
Easily enable support for custom scalars and directives with

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v2.3.0 2025-01-30 18:51 UTC


Unlock new graphql-php superpowers with Jetpack scalar and directive support

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  • Improve your GraphQL schema validation with custom scalars
  • Post-process resolved field values with directives


$ composer require compwright/graphql-php-jetpack


Install Jetpack schema support at schema build time:

use Compwright\GraphqlPhpJetpack\JetpackDecorator;
use GraphQL\Utils\BuildSchema;

$schemaTypeDecorator = new JetpackDecorator();
$schema = BuildSchema::build($ast, $schemaTypeDecorator);

Install Jetpack directive support at server config build time:

use Compwright\GraphqlPhpJetpack\DirectiveResolver;
use GraphQL\Server\ServerConfig;
use GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo;

$resolver = function ($root, array $args, $context, ResolveInfo $info) {
    // resolve field value
    return $root;

$serverConfig = ServerConfig::create()
    ->setFieldResolver(new DirectiveResolver($resolver));

Declare the directives and scalars you wish to use in your schema, and call them where desired:

directive @uppercase on FIELD_DEFINITION

scalar Email

type User {
    email: Email! @uppercase

type Query {
    user: User!

Jetpack Scalars

You can use the provided Scalars just like any other type in your schema definition.

scalar BigInt

An arbitrarily long sequence of digits that represents a big integer.

scalar Date

A date string with format Y-m-d, e.g. 2011-05-23.

The following conversion applies to all date scalars:

  • Outgoing values can either be valid date strings or \DateTimeInterface instances.
  • Incoming values must always be valid date strings and will be converted to \DateTimeImmutable instances.

scalar DateTime

A datetime string with format Y-m-d H:i:s, e.g. 2018-05-23 13:43:32.

scalar DateTimeTz

A datetime string with format Y-m-d\TH:i:s.uP, e.g. 2020-04-20T16:20:04+04:00, 2020-04-20T16:20:04Z.

scalar Email

A RFC 5321 compliant email.

scalar JSON

Arbitrary data encoded in JavaScript Object Notation. See

This expects a string in JSON format, not a GraphQL literal.

type Query {
  foo(bar: JSON!): JSON!

# Wrong, the given value is a GraphQL literal object
  foo(bar: { baz: 2 })

# Correct, the given value is a JSON string representing an object
  foo(bar: "{ \"bar\": 2 }")

JSON responses will contain nested JSON strings.

  "data": {
    "foo": "{ \"bar\": 2 }"

scalar Latitude

Any number between -90 and 90 degrees.

scalar Longitude

Any number between -180 and 180 degrees.

scalar Mixed

Loose type that allows any value. Be careful when passing in large Int or Float literals, as they may not be parsed correctly on the server side. Use String literals if you are dealing with really large numbers to be on the safe side.

scalar Null

Always null. Strictly validates value is non-null, no coercion.

scalar UsState

Any valid two-character US State abbreviation.

scalar UsZipCode

Five digits, optionally followed by a dash and four additional digits.

Jetpack Directives

directive @callback(fn: String!) on FIELD_DEFINITION

Execute a function on the resolved value

directive @lowercase on FIELD_DEFINITION

Transform resolved text lowercase

directive @uppercase on FIELD_DEFINITION

Transform resolved text uppercase


MIT License