
Injectable-bundle is responsible for injecting array of objects into your class. By tagging you mark an service to be injected into your target service.

1.0.1 2017-02-26 17:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 04:42:39 UTC



Injectable-bundle is responsible for injecting array of objects into your class. By tagging you mark an service to be injected into your target service.

Example use JMSDiExtraBundle, but you can easily configure it with services.yml

Target Service
* @DI\Service("template_factory")
class TemplateFactory
    * @param array|Template[] $providers
    private $providers;

     * @DI\InjectParams({
     *      "providers" = @DI\Inject("%empty_array%")
     * })
    public function __construct(array $providers)
        $this->providers = $providers;
    public function createFor(string $type) : Template
        foreach ($this->providers as $provider) {
            if ($provider->isHandling($type)) {
                return $provider;
        throw new \Exception("Template for {$type} doesn't exists!");

interface Template
    public function render() : string
    public function isHandling(string $type) : bool;
Injected Services
 * @DI\Service()
 * @DI\Tag(name="injectable", attributes={"to"="template_factory", "index"="0"})
class NiceTemplate implements Template
    public function render()
        return "nice template";
   public function isHandling(string $type) : bool
        return $type === 'nice';

 * @DI\Service()
 * @DI\Tag(name="injectable", attributes={"to"="template_factory", "index"="0"})
class UglyTemplate implements Template
    public function render()
        return "ugly template";
  public function isHandling(string $type) : bool
       return $type === 'ugly';

Above service will be injected into TemplateFactory.
If there will be no services tagged as injectable for template_factory, template factory will use of empty array.

Understanding the annotations

@DI\Tag(name="injectable", attributes={"to"="template_factory", "index"="0"})
  • name="injectable" - Marks service to be used by InjectableBundle
  • "to"="template_factory" - Sets target service
  • "index"="0" - Sets target service constructor argument index