
Integrates Spatie Laravel-media-library with Modelarium and GraphQL

v0.5.0 2021-01-26 20:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-05 21:11:38 UTC


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This package integrates Spatie's Laravel Media Library to Modelarium, allowing GraphQL queries with LighthousePHP to easily access media on models.


On your Laravel app run:

composer require corollarium/modelarium-medialibrary

Quick overview

This a Graphql file for a model with two different media collections, "image" and "map". Both have extra fields, "url" and "description". "Map" also has a conversion "thumb" with 150x150 (max, maintaining aspect ratio) thumbnails.

type Post
  @migrationTimestamps {
  id: ID!

  name: String!
        label: "Name"
        size: "large"
        itemtype: "name"
        card: true
        title: true

  description: Text!
      @renderable(label: "Description", itemtype: "description")

  imageUrl: Url @migrationSkip

  image: LaravelMediaLibraryData
            collection: "image"
            fields: ["url", "description"]

  map: LaravelMediaLibraryData
            collection: "map"
            fields: ["url", "description"]
            conversions: [
                { name: "thumb", width: 150, height: 150 }

This will automatically generate roughly the following code on your model class:

 * This file was automatically generated by Modelarium on 2020-12-13T18:28:11+00:00
namespace App\Models;

abstract class BasePost extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model implements \Spatie\MediaLibrary\HasMedia
    use \Spatie\MediaLibrary\InteractsWithMedia;

    // ...lots of base stuff...

     * Configures Laravel media-library
    public function registerMediaCollections(): void


     * Returns a collection media from Laravel-MediaLibrary
    public function getMediaImageCollection(): \Spatie\MediaLibrary\MediaCollections\Models\Collections\MediaCollection
        return $this->getMedia('image');

     * Returns custom fields for the media
    public function getMediaImageCustomFields(): array
        return ['url', 'description'];

     * Returns the media attribute (url) for the image
    public function getImageUrlAttribute(): string
        $image = $this->getMediaImageCollection()->first();
        if ($image) {
            return $image->getUrl();
        return '';

     * Returns media attribute for the image media with custom fields
    public function getImageAttribute(): array
        $image = $this->getMediaImageCollection()->first();
        if ($image) {
        $customFields = [];
        foreach ($this->getMediaImageCustomFields() as $c) {
            $customFields[$c] = $image->getCustomProperty($c);
        return [
            'url' => $image->getUrl(),
            'fields' => json_encode($customFields)
        return [];

     * Configures Laravel media-library conversions
    public function registerMediaConversions(?\Spatie\MediaLibrary\MediaCollections\Models\Media $media = null): void

     * Returns a collection media from Laravel-MediaLibrary
    public function getMediaMapCollection(): \Spatie\MediaLibrary\MediaCollections\Models\Collections\MediaCollection
        return $this->getMedia('map');

     * Returns custom fields for the media
    public function getMediaMapCustomFields(): array
        return ['url', 'description'];

     * Returns the media attribute (url) for the map
    public function getMapUrlAttribute(): string
        $image = $this->getMediaMapCollection()->first();
        if ($image) {
            return $image->getUrl();
        return '';

     * Returns media attribute for the map media with custom fields
    public function getMapAttribute(): array
        $image = $this->getMediaMapCollection()->first();
        if ($image) {
        $customFields = [];
        foreach ($this->getMediaMapCustomFields() as $c) {
            $customFields[$c] = $image->getCustomProperty($c);
        return [
            'url' => $image->getUrl(),
            'fields' => json_encode($customFields)
        return [];

    // ...more stuff here...


The @laravelMediaLibraryData directive supports the following arguments:



I need some custom conversion on my collection.

If the basic arguments on the directive are not enough, just override the method on your model class:

class Post extends BasePost 
    public function registerMediaConversions(?\Spatie\MediaLibrary\MediaCollections\Models\Media $media = null): void
        // do your stuff here

How do I get only the image url for a single image in my type?

Define a xxxUrl on your type, where xxx is your collection name. which is filled automatically by the attribute method on the model. Don't forget to add @migrationSkip so it won't be created in the migration. Example:

type Post { 
    # ...

    # this field is filled automatically by the model
    imageUrl: Url @migrationSkip

    image: LaravelMediaLibraryData
            collection: "image"
            singleFile: true
            fields: ["url", "description"]

your query will look like this:

query($id: ID!) {
    post(id: $id) {

        # ... other fields

        imageUrl # this will return the image url

How do I get the full image data in a query?

Just define the LaravelMediaLibraryData field in your type. Example:

type Post { 
    image: [LaravelMediaLibraryData!]
            collection: "image"
            fields: ["url", "description"]

On your query, fetch the field

query($id: ID!) {
    post(id: $id) {

        # ... other fields

        image {
            url # the url, a String
            fields # a JSON-encoded string with your custom fields if they exist

You can easily access only the first one too:

type Post { 
    image: [LaravelMediaLibraryData!]
            collection: "image"
            fields: ["url", "description"]
    # add this to get the first one:
    imageFirst: LaravelMediaLibraryData @migrationSkip

In your query:

query($id: ID!) {
    post(id: $id) {

        # ... other fields

        imageFirst {
            url # the url, a String
            fields # a JSON-encoded string with your custom fields if they exist

I want a single image in the collection, never more than one. How do I do that?

Declare a singleFile collection. Notice that the return type here is a single LaravelMediaLibraryData, not an array:

type Post { 
    image: LaravelMediaLibraryData
            collection: "image"
            singleFile: true
            fields: ["url", "description"]

    # the [collection]First attribute is also available, so you can mix it with non-singleFile collections:
    imageFirst: LaravelMediaLibraryData @migrationSkip


Then access it normally:

query($id: ID!) {
    post(id: $id) {

        # ... other fields

        image {
            url # the url, a String
            fields # a JSON-encoded string with your custom fields if they exist

How do I add thumbnails?

Add a conversions field. Two accessor methods will be created on your model for each collection: [CollectionName][ConversionName]HTML (which generates the full HTML tag) and [CollectionName][ConversionName]Url (just the URL). Add them to your GraphQL type (and remember to @migrationSkip them) to access them. Example:

type Post { 
    image: LaravelMediaLibraryData
        @eagerLoad(name: "media")
            collection: "image"
            conversions: [{ name: "thumb", width: 128, height: 128 }]

    imageThumbHTML: String @migrationSkip @renderable(show: true)

    imageThumbUrl: Url @migrationSkip @renderable(show: true)


Easy to fetch:

query($id: ID!) {
    post(id: $id) {

        # ... other fields


How do I get the responsive image data in a query?

Add a conversions field with responsive: true.

type Post { 
    image: LaravelMediaLibraryData
        @eagerLoad(name: "media")
            collection: "image"
            conversions: [{ name: "thumb",  responsive: true}]

TODO: explain how to get data

How do I eager load?

Add an @eagerLoad directive to eager load the table and avoid a N+1 problem.

type Post { 
    image: LaravelMediaLibraryData
        @eagerLoad(name: "media")
            collection: "image"
            fields: ["url", "description"]



We want to thanks to Spatie for its wonderful Spatie's Laravel Media Library.

Contributing contributions welcome

Any contributions are welcome. Please send a PR.