
Add PSR-17 factories and a PSR-18 client to your tests

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Ko Fi

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Add PSR-17 factories and a PSR-18 client for use in your PHPUnit tests.

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A PSR-18 HTTP client and PSR-17 factories for your unit tetss. That's it.


  • PHP 8.1+
    • required extensions may vary depending on the used HTTP client


Installation with composer

Add this library along with PHPUnit and an optional HTTP client to the require-dev section of your composer.json:

	"require": {
		"php": "^8.1"
	"require-dev": {
		"chillerlan/phpunit-http": "^1.0",
		"guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^7.8",
		"phpunit/phpunit": "^10.5"


Include the HttpFactoryTrait and call initFactories() from within PHPUnit's TestCase::setUp():

class MyUnitTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase{
	// include the factory trait
	use \chillerlan\PHPUnitHttp\HttpFactoryTrait;

	// you can define the factories either as properties in your test class or in phpunit.xml
	protected string $REQUEST_FACTORY  = MyRequestFactory::class;
	protected string $RESPONSE_FACTORY = MyResponseFactory::class;
	protected string $STREAM_FACTORY   = MyStreamFactory::class;
	protected string $URI_FACTORY      = MyUriFactory::class;

	// these three factories may not always be needed and/or implemented,
	// you can just unset or simply omit the properties
	protected string $HTTP_CLIENT_FACTORY = \chillerlan\PHPUnitHttp\GuzzleHttpClientFactory::class;
	protected string $SERVER_REQUEST_FACTORY;
	protected string $UPLOADED_FILE_FACTORY;

	// a CA bundle is required when using a http client
	protected const CACERT = __DIR__.'/cacert.pem';

	// in PHPUnit's setUp, call the factory initializer
	protected function setUp():void{
		catch(\Throwable $e){
			$this->markTestSkipped('unable to init http factories: '.$e->getMessage());

	// use the factories
	public function testSomething():void{
		$uri      = $this->uriFactory->createUri('');
		$request  = $this->requestFactory->createRequest('GET', $uri);
		$response = $this->httpClient->sendRequest($request);

		// do stuff
		$this::assertSame(200, $response->getStatusCode());


Instead of setting the properties in the test classes, you can define them as constants in your phpunit.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<phpunit xmlns:xsi=""
		<testsuite name="my test suite">
			<clover outputFile=".build/coverage/clover.xml"/>
		<!-- define your factories here -->
		<const name="REQUEST_FACTORY" value="MyLibrary\MyRequestFactory"/>
		<const name="RESPONSE_FACTORY" value="MyLibrary\MyResponseFactory"/>
		<const name="STREAM_FACTORY" value="MyLibrary\MyStreamFactory"/>
		<const name="URI_FACTORY" value="MyLibrary\MyUriFactory"/>
		<const name="SERVER_REQUEST_FACTORY" value=""/>
		<const name="UPLOADED_FILE_FACTORY" value=""/>
		<const name="HTTP_CLIENT_FACTORY" value="chillerlan\PHPUnitHttp\GuzzleHttpClientFactory"/>


Custom HTTP client

You can implement the HttpClientFactoryInterface to create your own HTTP client factory:

final class MyHttpClientFactory implements HttpClientFactoryInterface{

	public function getClient(string $cacert, ResponseFactoryInterface $responseFactory):ClientInterface{
		return new MyHttpClient(['cacert' => $cacert, /* ... */]);



Use at your own risk!