
Installs: 729

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 3

Watchers: 3

Forks: 1

Open Issues: 0


dev-master 2018-02-12 06:25 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 04:20:09 UTC



Extension for asynchronous simplebus. Provides multiple features for securing your asynchronous work.
Add to your composer.json cleancode/simple-bus-on-steroids

What does it provides

  1. Transactions exists for event subscribers
  2. As there may be a lot of subscribers for each event, each subscriber is handled in it's own transaction.
    If one of the subscribers fails, the rest of them are not interrupted and finish normally
  3. Each event is decorated with
    • event id (which is just own identification of event)
    • correlation id (which is id of all correlated events)
    • parent id (which is id of event that triggered this one)
    • occurrence time
    • optionally description, which may be used to create event sourced entity
  4. Each event published from entity is saved within same transaction as entity itself.
    This provides assurance, that events will never be lost
  5. Events are pushed to the queue by so called async rabbit pattern, which means that async worker take them out from database and push to the rabbitmq.
  6. If event fails, it will be requeued for specific amount of time (configurable)
  7. If event fails more than x (configurable) times, it will be put in dead letter queue (configurable where)
  8. Each event subscriber will handle successfully event only one time.
    Which means, that if one subscriber fails and other finished with success, when message is requeued successful subscriber won't handle the message anymore
  9. Possibility to "restart" async producer, so all the events will be send one more time. This can be done by removing information about published events from database.
    This can be used to recreate Read Model for example
  10. Little amount of configuration to start using
  11. Possibility to name the events, agnostic to class names.
    So when you will change class name, events that are in the database already won't suffer
  12. Possibility to name subscribers, agnostic to class names. Information about, which subscriber handled which event is stored in database. So when you will change class name of subscriber it won't have any effect


If you have LongRunningBundle installed you need to remove it or change configuration to:

     simple_bus_rabbit_mq: true
     doctrine_orm: false
     doctrine_dbal: false
     monolog: true
     swift_mailer: true   
  1. Change rabbitmq configuration. You need to have delayed-message plugin installed in your rabbitmq instance

                 connection:       default
                 exchange_options: { name: 'asynchronous_events', type: x-delayed-message, arguments: {x-delayed-type: ['S', "topic"]} }
                 connection:       default
                 exchange_options: { name: 'asynchronous_events', type: x-delayed-message, arguments: {x-delayed-type: ['S', "topic"]} }
                 queue_options:    { name: 'queue_asynchronous_events', routing_keys: ['all'] }
                 callback:         simple_bus.on_steorids.rabbit_mq_bundle_bridge.events_consumer
                     prefetch_count: 5        
  2. Create database structure

     a) using doctrine migrations. Set in config.yml
                     auto_mapping: true
                           type: yml
                           dir: "Resources/Doctrine"
                           prefix: CleanCode
                           is_bundle: true
     b) using direct SQLs
         CREATE TABLE sb_event_store (event_meta_data_event_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, event_data_event_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, event_data_payload LONGTEXT NOT NULL COMMENT '(DC2Type:json_array)', event_meta_data_parent_id VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, event_meta_data_correlation_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, event_meta_data_occurred_on DATETIME NOT NULL, event_meta_data_description VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(event_meta_data_event_id))
         CREATE TABLE sb_subscriber_handled_event (subscriber_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, event_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(subscriber_name, event_id))
         CREATE TABLE sb_last_published_event (event_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(event_id))
  3. Change subscribers tags to

      <tag name="asynchronous_steroids_event_subscriber" subscribes_to="Events\PersonWasCreated" subscriber_name="person_was_created_subscriber"/>
      @DI\Tag("asynchronous_steroids_event_subscriber", attributes={"subscribes_to" = "AppBundle\Entity\PersonWasCreated", "subscriber_name" = "person_was_created_sub"})
  4. Start async publisher

    bin/console simplebus:async-producer -vvv


From entity

use SimpleBus\Message\Recorder\ContainsRecordedMessages  

class Person implements ContainsRecordedMessages

If your class implements ContainsRecordedMessages, events will be automatically retrieved by recordedMessages() method and saved to database.

Directly by Event Store

/** @var \CleanCode\SimpleBusOnSteroids\Middleware\EventStore\EventStore $eventStore*/
$eventStore = $container->get('simple_bus_event_store')

$eventStore->save([new SomeEvent()]);

If you do not store events in your entities you need to save events by yourself using event store.
Event store contains of one method save, which expects array of events.


        requeue_max_times: 3
        requeue_time: 3
        requeue_multiply_by: 3
        dead_letter_exchange_name: asynchronous_events
        dead_letter_queue_name: dead_letter
        how_many_to_retrieve_at_once: 5
        send_messages_every_seconds: 1.2
        requeue_exchange_name: ""
        requeue_routing_key: ""
    requeue_max_times - Max tries of requeue before message will go to the dead letter queue (default: 3)
    requeue_time - Amount of seconds before message will be handled after fail (default: 3)
    requeue_multiply_by - How many times multiply requeue time for each time message which fail (default: 3)
    dead_letter_exchange_name - Name of the exchange where broken message will be published (default: asynchronous_events)\
    dead_letter_queue_name - Name of the queue where broken messages will be published (default: dead_letter)
    how_many_to_retrieve_at_once - How many message should be retrieved at once to be published (default: 5)
    send_messages_every_seconds - Break between publishing in seconds (default: 1.2)
    requeue_exchange_name - Requeued message will be published to passed exchange name. If not passed it will be taken directly from message
    requeue_routing_key - This routing key will be added to requeued message. If not passed it will be taken directly from message

requeue_exchange_name and requeue_routing_key may be useful, when you don't want to requeued messages be handled once again by other applications within exchange.


Saving events with own names

On default events that are stored in database are saved by class names (uses CleanCode\SimpleBusOnSteroids\EventNameMapper\ClassNameEventNameMapper). This map be a problematic when you will want to change namespace or class name of the event.
Because you will already have old class names in the database stored.

To handle such situation, you may want to write your own event mapper.

You can do it by extending CleanCode\SimpleBusOnSteroids\EventNameMapper with id in DI container simple_bus_event_mapper


class EventNameMapper implements CleanCode\SimpleBusOnSteroids\EventNameMapper
            PersonWasRegistered::class => 'person_was_registered'

    public function eventNameFrom($event) : string
        if (array_key_exists(get_class($event), self::EVENT_NAME_MAPPER)) {
            return self::EVENT_NAME_MAPPER[get_class($event)];

        return '';

    public function isMapped(string $eventName) : bool
        return true;

    public function classNameFrom(string $eventName) : string
        $className = array_search($eventName, self::EVENT_NAME_MAPPER);

        if ($className === false) {
            return '';

        return $className;

Saving subscriber information with own names

Simple Bus On Steroids stores subscriber names with event ids to know, which event was already handled.
On default it does it by simply saving event class name, but this may be problematic, when you will want to change subscriber class name.

You can solve the problem by adding tag attribute "subscriber_name" = "person_was_created_subscriber"

     <tag name="asynchronous_steroids_event_subscriber" subscribes_to="Events\PersonWasCreated" subscriber_name="person_was_created_subscriber"/>
     @DI\Tag("asynchronous_steroids_event_subscriber", attributes={"subscribes_to" = "AppBundle\Entity\PersonWasCreated", "subscriber_name" = "person_was_created_sub"})