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v2.0 2023-09-18 17:52 UTC

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Last update: 2025-02-18 21:03:54 UTC


This pandle is a simple solution to raise a WebSocket Server in a matter of seconds, by default it is supported by Swoole as one of the most powerful frameworks


$ composer require codememory/ws-server-bundle

Register this bundle if symfony flex didn't do it for you

// config/bundles.php


return [
    Codememory\WebSocketServerBundle\WebSocketServerBundle::class => ['all' => true]


  • server:

    • adapter: Service adapter if you decide to implement your own server. Default: "Swoole", Default Service: "WebSocketServerBundle::DEFAULT_SERVER_SERVICE"
    • protocol: Server Protocol. Default: "websocket"
    • host: Server Host. Default: ""
    • port: Server port. Default: "8079"
  • event_listeners: Set of message listeners

    • { event: "TEST", listener: "App\WebSocketEventListeners\TestHandler" }: Example event listener
  • config: Server configuration, depending on the server, the default is Swoole, so look at the swoole documentation. Default: "[]"

Default waiting message

  "event": "MESSAGE_EVENT_NAME",
  "data": {}

An example implementation of an event listener handler

namespace App\WebSocket\EventListeners;

use Codememory\WebSocketServerBundle\Interfaces\MessageEventListenerInterface;
use Codememory\WebSocketServerBundle\Interfaces\MessageInterface;
use Codememory\WebSocketServerBundle\Interfaces\ServerInterface;

final class TestHandler implements MessageEventListenerInterface 
    public function handle(ServerInterface $server, MessageInterface $message) : void
        // Reply to a message with event "RESPONSE_EVENT"
        $server->sendMessage($message->getSenderConnectionID(), 'RESPONSE_EVENT', [
            'message' => 'Hello World'

// Don't forget to register this listeners in the bundle configuration

Registering an event listener

# config/packages/codememory_ws_server.yaml
    - { event: 'TEST', listener: App\WebSocket\EventListeners\TestHandler }


  • codememory.ws_server.connection_open: Connection open

    • class: Codememory\WebSocketServerBundle\Event\ConnectionOpenEvent
  • codememory.ws_server.connection_closed: Connection closed

    • class: Codememory\WebSocketServerBundle\Event\ConnectionClosedEvent
  • codememory.ws_server.message: Received a new message from the connection

    • class: Codememory\WebSocketServerBundle\Event\MessageEvent
  • codememory.ws_server.message_handler_exception: Exception handler during message listener call

    • class: Codememory\WebSocketServerBundle\Event\MessageHandlerExceptionEvent
  • codememory.ws_server.message_sent: A message has been sent to the connection

    • class: Codememory\WebSocketServerBundle\Event\MessageSentEvent
  • codememory.ws_server.start_server: The server starts up. Usually, in this event, the necessary child processes are added

    • class: Codememory\WebSocketServerBundle\Event\StartServerEvent
  • codememory.ws_server.start_worker: Server startup worker starts start

    • class: Codememory\WebSocketServerBundle\Event\StartWorkerEvent

Let's implement the task of sending messages to specific users by their ID in the database

First, let's create a Listener for the Open Connection event and save all connections in redis


use Codememory\WebSocketServerBundle\Event\ConnectionOpenEvent;
use Predis\Client;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Attribute\AsEventListener;

#[AsEventListener(ConnectionOpenEvent::NAME, 'onOpen')]
readonly class SaveConnectionToRedisEventListener
    public function __construct(
        private Client $client
    ) {

    public function onOpen(ConnectionOpenEvent $event): void
        // We save the new connection in the hash table
        $this->client->hset('websocket:connections', $event->connectionID, json_encode([
            'connection_id' => $event->connectionID,
            'websocket_sec_key' => $event->secWebsocketKey

Now let's create an EventListener on the CONNECT message

Please note that in the current primer we will not use JWT, but will immediately pick up the user ID. In your example, instead of passing user_id, you can pass a JWT token, check its validity and get user_id from it


use Codememory\WebSocketServerBundle\Interfaces\MessageEventListenerInterface;
use Codememory\WebSocketServerBundle\Interfaces\MessageInterface;
use Codememory\WebSocketServerBundle\Interfaces\ServerInterface;
use Predis\Client;

readonly class ConnectEventListener implements MessageEventListenerInterface
    public function __construct(
        private Client $client
    ) {

    public function handle(ServerInterface $server, MessageInterface $message): void
        $data = $message->getData();
        if (array_key_exists('user_id', $data) && is_int($data['user_id'])) {
          // Here we bind the user to the ws connection and save it to a new hash table
          $this->client->hset($this->buildKey($data['user_id']), $message->getSenderConnectionID(), json_encode([
              'timestamp' => time()
    private function buildKey(int $userId): string
        return "websocket:user:$userId:connections";

// Don't worry about registering this EventListener in codememory_ws_server.yaml

Now let's create a manager that will save messages to a queue that need to be sent to a specific user


use Predis\Client;

final readonly class WebSocketMessageQueueManager
    public const HASH_TABLE_NAME = 'websocket:queue:messages';

    public function __construct(
        private Client $client
    ) {

    public function sendMessage(int $userId, string $event, array $data): void
        // We get all ws connections by user ID
        $connections = $this->client->hgetall("websocket:user:$userId:connections");

        foreach ($connections as $id => $userConnectionData) {
            // Receiving information about the connection by connection identifier
            $connection = $this->client->hget('websocket:connections', $id);

            if (null !== $connection) {
                $connectionData = json_decode($connection, true);

                // We save the message in a hash table, as the key we indicate the connection ID to which we need to send and its websocket-sec-key (to ensure security)
                    $this->buildMessageField($id, $connectionData['websocket_sec_key']),
                      'event' => $event,
                      'data' => $data
    private function buildMessageField(int $connectionId, string $webSocketSecKey): string
        return "{$connectionId}_{$webSocketSecKey}";

And as a final step, we will add a process that will watch redis and check the existence of messages that need to be sent to the user


use App\Services\WebSocketMessageQueueManager;
use Codememory\WebSocketServerBundle\Event\StartServerEvent;
use Predis\Client;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Attribute\AsEventListener;
use Throwable;

#[AsEventListener(StartServerEvent::NAME, 'onStart')]
final readonly class ProcessForSendingMessagesFromQueueEventListener
    public function __construct(
        private Client $client,
        private LoggerInterface $logger
    ) {

    public function onStart(StartServerEvent $event): void
        try {
            $event->server->addProcess(function () use ($event) {
                // Receive all messages from the queue
                $messages = $this->client->hgetall(WebSocketMessageQueueManager::HASH_TABLE_NAME);
                foreach ($messages as $for => $message) {
                    [$connectionID, $webSocketSecKey] = explode('_', $for);
                    // We check that the message that was added to the queue belongs to the same connection that is connected
                    if ($this->connectionCheck($connectionID, $webSocketSecKey)) {
                        $message = json_decode($message, true);

                        $event->server->sendMessage($connectionID, $message['event'], $message['data']);
                        // We remove the message from the queue so that it is not sent again
                        $this->client->hdel(WebSocketMessageQueueManager::HASH_TABLE_NAME, [$for]);
        } catch (Throwable $e) {
            $this->logger->critical($e, [
                'origin' => self::class,
                'detail' => 'An error occurred while adding a process to send messages from a queue.'

    private function connectionCheck(int $connectionID, string $webSocketSecKey): bool
        $connection = $this->client->hget('websocket:connections', $connectionID);

        if (null !== $connection) {
            $connectionData = json_decode($connection, true);

            if ($connectionData['websocket_sec_key'] === $webSocketSecKey) {
                return true;

        return false;

That's all, this example is not ideal and requires changes and depends on your needs

Now if we want to send a message to a user with ID 500, we just need to use our manager anywhere in the code and the sendMessage method