coder-studio / bootstrap
2018-06-09 02:46 UTC
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-09 11:32:29 UTC
The package allows to use form controls of the Twitter Bootstrap 4 in the Laravel 5.x Blade template.
Install with composer the Composer.
$ composer require coder-studion/bootstrap
Add to config file in providers and aliases:
'providers' => [ ... CoderStudio\Bootstrap\Providers\BootstrapServiceProvider::class, ] 'aliases' => [ ... 'Bootstrap' => CoderStudio\Bootstrap\Facades\Bootstrap::class, ],
Bootstrap::button($name, $value = null); Bootstrap::checkbox($name, $value = null); Bootstrap::hidden($name, $value = null); Bootstrap::password($name, $value = null); Bootstrap::reset($name, $value = null); Bootstrap::submit($name, $value = null); Bootstrap::text($name, $value = null); Bootstrap::color($name, $value = null); Bootstrap::date($name, $value = null); Bootstrap::datetime($name, $value = null); Bootstrap::datetime_local($name, $value = null); Bootstrap::email($name, $value = null); Bootstrap::number($name, $value = null); Bootstrap::range($name, $value = null); Bootstrap::search($name, $value = null); Bootstrap::tel($name, $value = null); Bootstrap::time($name, $value = null); Bootstrap::url($name, $value = null); Bootstrap::month($name, $value = null); Bootstrap::week($name, $value = null); Bootstrap::textarea($name, $value = null); Bootstrap::select($name, $value = null);
label(string $label) help(string $help) addonLeft(string $addon_left) addonRight(string $addon_right) valid() invalid() sm() lg() floatingLabel() params(array $params) options(array $options) id(string $id) cssClass(string $class) placeholder(string $placeholder) rows(string $rows) get()
Usage in Blade template:
<form method="POST" action="asset('submit')"> {!! Bootstrap::text('inputName')->label('label name')->placeholder('label name')->floatingLabel()->id("idName")->params()->get() !!} </form>