
CakePHP Form Helper for Parsley.js automatic validation integration

1.0 2014-05-19 19:05 UTC

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Last update: 2024-10-12 16:46:36 UTC


DEPRECATION WARNING: This plugin is not maintained anymore.

CakePHP Form Helper for Parsley.js automatic validation integration

This helper will automatically read validation rules from active form model and assign field attributes accordingly.

Compatible with Cake 2.4.7+

Feel free to make any code/docs contributions or post any issues.

Basic usage

  1. Enable the helper plugin in your app/Config/bootstrap.php by doing CakePlugin::load('ParsleyHelper'); - or just CakePlugin::loadAll();.

  2. Load helper in your app/Controller/AppController.php. You can use the classname option if you want to keep your helper alias as "Form".

    // In AppController.php
    public $helpers = array('ParsleyHelper.ParsleyForm');
    // or
    public $helpers = array('Form' => array('className' => 'ParsleyHelper.ParsleyForm'));
  3. Enable Parsley rules integration in any form by setting parsley => true or data-parsley-validate => true in Form->create() options array.

    echo $this->Form->create('MyModel', array('parsley' => true));
  4. That's all! When you create an input field, parsley attributes will be set according to the defined validation rules.

Trait usage

If you are running PHP 5.4 or greater, and already using a custom or vendor form helper, you can make use of provided ParsleyFormTrait and retain both helper functionalities. You can do so by creating a custom helper in your app/View/Helper folder like this:

// In app/View/Helper

App::uses('ParsleyFormTrait', 'ParsleyHelper.View/Helper');

class MyFormHelper extends VendorFormHelper {
	use ParsleyFormTrait;