
Integration of Consistence library with Doctrine ORM

2.1.4 2023-06-15 17:06 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-15 19:57:53 UTC


This package is a fork of consistence/consistence-doctrine maintained by community to support new PHP versions.

This library provides integration of Consistence value objects for Doctrine ORM so that you can use them in your entities.

For now, the only integration which is needed is for Enums, see the examples below.


Enums represent predefined set of values and of course, you will want to store these values in your database as well. Since Enums are objects and you only want to store the represented value, there has to be some mapping.

You can see it in this example where you want to store sex for your Users:


namespace Consistence\Doctrine\Example\User;

class Sex extends \Consistence\Enum\Enum

	public const FEMALE = 'female';
	public const MALE = 'male';


Now you can use the Sex enum in your User entity. There are two important things to notice:

  1. type="string_enum" in ORM\Column - this will be used for mapping the value to your database, that means if you have a string based enum (see values in Sex), use string_enum

You can specify any other parameters for ORM\Column as you would usually (nullability, length...).

There is also integer_enum, float_enum and boolean_enum which can be used respectively for their types.

  1. @Enum(class=Sex::class) - this will be used for reconstructing the Sex enum object when loading the value back from database

The class annotation parameter uses the same namespace resolution process as other Doctrine annotations, so it is practically the same as when you specify a targetEntity in associations mapping.


namespace Consistence\Doctrine\Example\User;

use Consistence\Doctrine\Enum\EnumAnnotation as Enum;

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;

 * @ORM\Entity()
class User extends \Consistence\ObjectPrototype

	// ...

	 * @Enum(class=Sex::class)
	 * @ORM\Column(type="string_enum", nullable=true)
	 * @var \Consistence\Doctrine\Example\User\Sex|null
	private $sex;

	// ...

	public function __construct(
		// ...
		Sex $sex = null
		// ...
		// ...
		$this->sex = $sex;
		// ...

	// ...


Now everything is ready to be used, when you call flush, only female will be saved:


namespace Consistence\Doctrine\Example\User;

$user = new User(
	// ...
	// ...
/** @var \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager $entityManager */

// when persisting User::$sex to database, `female` will be saved

And when you retrieve the entity back from database, you will receive the Sex enum object again:


namespace Consistence\Doctrine\Example\User;

/** @var \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager $entityManager */
$user = $entityManager->find(User::class, 1);


class Consistence\Doctrine\Example\User\Sex#5740 (1) {
  private $value =>
  string(6) "female"


This means that the objects API is symmetrical (you get the same type as you set) and you can start benefiting from Enums advantages such as being sure, that what you get is already a valid value and having the possibility to define methods on top of the represented values.


If you are using Symfony, you can use consistence-community/consistence-doctrine-symfony, which will take care of the integration.

  1. Install package consistence-community/consistence-doctrine with Composer:
composer require consistence-community/consistence-doctrine
  1. Register Doctrine DBAL types and annotations:

use Consistence\Doctrine\Enum\Type\BooleanEnumType;
use Consistence\Doctrine\Enum\Type\FloatEnumType;
use Consistence\Doctrine\Enum\Type\IntegerEnumType;
use Consistence\Doctrine\Enum\Type\StringEnumType;

use Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationRegistry;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type as DoctrineType;

// path to your Composer autoload file
$loader = require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

// register loading of custom annotations
// if you are already using Doctrine annotations you probably won't need this
AnnotationRegistry::registerLoader([$loader, 'loadClass']);

// register Doctrine DBAL types
DoctrineType::addType(BooleanEnumType::NAME, BooleanEnumType::class); // boolean_enum
DoctrineType::addType(FloatEnumType::NAME, FloatEnumType::class); // float_enum
DoctrineType::addType(IntegerEnumType::NAME, IntegerEnumType::class); // integer_enum
DoctrineType::addType(StringEnumType::NAME, StringEnumType::class); // string_enum

This step contains static call which have global effect, so I recommend putting them inside a bootstrap file (usually where you register the Composer autoloader now), which is run or included when the application starts.

If you are already using Doctrine annotations, the AnnotationRegistry::registerLoader() might already be called somewhere in your application, so check that before adding it.

  1. Register postLoad listener:

You need to register EnumPostLoadEntityListener, which needs \Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Reader. If you are using annotations Doctrine mapping, then you can use the same reader this way:


use Consistence\Doctrine\Enum\EnumPostLoadEntityListener;
use Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache;
use Doctrine\ORM\Events;

/** @var \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager $entityManager */
/** @var \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\AnnotationDriver $annotationDriver */
$annotationDriver = $entityManager->getConfiguration()->getMetadataDriverImpl();
$annotationReader = $annotationDriver->getReader();

// make sure to use the most appropriate cache for given environment to get the best performance
$cache = new ArrayCache();

	new EnumPostLoadEntityListener($annotationReader, $cache)

If not, just create a new instance and pass it to the constructor.

That's all, you are good to go!