Simple Yet Powerful PSR-11 Complaint Di Container

v2.4.0 2023-09-19 20:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-24 13:32:09 UTC


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A Simple PSR-11 Complaint Di Container


  • php: >=7.4
  • psr/container: ~1.0 || ~2.0


Install the latest version with:

composer require 'corpus/di'


Getting started with Di the three most important methods follow.

  • The set method is used to set either the item to return or a lambda to lazily construct it, optionally taking constructor arguments.
  • The get method is used to retrieve values with memoization after the initial lazy loading.
  • The getNew is used to invoke the lazy loading creation lambda every call, optionally taking an array of constructor arguments as a second parameter.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$di = new \Corpus\Di\Di;

// Eager Loading
$di->set('foo', new Foo);

$di->get('foo'); // the Foo instance from above

// --- --- --- --- --- ---

// Lazy Loading
$di->set('bar', function () {
	return new Bar;

// Value is memoized, new Bar() is only called once at first `get`.
$bar1 = $di->get('bar');
$bar2 = $di->get('bar');

// --- --- --- --- --- ---

// Constructor Parameters
$di->set('baz', function ( $qux ) {
	return new Baz($qux);

// Calling getNew explicitly avoids the memoization. Constructor params passed as array.
$baz  = $di->getNew('baz', [ 'corge' ]);
$baz2 = $di->getNew('baz', [ 'grault' ]);

// --- --- --- --- --- ---

// Auto-Constructor Parametrization
$di->set('qux', Qux::class);

$qux1 = $di->get('qux'); // New instance of Qux
$qux2 = $di->get('qux'); // Memoized instance of Qux

// --- --- --- --- --- ---

// Lazy Loading with auto-arguments.
$di->set('quux', function ( Qux $qux ) {
	return new Quux($qux);

$quux = $di->get('quux'); // Instance of Quux given the previous instance of Qux automatically

// --- --- --- --- --- ---

// getMany lets you retrieve multiple memoized values at once.
[$foo, $bar] = $di->getMany([ 'foo', 'bar' ]);

// getManyNew lets you retrieve multiple new values at once, providing for arguments.
[$baz, $baz2] = $di->getManyNew([ [ 'baz', [ 'corge' ] ], [ 'baz', [ 'grault' ] ] ]);

$di->callFromReflectiveParams(function (Bar $bar, Baz $baz){
	// Callable called with parameters automatically populated based on their name
	// $bar => 'bar'

// Construct a class auto-populating constructor parameters based on their name
$controller1 = $di->constructFromReflectiveParams(MyController::class);
$controller2 = $di->constructFromReflectiveParams('MyController');


Class: \Corpus\Di\Di

Method: Di->getMany

function getMany(array $ids) : array

Retrieve multiple item; cached if existing. For use with list()

  • string[] $ids - The names/keys of the items
  • array

Method: Di->get

function get($id)

Finds an entry of the container by its identifier and returns it.

  • string $id - Identifier of the entry to look for.

Throws: \Psr\Container\NotFoundExceptionInterface - No entry was found for this identifier.

Throws: \Psr\Container\ContainerExceptionInterface - Error while retrieving the entry.

  • mixed - Entry.

Method: Di->getManyNew

function getManyNew(array $data) : array

Retrieve multiple item. For use with list()

  • array[] $data - The array of (names/keys / argument) pair tuple of the items

Throws: \InvalidArgumentException

  • array

Method: Di->getNew

function getNew(string $id [, array $args = []])

Retrieve an item

  • string $id - The name/key of the item
  • array $args

Throws: \Corpus\Di\Exceptions\UndefinedIdentifierException

Method: Di->duplicate

function duplicate(string $src, string $dest)

Clone a given value into a second key

  • string $src - The source
  • string $dest - The destination

Method: Di->set

function set(string $id, $value)

Store a value via key to retrieve later

  • string $id - The name/key of the item
  • mixed $value - The value to store

Method: Di->has

function has($id) : bool

Returns true if the container can return an entry for the given identifier.

Returns false otherwise.

has($id) returning true does not mean that get($id) will not throw an exception.
It does however mean that get($id) will not throw a NotFoundExceptionInterface.

  • string $id - Identifier of the entry to look for.
  • bool

Method: Di->raw

function raw(string $id)
  • string $id - The name/key to be retrieved

Throws: \Corpus\Di\Exceptions\UndefinedIdentifierException

Method: Di->constructFromReflectiveParams

function constructFromReflectiveParams(string $className [, array $initials = []]) : object

Use reflection to execute a classes constructor with auto-populated parameters

  • string $className - The class to construct
  • array $initials - An ordered list of arguments to populate initial arguments on constructor

Method: Di->callFromReflectiveParams

function callFromReflectiveParams(callable $callable [, array $initials = []])

Use reflection to execute a callable with auto-populated parameters

  • array $initials - An ordered list of arguments to populate initial arguments on callable
  • mixed - the return value of the callable.

Class: \Corpus\Di\Exceptions\UndefinedIdentifierException

Thrown when attempting to retrieve a key that does not exist.