
A cloudfront edge event transformer for symfony or laravel request objects

0.2.1 2021-08-10 22:24 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-10 17:40:31 UTC


This small package allows you to transform a Cloudfront@Edge Event into a proper Request-Object


To install via Composer, use the command below, it will automatically detect the latest version and bind it with ^.

composer require christoph-kluge/cloudfront-edge-php-adapter

Usage Example (long running process - one process for multiple requests)

Please take care that your application MAY require adoptions to run in a long-running-process.


  • Your app is always warm after ther initial request
  • Leverage full potential of opcache

Performance Measurements

This code runs in a production environment api. Almost every endpoint responsds in <10ms (server-response time) w/o the usage of memcache/redis/..


use Bref\Runtime\LambdaRuntime;

$appRoot = getenv('LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT');
require $appRoot . '/vendor/autoload.php';

/** @var \App\Extensions\Foundation\Application $app */
$app = require_once $appRoot . '/bootstrap/app.php';

/** @var CloudfrontEdgeHandler $handler */
$handler = $app->make(CloudfrontEdgeHandler::class);

$lambdaRuntime = LambdaRuntime::fromEnvironmentVariable();
while (true) {

Usage (new process per request)


$appRoot = getenv('LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT');
require $appRoot . '/vendor/autoload.php';

/** @var \Illuminate\Foundation\Application $app */
$app = require_once $appRoot . '/bootstrap/app.php';



  • Support requests with different methods (GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, ..)
  • Support laravel's dedicated response objects (Response, RedirectResponse, JsonResponse)
  • Support post requests from html forms with content-type : x-www-form-urlencoded
  • Support cookies
  • Origin custom - Read custom headers
  • Origin s3 - Read custom headers
  • Response might send headers as multiple list-items inside the response
  • Attachments - Single (<input name="single"/>)
  • Attachments - Multiple - single named (<input name="single_1"/> <input name="single_2"/>)
  • Attachments - Multiple - array based input (<input name="file_as_array[]"/> <input name="file_as_array[]"/>)
  • Attachments - Multiple - array based with multiple flag (<input name="files_as_array_multiple[]" multiple/>)


  • Attachments - Multiple - single named with multiple flag (<input name="single_with_multiple" multiple/>)
  • Attachments - Multiple - multi-dimenionsional input name w/o multiple flag (<input name="myfile[a][b]"/>)
  • Attachments - Multiple - multi-dimenionsional input name w/ multiple flag (<input name="myfile[a][b]"multiple/>)
  • Attachments - Multiple - multi-dimenionsional input name with array w/o multiple flag (<input name="myfile[a][b][]"/>)
  • Attachments - Multiple - multi-dimenionsional input name with array w/ multiple flag (<input name="myfile[a][b][]" multiple/>)
  • Check POST with different content-types (json, x-www-form-urlencode, ..?)
  • Check 204 responses with JSON why they return "{}" instead of ""
  • Cloudfront MAY send multiple list-items for a single header
  • Origin custom - Origin Protocol Policy (Mid prio - I guess there might be use-cases where SSL is not used)
  • Origin custom - Read different path (Low prio - imo not required for lambda)
  • Origin custom - Ssl protocol (Low prio - imo not required for lambda)
  • Origin s3 - Origin Protocol Policy (Mid prio - I guess there might be use-cases where SSL is not used)
  • Origin s3 - Read different path (Low prio - imo not required for lambda)
  • Origin s3 - Restrict Bucket (Low prio - imo not required for lambda)