
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the laravel-notification-channels/telegram package instead.

Laravel Telegram channel for Notifications

v1.1.5 2025-02-19 07:44 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-05 07:51:24 UTC


This package provides a way to send notifications via Telegram.

Installation and setup

Package uses irazasyed/telegram-bot-sdk. So above all follow Telegram Bot SDK instructions and set up your first Telegram Bot. Most likely you need to run:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="telegram-config"

In config/telegram.php configuration file add bot name parameter and register DeeplinkCommand. You may not define webhook_url as it will be reconfigured on a fly.

'bots' => [
    'my_bot' => [
        'name'             => env('TELEGRAM_BOT_NAME'),
        'token'            => env('TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN'),
        'certificate_path' => env('TELEGRAM_CERTIFICATE_PATH'),
        //'webhook_url'      => env('TELEGRAM_WEBHOOK_URL'),
        'commands'         => [

Next, implement \Codewiser\Telegram\Contracts\TelegramNotifiable to a User model. You might need to write a migration...

use \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use \Codewiser\Telegram\Contracts\TelegramNotifiable;

class User extends Model implements TelegramNotifiable
    public function routeNotificationForTelegram($notification = null): mixed
        return $this->telegram;

    public function setRouteForTelegram($route): void
        $this->telegram = $route;

Now, create service to implement \Codewiser\Telegram\Contracts\TelegramNotifiableProvider. This is an example of implementation, your may implement it however you like.

use \Codewiser\Telegram\Contracts\TelegramNotifiableProvider;

class TelegramUserProvider implements TelegramNotifiableProvider
     * Issue and remember new token for a given notifiable.
    public function generateToken(TelegramNotifiable $notifiable): string
        $token = Str::random(40);


        return $token;
     * Find notifiable associated with a given token.
    public function resolveToken(string $token): ?TelegramNotifiable
        $key = cache()->pull($token);

        if ($key) {
            return User::query()->find($key);

        return null;

At last, register this service in AppServiceProvider of your application

public function register()
    $this->app->singleton(TelegramNotifiableProvider::class, fn() => new TelegramUserProvider);

We are ready to go.

Getting updates

Register webhook

If you are properly configure bot in config/telegram.php this is enough to use telegram:webhook command provided by Telegram Bot SDK package. We recommend to read help:

php artisan help telegram:webhook

This package provides webhook controller to deal with incoming messages.

For example DeeplinkCommand, that was mentioned above, used to handle /start command with deeplink token.

You are free to add any other command handlers to config/telegram.php.

Read more about Bot Commands.

Long polling

This package brings telegram:poll command to get updates without registering webhook. Just call a command.


Subscribe user

First, we need to issue a deeplink for a user.

use \Illuminate\Http\Request;
use \Codewiser\Telegram\TelegramService;

class DeeplinkController extends Controller
    public function __invoke(Request $request, TelegramService $service) {
        return $service->getDeeplink($request->user());

User follows deeplink, opens telegram client and presses Start button.

Codewiser\Telegram\Commands\DeeplinkCommand handles incoming update, resolves deeplink token and update User with chat_id.

For now, this user has telegram route and may be notified via Telegram.

Notify user

To notify user via Telegram, add toTelegram method to a notification. Do not forget to add telegram to via method.

class Notification extends \Illuminate\Notifications\Notification
     * Get the notification's delivery channels.
    public function via(object $notifiable): array
        return ['mail', 'telegram'];
     * Get the telegram representation of the notification.
    public function toTelegram(object $notifiable)

Telegram notification message may be as string, as array.

Array keys fits Telegram sendMessage method.

String interprets as html and will be sent with ['parse_mode' => 'HTML'].

Failed notifications

When notification is failed to deliver to a user, \Illuminate\Notifications\Events\NotificationFailed event is propagated.

Some fails are catchable. For example, if user locks a bot, we will get a 403 response status. In that case we should unsubscribe user from future notifications. 400 means that chat was not found.

If you wish to automatically unsubscribe such users, register an event listener within the boot method of your application's AppServiceProvider:

use \Codewiser\Telegram\Listeners\UnsubscribeTelegramNotifiable;
use \Illuminate\Notifications\Events\NotificationFailed;

public function boot(): void