires (Dev)
- doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle: ^3.3
- fakerphp/faker: ^1.13
- jangregor/phpstan-prophecy: ^1.0
- nelmio/alice: ^3.8
- nikic/php-parser: ^4.15
- phpspec/prophecy-phpunit: ^2.0
- phpstan/extension-installer: ^1.2
- phpstan/phpstan: ^1.9
- phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: ^1.1
- phpstan/phpstan-strict-rules: ^1.0
- phpunit/phpunit: ^10.5.24
- rector/rector: ^1.1.0
- symfony/debug-bundle: 6.4.*
- symfony/dotenv: 6.4.*
- symfony/maker-bundle: ^1.20
- symfony/phpunit-bridge: ^7.1
- symfony/runtime: 6.4.*
- symfony/stopwatch: 6.4.*
- symfony/var-dumper: 6.4.*
- dev-master
- v4.0.0-RC2
- v4.0.0-RC1
- v3.9.2
- v3.8.2
- v3.8.1
- v3.8.0
- v3.7.1
- v3.7.0
- v3.6.0
- v3.5.3
- v3.5.2
- v3.5.1
- v3.5.0
- v3.4.3
- v3.4.2
- v3.4.1
- v3.4.0
- v3.2.4
- v3.2.3
- v3.2.2
- v3.2.1
- v3.2.0
- v3.1.1
- v3.1.0
- v3.0.0
- v3.0.0-RC12
- v3.0.0-RC11
- v3.0.0-RC10
- v3.0.0-RC9
- v3.0.0-RC8
- v3.0.0-RC7
- v3.0.0-RC6
- v3.0.0-RC5
- v3.0.0-RC4
- v3.0.0-RC3
- v3.0.0-RC2
- 3.0.0-RC1
- 3.0.0-alpha1
- v2.x-dev
- 2.24.1
- 2.24.0
- 2.23.0
- 2.22.2
- 2.22.1
- 2.22.0
- 2.21.0
- 2.20.1
- 2.20.0
- 2.19.0
- 2.18.2
- 2.18.1
- 2.18.0
- 2.17.0
- 2.16.2
- 2.16.1
- 2.16.0
- 2.15.2
- 2.15.1
- 2.15.0
- 2.14.1
- 2.14.0
- 2.13.0
- 2.12.1
- 2.12.0
- 2.11.0
- 2.10.6
- 2.10.5
- 2.10.4
- 2.10.3
- 2.10.2
- 2.10.1
- 2.10.0
- 2.9.2
- 2.9.1
- 2.9.0
- 2.8.0
- 2.7.0
- 2.6.3
- 2.6.2
- v2.6.1
- v2.6.0
- 2.5.3
- 2.5.2
- 2.5.1
- 2.5.0
- 2.4.0
- 2.3.0
- 2.2.2
- 2.2.1
- 2.2.0
- 2.1.0
- 2.0.0
- 2.0.0-beta2
- 2.0.0-beta1
- dev-368-fix-user-search-engine
- dev-339-partage-d'export-enregistré
- dev-367-page-mes-parcours
- dev-366-pick-user-or-me
- dev-359-fusion-accompanying-period-work
- dev-355-fusion-thirdparty
- dev-285-cancel-calendar
- dev-362-bug-manager-registry
- dev-321-text-editor
- dev-+361-improve-ux-for-add-address
- dev-refactor_add_persons
- dev-user_edit_form
- dev-fix_saved_exports
- dev-manage-translations
- dev-signature-app/OP+767-block-external-send-when-no-document
- dev-signature-app/wp-625-duplicate-ro-element-in-workflows
- dev-master-2024-09-19-with-reverted
- dev-295-cancel-workflow-after-90-days
- dev-signature-app/multi-page-viewer
- dev-upgrade-sf6
- dev-288-signature-zone-workflow
- dev-add-module-emploi
- dev-signature-app/sign-pdf
- dev-271_take_into_account_acp_closingDate_into_export_filters
- dev-testing-2024-03
- dev-ticket-app-master
- dev-chill-bundles-ticket-app-adaptations
- dev-275-fix-filter-by-geographic-area
- dev-270-ne-pas-afficher-de-rappel-sur-la-page-d-accueil-pour-les-evaluations-et-les-actions-des
- dev-integrate_foundry
- dev-testing-202401
- dev-fix-compilation-address-details-button
- dev-244-record-closing-motive-on-acc-period-closing
- dev-async-upload-merge
- dev-167-build-the-docs-fails
- dev-226-upgrade-bootstrap
- dev-issue178_169_export_calendars
- dev-183-fix-types-problem-exports
- dev-replace_translator
- dev-68-feature-dashboard-user
- dev-146_parcours_annules
- dev-user_filter_tasks
- dev-134-export-filter-bug
- dev-l10n_master
- dev-rector/rules-up-to-php82
- dev-rector/rules-up-to-php80
- dev-testing
- dev-58-birthdate-precede
- dev-add_user_filter_on_tasks
- dev-upgrade-phpunit-config
- dev-710_vendee_document_workflow_scroll
- dev-upgrade/symfony-5.0
- dev-calendar/fixes-202303
- dev-71-adapt-report-bundle
- dev-rector-bootstrap
- dev-upgrade-php82
- dev-issue706_cc_in_workflow
- dev-issue719_filter_activities
- dev-issue666_voter_issues
- dev-693-filter-acp-by-user-job
- dev-phpstan-fixes-202302
- dev-694-save-evalu-action-before-open-wopi-edit
- dev-export-2023-01-fixes
- dev-43-wopi-use-access-token
- dev-deps-doctrine-orm-fixing
- dev-fix-calendar-nav
- dev-exports/use-tags-to-construct-export-manager
- dev-chill_amli_staging
- dev-chill_amli
- dev-fix_filiation_bug
- dev-test/fixes-20220616
- dev-interface_propositions
- dev-1.5-branch.amli
- dev-issue471_activity_socialissue-action
- dev-issue546_phonenumber_null
- dev-issue17_user_administrator
- dev-workflow/do_not_allow_to_remove_related_entities
- dev-issue487_bug_tiers_phonenumber
- dev-issue444_menu_item_rights
- dev-replace_deprecations_translatorInterface
- dev-issue443_link_rights
- dev-issue451_match_person_ACL
- dev-issue435_notification_widget
- dev-workflow/improve
- dev-20-update-telephone-type-basic
- dev-20-update-telephone-type
- dev-issue386_dynamic_type_picker
- dev-issue385_comments_accourse
- dev-issue357_front_end_validation
- dev-issue309_address_lines_country_aware
- dev-fix_deathdate_validation_and_ageDisplay
- dev-convert_to_makeFetch
- dev-doc/authorizaton-documentation-update
- dev-fix/person-3party-do-no-task-center
- dev-issue127_ACCent_person_validationBug
- dev-issue186_ACCent_button_enregistrer
- dev-optimize_address
- dev-fix-tests/fix-2021-10-14
- dev-small_issue_fixes
- dev-review_documents_accourse
- dev-fix-tests/rdv
- dev-1.5-branch
- dev-ameliorations_composants_vue
- dev-102_activites_annexes
- dev-integrate_wopi_bundle__master_rebase
- dev-integration/collabora-2
- dev-fixtures/fix-loading-people
- dev-features/add-evaluation-to-social-action
- dev-notifications4
- dev-fix-tests-marc
- dev-behaviour/do-not-create-accompanying-course-on-person-creation
- dev-tests/fix-tests-after-bootstrap
- dev-dune-risky
- dev-deploy/quick-fixes-2021-07-01
- dev-notifications3
- dev-deploy/quick-fixes
- dev-features/person
- dev-fix-test-accompanying-period
- dev-feature/enable-basic-static-analysis-with-psalm-and-phpstan
- dev-use-symplify-monorepo
- dev-fix-templating-service-declaration
- dev-issue_59_parcours_resu
- dev-139_demandeur
- dev-fix-timeline-building
- dev-feature-add-php-conventions-not-risky
- dev-refactoring-upgrade-chill-person-bundle
- dev-3-remove-public-prefix-and-align-routes
- dev-fix-person-addresses
- dev-feature-add-php-conventions
- dev-feature-add-php-conventions-fixes
- dev-vue3-test0
- dev-_31_interface_creation_parcours.test
- dev-bootstrap-tests-ci
- dev-bootstrap-tests-ci.fix
- dev-dev-fixtures
- dev-dune
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-14 14:11:02 UTC
Chill is a software for social workers. It allows them to keep track of the social work they do.
See our website for more information
Chill-bundles is a set of bundles that should be used within a Symfony application.
A symfony application will help you to customize all the configuration options, change the behaviour of some parts of the usual-way that chill works, … without to have to fork this repository !
See the instructions in the docs.
Those instructions are also built online.