
A Collection of useful php helper functions.

0.2.1 2018-01-22 03:45 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-02 07:48:17 UTC


Build Status


The library clausnz/php-helpers is a collection of 45 useful php helper functions (PHP 5.6, 7.*).
After installation with composer, the global functions are accessable from everywhere in your code:


composer require clausnz/php-helpers



dump( 'any content' );

If a function with the same name already exists in the list of your project's defined functions ( built-in and user-defined ), it will simply not be registered in your environment. Therefore, no conflicts with existing functions will appear.

Nevertheless, every function is still accessable it in a static way with the proper use-statement:



use CNZ\Helpers\Util as util;

util::dump( 'any content' );


This library makes use of the following brilliant and well known libraries:


All functions are tested against a number of unit tests and PHP Versions. Build Status


Install the latest clausnz/php-helper library with composer:

composer require clausnz/php-helpers

Also make sure to require your composer autoload file:

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

After installation, the new global PHP functions are available everywhere in your code. To access the ( almost identical ) static functions in the helper classes, add the proper use statement to your file:



use CNZ\Helpers\Dev as dev;

if( dev::isIphone() ) {
   // Do something here

Available PHP Functions

Table of Contents

API Documentation

Table of Contents


Helper class that provides easy access to useful php array functions.

Class Arr

  • Full name: \CNZ\Helpers\Arr


Detects if the given value is an associative array.

Arr::isAssoc( array $array ): boolean


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

is_assoc( array $array ): boolean


$array = [
    'foo' => 'bar'

is_assoc( $array );

// bool(true)
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array Any type of array.

Return Value:

True if the array is associative, false otherwise.


Converts an array to an object.

Arr::toObject( array $array ): object|null


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

to_object( array $array ): object|null


$array = [
    'foo' => [
         'bar' => 'baz'

$obj = to_object($array);
echo $obj->foo->bar;

// baz
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array The array to be converted.

Return Value:

A std object representation of the converted array.


Converts a string or an object to an array.

Arr::dump( string|object $var ): array|null


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

to_array( string|object $var ): array|null

Example 1 (string)

$var = 'php';
to_array( $var );

// (
//     [0] => p
//     [1] => h
//     [2] => p
// )

Example 2 (object)

$var = new stdClass;
$var->foo = 'bar';

to_array( $var );

// (
//     [foo] => bar
// )
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$var string|object String or object.

Return Value:

An array representation of the converted string or object. Returns null on error.


Returns the first element of an array.

Arr::first( array $array ): mixed


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

array_first( array $array ): mixed


$array = [
     'foo' => 'bar',
     'baz' => 'qux'

array_first( $array )

// bar
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array The concerned array.

Return Value:

The value of the first element, without key. Mixed type.


Returns the last element of an array.

Arr::last( array $array ): mixed


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

array_last( array $array ): mixed


$array = [
     'foo' => 'bar',
     'baz' => 'qux'

array_last( $array )

// qux
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$array array The concerned array.

Return Value:

The value of the last element, without key. Mixed type.


Gets a value in an array by dot notation for the keys.

Arr::get( string $key, array $array ): mixed


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

array_get( string key, array $array ): mixed


$array = [
     'foo' => 'bar',
     'baz' => [
         'qux => 'foobar'

array_get( 'baz.qux', $array );

// foobar
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$key string The key by dot notation.
$array array The array to search in.

Return Value:

The searched value, null otherwise.


Sets a value in an array using the dot notation.

Arr::set( string $key, mixed $value, array &$array ): boolean


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

array_set( string key, mixed value, array $array ): boolean

Example 1

$array = [
     'foo' => 'bar',
     'baz' => [
         'qux => 'foobar'

array_set( 'baz.qux', 'bazqux', $array );

// (
//     [foo] => bar
//     [baz] => [
//         [qux] => bazqux
//     ]
// )

Example 2

$array = [
     'foo' => 'bar',
     'baz' => [
         'qux => 'foobar'

array_set( '', 'bar', $array );

// (
//     [foo] => bar
//     [baz] => [
//         [qux] => bazqux
//         [foo] => bar
//     ]
// )
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$key string The key to set using dot notation.
$value mixed The value to set on the specified key.
$array array The concerned array.

Return Value:

True if the new value was successfully set, false otherwise.


Helper class that provides easy access to useful php functions in conjunction with the user agent.

Class Dev

  • Full name: \CNZ\Helpers\Dev


Determes if the current device is a smartphone.

Dev::isSmartphone(  ): boolean


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

is_smartphone(  ): boolean


if ( is_smartphone() ) {
     // I am a smartphone
  • This method is static.

Return Value:

True if current visitor uses a smartphone, false otherwise.


Detects if the current visitor uses a mobile device (Smartphone/Tablet/Handheld).

Dev::isMobile(  ): boolean


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

is_mobile(  ): boolean


if ( is_mobile() ) {
     // I am a mobile device (smartphone/tablet or handheld)
  • This method is static.

Return Value:

True if current visitor uses a mobile device, false otherwise.


Get a singleton MobileDetect object to call every method it provides.

Dev::mobileDetect(  ): \Detection\MobileDetect

Public access for use of outside this class. Mobile_Detect doku:

This method has no related global function!

( jump back )



// 8.1
  • This method is static.

Return Value:

A singleton MobileDetect object to call every method it provides.


Determes if the current visitor uses a tablet device.

Dev::isTablet(  ): boolean


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

is_tablet(  ): boolean


if ( is_tablet() ) {
     // I am a tablet
  • This method is static.

Return Value:

True if current visitor uses a tablet device, false otherwise.


Determes if the current visitor uses a desktop computer.

Dev::isDesktop(  ): boolean


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

is_desktop(  ): boolean


if ( is_desktop() ) {
     // I am a desktop computer (Mac, Linux, Windows)
  • This method is static.

Return Value:

True if current visitor uses a desktop computer, false otherwise.


Determes if the current visitor is a search engine/bot/crawler/spider.

Dev::isRobot(  ): boolean


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

is_robot(  ): boolean


if ( is_robot() ) {
     // I am a robot (search engine, bot, crawler, spider)
  • This method is static.

Return Value:

True if the current visitor is a search engine/bot/crawler/spider, false otherwise.


Get a singleton CrawlerDetect object to call every method it provides.

Dev::crawlerDetect(  ): \Jaybizzle\CrawlerDetect\CrawlerDetect

Public access for use of outside this class. Crawler-Detect doku:

This method has no related global function!

( jump back )



// Output the name of the bot that matched (if any)
  • This method is static.


Determes if the current device is running an Android operating system.

Dev::isAndroid(  ): boolean


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

is_android(  ): boolean


if ( is_android() ) {
     // I am an Android based device
  • This method is static.

Return Value:

True if current visitor uses an Android based device, false otherwise.


Determes if the current device is an iPhone.

Dev::isIphone(  ): boolean


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

is_iphone(  ): boolean


if ( is_iphone() ) {
     // I am an iPhone
  • This method is static.

Return Value:

True if current visitor uses an iPhone, false otherwise.


Determes if the current device is from Samsung.

Dev::isSamsung(  ): boolean


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

is_samsung(  ): boolean


if ( is_samsung() ) {
     // I am a device from Samsung
  • This method is static.

Return Value:

True if current visitor uses a Samsung device, false otherwise.


Determes if the current device is running an iOS operating system.

Dev::isIOS(  ): boolean


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

is_ios(  ): boolean


if ( is_ios() ) {
     // I am an iOS based device
  • This method is static.

Return Value:

True if current visitor uses an iOS device, false otherwise.


Helper class that provides easy access to useful php string functions.

Class Str

  • Full name: \CNZ\Helpers\Str


Inserts one or more strings into another string on a defined position.

Str::insert( array $keyValue, string $string ): string


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

str_insert( array $keyValue, string $string ): string


$keyValue = [
     ':color' => 'brown',
     ':animal' => 'dog'
$string = 'The quick :color fox jumps over the lazy :animal.';

str_insert( $keyValue, $string );

// The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$keyValue array An associative array with key => value pairs.
$string string The text with the strings to be replaced.

Return Value:

The replaced string.


Return the content in a string between a left and right element.

Str::between( string $left, string $right, string $string ): array


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

str_between( string $left, string $right, string $string ): array


$string = '<tag>foo</tag>foobar<tag>bar</tag>'

str_between( '<tag>', '</tag>' $string );

// (
//     [0] => foo
//     [1] => bar
// )
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$left string The left element of the string to search.
$right string The right element of the string to search.
$string string The string to search in.

Return Value:

A result array with all matches of the search.


Return the part of a string after a given value.

Str::after( string $search, string $string ): string


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

str_after( string $search, string $string ): string


$string = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog';

str_after( 'fox' $string );

// jumps over the lazy dog
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$search string The string to search for.
$string string The string to search in.

Return Value:

The found string after the search string. Whitespaces at beginning will be removed.


Get the part of a string before a given value.

Str::before( string $search, string $string ): string


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

str_before( string $search, string $string ): string


$string = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog';

str_before( 'fox' $string );

// The quick brown
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$search string The string to search for.
$string string The string to search in.

Return Value:

The found string before the search string. Whitespaces at end will be removed.


Limit the number of words in a string. Put value of $end to the string end.

Str::limitWords( string $string, integer $limit = 10, string $end = '...' ): string


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

str_limit_words( string $string, int $limit = 10, string $end = '...' ): string


$string = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog';

str_limit_words( $string, 3 );

// The quick brown...
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string The string to limit the words.
$limit integer The number of words to limit. Defaults to 10.
$end string The string to end the cut string. Defaults to '...'

Return Value:

The limited string with $end at the end.


Limit the number of characters in a string. Put value of $end to the string end.

Str::limit( string $string, integer $limit = 100, string $end = '...' ): string


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

str_limit( string $string, int $limit = 100, string $end = '...' ): string


$string = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog';

str_limit( $string, 15 );

// The quick brown...
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string The string to limit the characters.
$limit integer The number of characters to limit. Defaults to 100.
$end string The string to end the cut string. Defaults to '...'

Return Value:

The limited string with $end at the end.


Tests if a string contains a given element

Str::contains( string|array $needle, string $haystack ): boolean


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

str_contains( string|array $needle, string $haystack ): boolean


$string = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog';
$array = [

str_contains( $array, $string );

// bool(true)
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$needle string|array A string or an array of strings.
$haystack string The string to search in.

Return Value:

True if $needle is found, false otherwise.


Tests if a string contains a given element. Ignore case sensitivity.

Str::containsIgnoreCase( string|array $needle, string $haystack ): boolean


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

str_icontains( string|array $needle, string $haystack ): boolean


$string = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog';
$array = [

str_icontains( $array, $string );

// bool(true)
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$needle string|array A string or an array of strings.
$haystack string The string to search in.

Return Value:

True if $needle is found, false otherwise.


Determine if a given string starts with a given substring.

Str::startsWith( string|array $needle, string $haystack ): boolean


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

str_starts_with( string|array $needle, string $haystack ): boolean


$string = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog';
$array = [

str_starts_with( $array, $string );

// bool(true)
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$needle string|array The string or array of strings to search for.
$haystack string The string to search in.

Return Value:

True if $needle was found, false otherwise.


Determine if a given string starts with a given substring. Ignore case sensitivity.

Str::startsWithIgnoreCase( string|array $needle, string $haystack ): boolean


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

str_istarts_with( string|array $needle, string $haystack ): boolean


$string = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog';
$array = [

str_istarts_with( $array, $string );

// bool(true)
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$needle string|array The string or array of strings to search for.
$haystack string The string to search in.

Return Value:

True if $needle was found, false otherwise.


Determine if a given string ends with a given substring.

Str::endsWith( string|array $needle, string $haystack ): boolean


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

str_ends_with( string|array $needle, string $haystack ): boolean


$string = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog';
$array = [

str_ends_with( $array, $string );

// bool(true)
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$needle string|array The string or array of strings to search for.
$haystack string The string to search in.

Return Value:

True if $needle was found, false otherwise.


Determine if a given string ends with a given substring.

Str::endsWithIgnoreCase( string|array $needle, string $haystack ): boolean


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

str_iends_with( string|array $needle, string $haystack ): boolean


$string = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog';
$array = [

str_iends_with( $array, $string );

// bool(true)
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$needle string|array The string or array of strings to search for.
$haystack string The string to search in.

Return Value:

True if $needle was found, false otherwise.


Return the part of a string after the last occurrence of a given search value.

Str::afterLast( string $search, string $string ): string


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

str_after_last( string $search, string $string ): string


$path = "/var/www/html/public/img/image.jpg";

str_after_last( '/' $path );

// image.jpg
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$search string The string to search for.
$string string The string to search in.

Return Value:

The found string after the last occurrence of the search string. Whitespaces at beginning will be removed.


Helper class that provides easy access to useful common php functions.

Class Util

  • Full name: \CNZ\Helpers\Util


Validate a given email address.

Util::isEmail( string $email ): boolean


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

is_email( string $email ): boolean


$email = '';

is_email( $email );

// bool(true)
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$email string The email address to test.

Return Value:

True if given string is a valid email address, false otherwise.


Get the current ip address of the user.

Util::ip(  ): string|null


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

ip(  ): null|string


echo ip();

  • This method is static.

Return Value:

The detected ip address, null if the ip was not detected.


Creates a secure hash from a given password. Uses the CRYPT_BLOWFISH algorithm.

Util::cryptPassword( string $password ): string

Note: 255 characters for database column recommended!


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

crypt_password( string $password ): string


$password = 'foobar';

crypt_password( $password );

// $2y$10$6qKwbwTgwQNcmcaw04eSf.QpP3.4T0..bEnY62dd1ozM8L61nb8AC
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$password string The password to crypt.

Return Value:

The crypted password.


Verifies that a password matches a crypted password (CRYPT_BLOWFISH algorithm).

Util::isPassword( string $password, string $cryptedPassword ): boolean


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

is_password( string $password, string $cryptedPassword ): boolean


$password = 'foobar';
$cryptedPassword = '$2y$10$6qKwbwTgwQNcmcaw04eSf.QpP3.4T0..bEnY62dd1ozM8L61nb8AC';

is_password( $password, $cryptedPassword );

// bool(true)
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$password string The password to test.
$cryptedPassword string The crypted password (e.g. stored in the database).


Dumps the content of the given variable and exits the script.

Util::dd( mixed $var )


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

dd( mixed $var )


$array = [
     'foo' => 'bar',
     'baz' => 'qux'

dd( $array );

// (
//     [foo] => bar
//     [baz] => qux
// )
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$var mixed The var to dump.


Dumps the content of the given variable. Script does NOT stop after call.

Util::dump( mixed $var )


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

dump( mixed $var )


$array = [
     'foo' => 'bar',
     'baz' => 'qux'

dump( $array );

// (
//     [foo] => bar
//     [baz] => qux
// )
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$var mixed The var to dump.


Helper class that provides easy access to useful php yml functions.

Class Yml

  • Full name: \CNZ\Helpers\Yml


Validates if a given file contains yaml syntax.

Yml::isValidFile( string $file ): boolean


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

is_yml_file( string $file ): boolean


$file = /path/to/file.yml

is_yml_file( $file );

// bool(true)
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$file string The file to test for yaml syntax.

Return Value:

True if the file contains yaml syntax, false otherwise.


Tests if the syntax of a given string is yaml.

Yml::isValid( string $string ): boolean


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

is_yml( string $string ): boolean


$string = "
     foo: bar
     baz: qux
         foo: bar

is_yml( $string );

// bool(true)
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$string string The string to test for yaml syntax.

Return Value:

True if the string is yaml, false otherwise.


Transforms a given yaml string into an array.

Yml::parse( string $yml ): array|null


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

yml_parse( string $yml ): array|null


$yml = "
     foo: bar
     baz: qux
         foo: bar

yml_parse( $yml );

// (
//       [foo] => bar
//       [baz] => qux
//       [foobar] => (
//           [foo] => bar
//       )
// )
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$yml string The yaml string to parse.

Return Value:

The transformed array, null on error.


Gets a value in a yaml string using the dot notation.

Yml::get( string $key, string $yml ): mixed


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

yml_get( string $key, string $yml ): mixed


$yml = "
     foo: bar
     baz: qux
         foo: bar

yml_get( '', $yml );

// bar
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$key string The key to search using dot notation (e.g. '').
$yml string The yml string to search in.

Return Value:

The found value, null otherwise.


Gets a value in a yaml file using the dot notation.

Yml::getFile( string $key, string $ymlfile ): mixed


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

yml_get_file( string $key, string $ymlfile ): mixed


$ymlfile = '/path/to/file.yml';

yml_get_file( '', $ymlfile );

// bar
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$key string The key to search using dot notation (e.g. '').
$ymlfile string The ymlfile to search in.

Return Value:

The found value, null otherwise.


Loads the content of a yamlfile into an array.

Yml::parseFile( string $ymlfile ): array


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

yml_parse_file( string $ymlfile ): array|null


$ymlfile = '/path/to/file.yml';

yml_parse_file( $ymlfile );

// (
//       [foo] => bar
//       [baz] => qux
//       [foobar] => (
//           [foo] => bar
//       )
// )
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$ymlfile string The path of the file to read from.

Return Value:

The parsed array.


Sets a value in a yamlfile using the dot notation. Note: all comments in the file will be removed!

Yml::setFile( string $key, mixed $value, string $ymlfile ): boolean


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

yml_set_file( string $key, mixed $value, string $ymlfile ): boolean


$ymlfile = '/path/to/file.yml';

yml_set_file( '', 'baz', $ymlfile );

//   foo: bar
//   baz: qux
//   foobar:
//       foo: baz
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$key string The string to search with dot notation
$value mixed The value to set on the specified key.
$ymlfile string The ymlfile to set the value in.

Return Value:

True if value was successfully set in yamlfile, false otherwise.


Transformes a given array to yaml syntax and puts its content into a given file. Note: if the file exists, it will be overwritten!

Yml::dumpFile( array|object $var, string $filename, integer $indent = 2, integer $wordwrap, boolean $openingDashes = false ): boolean


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

to_yml_file( array|object $var, string $filename, int $indent = 2, int $wordwrap = 0, bool $openingDashes = false ): boolean


$array = [
     'foo' => 'bar',
     'baz' => 'qux'

to_yml_file( $array, '/path/to/file.yml' );

//   foo: bar
//   baz: qux
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$var array|object The array or object to transform.
$filename string The path to the file to write the yaml string into. Note: if the file already exists, it will be overwritten!
$indent integer The indent of the converted yaml. Defaults to 2.
$wordwrap integer After the given number a string will be wraped. Default to 0 (no wordwrap).
$openingDashes boolean True if the yaml string should start with opening dashes. Defaults to false.

Return Value:

True on success, false otherwise.


Transformes a given array or object to a yaml string.

Yml::dump( array|object $var, integer $indent = 2, integer $wordwrap, boolean $openingDashes = false ): string|null


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

to_yml( array|object $array, string $filename, int $indent = 2, int $wordwrap = 0, bool $openingDashes = false ): string|null


$array = [
     'foo' => 'bar',
     'baz' => 'qux',
     'foobar' => [
         'foo' => 'bar'

to_yml( $array );

//   foo: bar
//   baz: qux
//   foobar:
//     foo: bar
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$var array|object The array or object to transform.
$indent integer The indent of the converted yaml. Defaults to 2.
$wordwrap integer After the given number a string will be wraped. Default to 0 (no wordwrap).
$openingDashes boolean True if the yaml string should start with opening dashes. Defaults to false.

Return Value:

The converted yaml string. On errors, null is returned.


Sets a value in a yaml string using the dot notation.

Yml::set( string $key, mixed $value, string &$yml ): boolean


Related global function (description see above).

( jump back )

yml_set( string $key, mixed $value, string &$yml ): boolean


$yml = "
     foo: bar
     baz: qux
         foo: bar

yml_set( '', 'baz', $yml );

//   foo: bar
//   baz: qux
//   foobar:
//       foo: baz
  • This method is static. Parameters:
Parameter Type Description
$key string The string to search with dot notation
$value mixed The value to set on the specified key.
$yml string The yml string to search in. Note: all comments in the string will be removed!

Return Value:

True if value was successfully set, false otherwise.

This document was automatically generated from source code comments on 2018-01-22 using phpDocumentor and cvuorinen/phpdoc-markdown-public