
Monitor requests through a PSR-18 client over a rolling window

dev-master 2019-12-31 03:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 05:29:37 UTC


Written initially for a Xero client, this package is a PSR-18 decorator that monitors and counts API requests, and provides the data needed to implement throttling.

This package does not perform the throttling itself, but provides details of how close to a rate limit the requests are, so action can be taken. Action may include sleeping a process. It may involve redispatching a process at a later time.

Being a PSR-18 decorator, multiple rules can be layered, so it is possible for example to monitor both minute-based rate limits and hour-based rate limits at the same time.

A PSR-6 cache pool is used to cache any time series used to record the requests. The cache key is provided by the application. At the moment a client decorator instance handles just one immutable cache key. A future release may allow the key to be set dynamically by metadata in the PSR-7 request, and that can be provided by the application from any source.

Written for the Xero API, rate limits are set for each organisation an API makes requests against. So in this case it makes sense to use the organisation ID as the cache key. Any further profixes needed to separate these cache keys from other cach items is the responsibility of the application.

Rolling Window Monitor Strategy

Only the rolling window rate limit strategy is implemented for now, but other strategies can be plugged in and pull requests are welcome.

This strategy keeps track of requests at each second within a rolling time window. Xero allows 60 requests to be sent in any 60 second rolling window. If 60 requests have been made in the last 60 seconds, then another request will result in a rate limit rejection.

Let's jump into some code to see how we can protect the application from this.

First we need a cache to keep track of requests, and we use a PSR-6 cache. If using Laravel, the madewithlove/illuminate-psr-cache-bridge package bridges the Laravel cache to a PSR-6 interface nicely.

So we get the cache pool:

$cachePool = new MyFavouriteCachePool();

// or inject it into your class if using laravel:

public function __construct(CacheItemPoolInterface $cachePool) {

Now we need the PSR-18 client. The client can be instantiated however you like. I use this Xero API client to handle authentication against Xero, but it makes no difference which PSR-18 client you use.

We will set up the client as $httpClient.

Now we use the decorator:

use Consilience\Api\RateMonitor\HttpClient;
use Consilience\Api\RateMonitor\MonitorStrategy\RollingWindow;

$httpClient = {{ your base PSR-18 HTTP client }}

// $xeroOrganisationId is the Xero organisation we are connecting to.
// 60 = size of rolling window, in seconds.
// 60 = number of requests that can be made in that window.
// A bit of a safety margin could see the number of requests
// set to a lower figure, 55 for example.

$httpClient = new HttpClient(
   new RollingWindow(60, 60)

The decorated $httpClient can be used as before, but has some additional methods above the Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface interface:

  • getAllocationUsed() - returns how many requests have been sent in the current rolling window.
  • getWaitSeconds() - tells us how many seconds we much wait before sending more requests.

For getWaitSeconds() you can specify how many request you would like to burst, i.e. send rapidly, and it will return the wait time needed to burst that number of requests.

So one strategy for using this may be sleeping before sending the next request:

use Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;

function sendRequest(
    ClientInterface $httpClient,
    RequestInterface $request
): ResponseInterface
    if ($waitSeconds = $httpClient->getWaitSeconds()) {

    return $httpClient->send($request);

That is a naive approach, and assumes a process can simply sleep for an extended time without database and other connections dropping, but serves as a simple example.

Another strategy could be to spread the requests more evenly, with a minimum time between each, and keep adjusting the sleep delay to hover around a half allocated rolling window. That would keep the sleeps to a minimum length, but allow quick short bursts for processes that only need a few dozen requests at most.

How the rolling window logging works

In short, each key points to an array in cache. The array contains a count of requests made for each second that in which requests were made. So indexed by a timestamp, we can see when all the requests in the last rolling window were made.

At any time, the counts of requests for the last rolling window period can be summed to get the number of requests made in the current rolling window. That tells us how may requests can be made now before the API rate limiting kicks in.

Given that, if we want to make say ten requests right now, we can check if there are enough free slots on the current rolling window to do so. If there are, then we are fine and can just go ahead and make those requests.

Now, if there are not enough slots left - the rolling windwo may allow 60 requests per minute, and in the last minute we have made 55 reqests, so we need to find out when five slots will be freed up before we can burst those ten requets to the API.

We do that by counting the reqeusts from the start of the current rolling window, in this case 60 seconds ago. When we count the number of slots we need to free up, we can see what time that represents. Supposing those oldest five slots were taken up 30 seconds ago, then it means those slots will not be fully release until 60 seconds later, which will be 30 seconds into the future. So, the process needs to wait 30 seconds before it can send those ten requests in a burst.

If the process only wanted to send one request, then it is likely it would need to wait a much shorter time. However, that really does depend on the past pattern of requests, i.e. how they were spread out or bunched together.


  • Tests.
  • Support dynamic key detection. A single client with no key set can then support requests against many different keys on a request-by-request basis. Otherwise we are creating a new decorator class for each key. That may also be fine, depending on how the application organises its requests.
  • Support throttling strategy plugins. Allow this package to do the throttling as defined by rules in a class.
  • Handle locking of cache items when they are being updated.