
A Clevyr built Nova Page Builder Resource

v5.0.2 2025-02-25 14:46 UTC


How to Install

Install via Composer

composer require clevyr/nova-page-builder

Publish migrations, Default page config, PageBuilder Vue components, Nova resource and Model

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=clevyr-nova-page-builder
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=clevyr-nova-filemanager
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Emilianotisato\NovaTinyMCE\FieldServiceProvider"

Migrate the database

php artisan migrate

How to Create Navigation

  1. Create the "Header" navigation in the Nova admin.
  2. Add import MainNav from '@/PageBuilder/partials/MainNav'; to the Vue component AppLayout.vue (resources/js/Layouts/AppLayout.vue)
  3. Then, add MainNav to the components{} object
  4. Then, add the <main-nav /> component to the template. This should be inserted next to the "Dashboard" link in the default Jetstream AppLayout component, you can customize and move this as needed.

What’s Included:

There will be 3 new sections in Nova now: Menus, File Manager and Pages.

Config Files

nova-page-builder.php - This file lets you set what model, resource, views_path and locales is used for the page builder. You can update these as necessary.
nova-menu.php - This file configures the Menu Builder package. This is where you set the locales available for the Page Builder.
nova-tinymce.php - This file is a custom config for the TinyMCE Rich-Text-Editor.
filemanager.php - The config file from the Filemanager plugin.


Pages require templates. Templates have 2 dependencies, a config file with sections available in that template and a Vue file to render the template. The Page Config file and the Page Template parent directory need to be named the same, capitalization and all.
ex: {views_path}/pages/{LayoutName}.php & resources/js/Pages/{LayoutName}/Index.vue

Page Config

The config is made up of Nova fields in an array syntax. This uses the Flexible Content package. You can read more docs here: To see an example, please refer to {views_path}/pages/Default.php

Page Vue Template

This package currently works off Inertia so you will create your page layouts in resources/js/Pages/{LayoutName}/Index.vue. To see an example, please refer to resources/js/pages/Default/Index.vue

Default Page Template Components

Out of the box, this package includes the Hero, One Column Layout and Two Column Layout components. These are in the resources/js/PageBuilder directory. You can modify these at any time.


Menu is coming from The page builder package publishes the config for the menu builder package. You can create custom menu item types and everything else from the docs.

Rendering the Menu

To render the menu in the Vue app, include the <main-nav> component from the resources/js/PageBuilder/partials/MainNav.vue file. This will render a menu with an <jet-nav-link> for each link. This can also be customized.

File Manager

The File Manager is coming from

Enabling GCS

You need the correct .env variables. DevOps can help with this.
To add Google Cloug Storage to the filesystem, add the following to the disks array in filesystems.php config file.

'gcs' => [
    'driver' => 'gcs',
    'key_file_path' => env('GOOGLE_CLOUD_KEY_FILE'), // optional: /path/to/service-account.json
    'key_file' => [], // optional: Array of data that substitutes the .json file (see below)
    'project_id' => env('GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT_ID'), // optional: is included in key file
    'bucket' => env('GOOGLE_CLOUD_STORAGE_BUCKET'),
    'path_prefix' => env('GOOGLE_CLOUD_STORAGE_PATH_PREFIX', ''), // optional: /default/path/to/apply/in/bucket
    'storage_api_uri' => env('GOOGLE_CLOUD_STORAGE_API_URI', null), // see: Public URLs below
    'visibility' => 'public', // optional: public|private
    'metadata' => ['cacheControl'=> 'public,max-age=86400'], // optional: default metadata

You can set the following .env variables to target gcs disk.


You will need to get the env variables and json key from DevOps.

Other packages included:
  1. Nova TinyMCE -
  2. Nova Sidebar Icons -
  3. Flexible Content -
  4. Nova Tabs -

Locales and Translations

You can specify which locales are available in the nova-menu.php file. The page builder config inherits from this file.

Once you specify which locales are available, those options become available in the CMS for both Pages and Menu Items.

To switch locales, pass the locale key (ex: en) as the 2nd route parameter to /locale/{locale}. This route can be found in the routes.php file for this package.

Creating Page Layouts

Config File

To create new page layouts that will be available in the CMS, create a php file in {views_path}/pages/{LayoutName}.php. You can view the Default.php file to see how it works. The basics of it is an array of Nova fields that are named and will be available in the Vue file.

Vue File

This package is set up to use Inertia by default. To add an Inertia page, create a new Directory and Index.vue file in resources/js/Pages. You can see the Default Page as an example. The config file and Vue directory names need to be identical.

Accessing Content

Page data will be passed to the views automatically, thanks to Inertia. To get specific section data, we have a Vue mixin called SectionContent that will return the content for a given section.

// About.vue
    <div v-html="getSection('intro').content"></div>

import SectionContent from '@/PageBuilder/mixins/SectionContent';

export default { 
    props: ['page', 'content'],
    mixins: [SectionContent],

This will get the content for a section with the slug “intro” from the layout’s config file.

Meta Information

To inject the meta information into the layout view, add the <Head /> component to the <template> of the AppLayout.vue file.
Next, import and register the Vue component.

import Head from '../PageBuilder/partials/Head';

// inside the export object, add Head to the components
components: {

Tutorial to Create New Page Layout

We are going to create an “About” page that will just have a hero image and a wysiwyg section for an “introduction”.

Create the layout's config file

Create the file {views_path}/About.php with the following content:


use Emilianotisato\NovaTinyMCE\NovaTinyMCE;
use Laravel\Nova\Fields\Text;
use Clevyr\Filemanager\FilemanagerField;

return [
    // hero section
        'title' => 'Hero', // title in CMS select
        'slug' => 'hero', // slug used to access content in the view
        'fields' => [ // available fields for this section
            Text::make('Heading', 'heading')
            FilemanagerField::make('Background Image', 'image')
    // introduction section
        'title' => 'Introduction',
        'slug' => 'intro',
        'fields' => [
            NovaTinyMCE::make('Content', 'content')

Create the Vue file

Create the file resources/js/Pages/About/Index.vue with the following content:

        <Head :page="page" />
        <Hero :content="getSection('hero')" />
        <div class="w-full" v-html="getSection('intro').content"></div>

    import AppLayout from '@/Layouts/AppLayout'
    import Hero from '@/PageBuilder/sections/Hero';
    import Head from '@/PageBuilder/partials/Head';
    import SectionContent from '@/PageBuilder/mixins/SectionContent';

    export default {
        props: ['content', 'page'],
        mixins: [SectionContent],
        components: {
Components in the above example

In the Vue file, we are importing multiple components.

  1. <app-layout> - Vue layout from Inertia
  2. <Head> - This is component lets you pass meta information to the layout.
  3. <Hero> - This is a shared partial from this package

Create Page Data

  1. In Nova, navigate to Pages and click “Create Page”
  2. Input a page title and select “About” from the template dropdown
  3. Select “Published”
  4. Click “Create Page”
  5. On the View screen, click the pencil to edit the page
  6. On the Edit page, click the “Content” tab
  7. On the “Content” tab, click the “Add Section” button
  8. Add the “Hero” section and input it’s content
  9. Add the “Introduction” section and input it’s content
  10. Click “Update Page”

You can now add the page to the Main Navigation via the Nova Menu Builder.