
A simple event dispatching mechanism (like routing) for chat bots.

2.0.2 2022-10-11 07:37 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-11 13:08:03 UTC


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A simple event dispatching mechanism (like routing) for chat bots and not only.


$ composer require chipslays/event



Parameter $data must be a array, json, stdClass or instance of Chipslays\Collection\Collection.

on(string $event, callable|string|array $fn [, int $sort = 500]): Event

Paramater $fn must be a function or class (support static and non-static methods).

$event->on(..., function () {...}, $sort);
$event->on(..., '\App\Controller@method', $sort);

Pass any args for $fn:

$event->on(..., [function ($param1, $param2) {...}, $param1, $param2], $sort);
$event->on(..., ['\App\Controller@method', $param1, $param2], $sort);

Pass $event = true for force execute event.

$event->on(true, ..., ...);

Parameter $sort responsible for the execution priority.

run(): void

Dispatch and execute all caught events.


use Chipslays\Event\Event;

require __DIR__ . 'vendor/autoload.php';

$event = new Event([
    'message' => [
        'text' => 'hello',
    'user' => [
        'id' => 1234567890,
        'firstname' => 'John',
        'lastname' => 'Doe'

// Callable function
$event->on('message.text', function () {
    echo 'This event has `text`';

// Class
$event->on('message.text', '\App\SomeController@greeting');

$event->on(['message.text' => 'hello'], function () {
    echo 'Hello 👋';
$event->on(['*.text' => 'hello'], function () {
    echo 'Hello 👋';
// At least one "OR Bye OR Goodbye" logic
$event->on([['message.text' => 'Bye'], ['message.text' => 'Goodbye']], function () {
    echo 'Bye!';
$event->on(['*.text' => 'My name is {name}'], function ($name) {
    echo "Nice to meet you, {$name}!";
// {user} - is a required parameter, he should be in text
// {:time?} - is a optional parameter, it may not be in text
$event->on(['*.text' => '/ban {user} {:time?}'], function ($user = null, $time = null) {
    echo "Banned: {$user}, time:" . $time ?? strtotime('+7 day');
$event->on('{message}', function ($message) {
    echo "Your message: {$message}";
$event->on(['*.text' => '/^hello$/i'], function () {
    echo "Hello!";
// For prevent chain function must return False
$event->on(['*.text' => 'Hi!'], function () {
    echo "Hello!";
    return false;

$event->on(['*.firstname' => 'John'], function () {
    echo "This text will never be displayed";
// You can use sort for events
$event->on(['*.firstname' => 'John'], function () {
    echo "This text will never be displayed";
}, 500);

$event->on(['*.text' => 'Hi!'], function () {
    echo "Hello!";
    return false;
}, 400);
// Pass callback args
$event->on('something', [function ($name, $email) {
}, 'John', '']);

$event->on('something', ['SomeController@insert', 'John', '']);

Own Event class

You can use events in your class by trait:

use Chipslays\Event\EventTrait;

class MyClass
    use EventTrait;

    // ...

Redefine methods on, run:

use Chipslays\Event\EventTrait;

// Redefine methods in other trait
trait MyEventTrait
     * @param array|string $event
     * @param callable|string|array $callback
     * @param integer $sort
     * @return void
    public function on($event, $callback, int $sort = 500)
        // do something before...

        $this->addEvent($event, $callback, $sort);

        // do something after...

     * @return void
    public function run()
        if ($this->handleEvents()) {
            echo 'At least one event was caught';
        } else {
            echo 'No event was caught';

// Create custom class
class MyEventClass
    use MyEventTrait, EventTrait {
        MyEventTrait::on insteadof EventTrait;
        MyEventTrait::run insteadof EventTrait;

    // place some methods...

$event = new MyEventClass(['message' => ['text' => 'hello']]);

$event->on(['message.text' => 'hello'], function () {
    echo "👋 Hello!";
